LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 51 This is the double c we want

Chapter 51 This is the double c we want (seeking a monthly ticket)

"Brother Fan is awesome." Ah Shui swept away the slump in the second game, stood up from his seat with a smile on his face, and gave Lin Fan a hug. Output, shooting non-stop, this kind of enjoyment, Wuhu Lake.

Xiaotian tossed his hair like a pot lid, lifted his spirits all of a sudden, and looked at Lin Fan differently.

In the last game, the middle and wild were bound, and the middle lane was blasted, and his wild area was also very uncomfortable. He was harassed by watching movies and lost wild monsters. By the end of the game, he was pulled to more than [-] knives for making up damage.

"It's left-handed... Everyone calls him Golden Left Hand and really thinks he is Golden Left Hand, but they didn't expect Lin Fan to be so fierce."

Zoom didn't get involved much, mainly because he just arrived, and he just listened to the command when playing games.

He was also quite surprised. After the second round, he felt that he would be ridiculed by everyone today.

After all, the top laners of the two sides are swapped, and whoever loses is really ashamed.

So I feel like I'm going to be a joke.

But it never occurred to him that it was Lin Fan who came off the bench again to save the Top Fight team, and also retained the Top Fight playoff spot again.

"No, no, it's because everyone played well. You see, I don't train, so I don't have any skills. I just follow you to fish in troubled waters. Basically, I won the game without doing anything."

"Fart your shit, the toothpaste monster has stabilized, this is not strong enough, do you think it's zoom?" Yu Wenbo has always been a refined and easy-going young man, and when he is happy, he will naturally make a national speech.

"That's right, I used to be teammates with Toothpaste, and he's a scary girl! Brother Fan is still fierce."

"It's hard for Victor to beat the enchantress. Adding Xin Zhao, I was already thinking that you might die seven or eight times, but I never expected that not only did you not die once, but your record was even supernatural." Mark joined in and raised his mouth.

Before he knew it, Lin Fan already held a lot of weight in the hearts of all the team members.

If Luo Sheng asks everyone to vote for who will start the next game, needless to say, Lin Fan will definitely be voted unanimously.

"Shake hands, shake hands, go back quickly, relax, relax." Ah Shui said.

"Are you serious about relaxing? You can't be serious."

Amidst the laughter, everyone in Topbo walked towards the battle seats in


When Zoom shook hands with 369, the corners of his mouth rose wildly. Even people who don't know how to look at facial expressions know that Zoom is very happy now.

369 is extremely depressed, he knows that today will definitely be on the trending list again.

Casa knocked on the table and put him on the top menu. He originally thought that he would win the game today and prove himself, but his dream was shattered by the sudden replacement of Dine.

"Isn't the expression on zoom too exaggerated?"

"That's for sure. The top laners of the two sides are swapped. It's embarrassing whichever side loses. In fact, the Duke is already very embarrassing. After all, Taobo's current record is far worse than that of Jingdong, but he won this game. , then I can only say that I didn’t lose.”

"No matter what else, Ah Shui's smile after winning the game is too healing."

"Disgusting, Sister Water Ghost, get out."

"369 feels like he's being set on fire."

"Actually, 369's performance today is still remarkable, but I can't figure out why they didn't continue to take the barrel. I feel that if they choose the barrel in the third round, it should be more effective than Bien."

"No one pays attention to Brother Sutu? He is super god again! Two rounds of three games are super god! If there is no accident, this is the MVP again, three consecutive MVPs, I am a little suspicious now, is he secretly training? ?”

"It's true that the performance in this game was too exaggerated. In addition, if the previous game can continue, I can rank him in the top three among the seventeen mid laners."

The bullet screens in the live broadcast room were messy, and there were all kinds of words.

As for the match seats at the scene, the two sides also shook hands in turn.

The toothpaste was already melted when the enchantress went up, and she already knew that the game was far away, so she adjusted her mentality very quickly. Of course, she still couldn't squeeze a smile when shaking hands, and hugged the Duke.

Probably because of the similar stature, the relationship between the two of them in is the best.

Immediately after Xiaotian, and then to Lin Fan behind.

Toothpaste looked at Lin Fan with a straight expression, and said seriously.

"I was taken aback by you today. I really didn't expect you to be so good. I won't have a chance to play against you in the regular season. We'll wait for the playoffs."

"Okay, let's wait for the playoffs." Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

Because s12 lost the global finals, they were still very impressed with the four mid laners who participated in the finals.

In terms of performance, toothpaste is far superior to the other three.

Completely worthy of the three words "try your best". According to everyone's standards, the upper limit of toothpaste is the lowest, but his performance is the best among the four mid laners.

Especially the Rock Sparrow in that round!

It's a pity that the opponent is strong and can only make up for one round.

The elementary school boy was not in good shape in the group stage, and recovered some in the knockout stage, but he still wanted to express himself too much in the last game, and then made a mistake, at least he dared to fight.

As for the remaining two, apart from the bad impression in private life, it is difficult to comment on whether they are worthy of four words.

So Lin Fan gave the toothpaste a friendly hug.

"I won you this time, and I can win you next time."

"Hahaha, I don't think so."

"But this time you lost."

"It won't affect the next time."

"But this time you lost."


There is no way to chat this day, just chat to death.

The players from both sides returned to the battle seats, started to pack up the equipment, and walked towards the player aisle.

At the same time, the three commentators in the commentary booth were also Lin Fan who had given their tickets.

Similarly, the votes of other people were also given to Lin Fan, and all six votes passed, worthy of the name of the MVP of the game.

Following the three commentators, the votes were finished.

The big screen at the scene also gave the MVP of this game.

TES. Dine!

Victor, who has completed the super god record, has a photo of Lin Fan next to it.

This time, the female fans at the scene took a serious look at it, and they looked fresh and refreshing, and their appearance was quite high.

Holy crap, why didn't I notice after winning the previous game, and only today did I realize that Brother Sutu looks really good.

Compared with those who face the computer for a long time, have oily skin, and don't wash their hair with a pot head, it seems that the judgment can be judged instantly.

Who is the left hand?do not know.

Brother Sutu switched to play mid laner. Not only is he a good player, but he is also handsome. He is a fan, a fan.

The same goes for the coach, this is the Taobo double C we want. Today's game should have a handsome guy on the field, and it would have ended [-]-[-] early, so there is no need to worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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