LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 48 Teaching and Educating Yu Wenbo

Chapter 48 Teaching and Educating Yu Wenbo
Brother Kanpian squatted in the middle of the road for so long, but Jingdong didn't get anything, but was beaten back by Taobao.

Just paying half of the blood line of the female tank, he successfully helped Ah Shui get the first blood. If Zeli can develop in this round, there is a huge room for her to play. With the protection of the female tank, it is still difficult for Jingdong to limit Zeli.

And these things obtained, all of these are based on discovering Xin Zhao's position in advance, so that Xiaotian can do it without pressure.

So the inserted eye is worth a thousand dollars, and Lin Fan's superb acting skills wasted a lot of time watching the movie.

"This wave hurts a lot, and the bot lane duo was repulsed, so we dare not go in to fight against Xiaotian's F6."

"Brother Sutu is really good at playing." Guan Zeyuan looked surprised.

"His position seemed a little frightened by the enchantress's second level. As soon as the toothpaste retreated, he took a few steps forward, but he was in a relatively safe position. Kanavi wanted to wait for Victor to take two steps forward. But just don't go."

"Besides, Xin Zhao has no way to rush to the upper half of the field to fight against the jungle. He can only choose to go back to his own bottom half of the jungle. Then there is no pressure for Gnar who is on the road like this. Comfortable."

The pawn line has been pressed under the defensive tower in the top lane, so the wave of pawn lines in the 4-minute top lane will be stuck in the middle line, and it is difficult for Xin Zhao to go to the top lane to find opportunities.

So before 6 minutes, it was difficult for Kanavi to do things online, the only thing he could do was to clear the wild in the wild.

But Xin Zhao and the horses fight each other, I believe there is no need to say which side has the advantage.

Looking at the situation on the field, Luo Sheng nodded very satisfied.

After selecting a developmental lineup, the rhythm of the early stage should be like this. I suppressed the opponent's idea of ​​speeding up and dragged it to the middle and late stages. Now it can almost be said that half of the victory has been achieved.

The color of the toothpaste is a bit ugly.

The first-level battle suffered a big loss. Although it is said that the corruption potion went out, there are only two bottles left, and in the strong second-level, because they want to seduce Victor, they don’t put pressure on him, so that the blood volume is low. Change to.

In addition, what the enchantress brings is teleportation. In this case, it is very difficult to kill the opponent solo.

But the toothpaste is still very strong.

Attack several waves in a row.

It's just a pity that Lin Fan didn't give him W the distance to step on his body.

You have to hand in a skill for nothing, and the E skill was twisted away when you raised your hand.

So the toothpaste made a sound in the middle lane, but couldn't get anything, and instead lost blood.

The main point is that Lin Fan ordered Alley, and he learned two levels of Q, so the exchange of blood in the early stage is really worthwhile.

Also, maybe it’s because I wasted a lot of time squatting in the middle of the two levels, and I have a grudge against Lin Fan, or maybe it’s because Victor has no movement and is easy to catch.

He often came to the middle to arrest people, but he returned without success every time.

A lot of time was wasted, but Xiao Tian buried himself in the field during the period when the sprint was not good, and Xin Zhao's level was already behind the horses.

Jingdong has fallen into a small disadvantage unknowingly.

In 6 minutes, the economic gap came to a small one thousand.

Toothpaste is a bit aggrieved... His enchantress actually has nothing to do with Victor, this is not the matchup he imagined.

Victor, who is reasonable and has no displacement, didn't Xin Zhao die once every time he came?

Or he was chained by his own chain, digesting a large amount of blood.

There will be opportunities for solo kills in the future, but this is not the case at all, and Victor even has more hits than himself.

As Enchantress and Victor, this is already at a disadvantage.

Everyone said that he was lucky in the last game, but he will not be in this state in the next game after that day.

But now the real feeling given to him in the lane is... not giving him a chance!

The state is directly full!Except for the face-jumping E skill that was hit once, none of the follow-up ones were hit, and the exchange of blood did not win, because it is too incomprehensible to have a shield on the opposite side and Aery in the minion, so the toothpaste can be used directly. Twelve spirits,

Because there will be a time in the future, Taobo Nakano will be very strong.

That is, the man has reached six, and when he reaches six, he will have a very strong combat effectiveness when he cooperates with Victor.

So he can only choose a defensive stance, mainly because the W skill of the enchantress is too mana-consuming, and the speed of clearing the pawn line with Victor is still not comparable.

Lin Fan was such an oily person, when he saw the other side retreating, he immediately took control of the line.

Coupled with arranging Xiaotian to deploy and control the vision around, the tactical arrangement can often be one step ahead of the opponent.

Pushing the line of soldiers, they disappeared in the middle.

Even if Victor's gank ability is almost zero, Toothpaste dare not let him disappear like this, so he can only keep signaling in the middle.

Going on the road was originally bullied by Gnar, plus the number of troops had already reached six, so Sanliujiu couldn't even stay under the defensive tower, and kept losing troops.

Of course, the bottom road is not much better, but the watch brother is mainly in the lower half, and he still dares to eat under the tower.

Even if there is only one lead now, the advantage is getting bigger and bigger.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Taobo's linkage is getting better and better after changing to a mid laner.

Although the toothpaste signaled every time after Victor disappeared, it couldn't bear the number of times.

Especially this time when Viktor didn't appear in the middle for a full five seconds.

Immediately noticed something was wrong.


"Run [-], Victor is going to catch you!"

Hearing this, [-] made a big move towards the rear without any hesitation.

This is the advantage of Sion. If the opponent catches him, as long as the person has not circled to the rear and settled down, he can still run.

"Xiba, Victor and the troops are here." Brother Wang is in the upper half of the area. Hearing the words of the middle road, he wants to go to the top road to see, even if he goes late, he can get a wave of troops.

But I didn't expect that just after walking through the grass, the horse and horse directly frightened themselves with a big move.

When walking towards the back, Victor placed a stance towards his feet, and then took the big move in seconds, and the damage was full.

Serial control!
Xin Zhao, who was not full of blood, couldn't even hand in a flash in the follow-up.

The head is given to Victor.

Watching the film is quite desperate, there is no way from beginning to end.

Victor did go up, but the target was not Sion who was on the road at all, but Xin Zhao who was in the upper half.

This is the advantage of vision.

As soon as Lin Fan saw Xin Zhao, he sent a signal to Xiao Tian, ​​shook him over, and then he didn't continue to walk up the road, but squatted on Xin Zhao a little bit above the red buff.

"Brother Fan's wave is really amazing, it's considered exhaustive strategy, this Xin Zhao is really coming to the upper half."

"It's better to use your big move. This head has evolved the E skill. Now the enchantress can't hold me down at all online. The brothers have a great advantage in this round, and I can C!"

"Good C! Brother Fan!" Ah Shui shouted in the team voice.


"Brother Fan, you can spray if you want, don't suppress yourself."

"What the hell, scare me!"

(End of this chapter)

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