LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 55 The Little Soldier Plays Me!

Chapter 55 The Little Soldier Plays Me! (seeking a monthly ticket)
With the resurrection of the prince, the director directly gave the camera to the prince, and this side went directly to the upper half of the wild area without any pause.

"Xiaotian is very clear that after fpx completes the invasion, it will definitely wipe out all the lower half of the wild area, so it is meaningless to choose to go down at this time, it is better to quickly take away the upper half of the area, see Do you have a chance to enter the upper half of fpx?"

"The Clid wild area has a great advantage, let's see if fpx can use the male gun to expand its advantage."

Listening to Miller's words, fpx fans felt a little confident.

In terms of professional ability, Miller is stronger, and the general analysis is very correct... It's not like Guan Zeyuan, who reversed poisonous milk, said that the current advantage must be an advantage.

But why didn't Syndra in the middle lane play his cards according to the routine?Why is it so hard on the first level?
It gives people the feeling that they are not afraid of male guns at all. It takes a lot of time for the jungler to return to the jungle after being killed, let alone clearing the jungle alone.

Could it be because he brought the first attack?

However, it is the first time everyone has seen Syndra first in the professional arena.

Miller wanted to mention it at the beginning, but was interrupted by the invasion of the fpx first-level regiment.

At the beginning, gori wanted to use the sand soldiers to clear the line and grab the second. According to his thinking, it is absolutely impossible for Syndra to come up to suppress him and start to clear the line.

The Tsar's hand-raising movement was very obvious. Lin Fan decisively controlled Syndra to step forward with the basic attack to trigger the first attack, immediately connected to the Q skill, and then followed up with two basic attacks. Pull it backwards.

Steal five yuan first, and then trigger the amount of damage. After the end, 15 yuan appeared on the head.

Just touched it and added 20 yuan, it's crazy!

And because the Tsar blocked his basic attack, the follow-up recovery of the basic attack was only a step forward, which attracted the hatred of the soldiers.

Gori was startled when he saw the blood bar dropping rapidly.

Clid also noticed this when brushing Toad.

"Gori, be careful, the mid laner on the opposite side plays very well."

Gori's face twitched when he heard this, but he still said stiffly: "I didn't pay much attention to it before, I was careless, I pay attention to it, he can't steal like just now..." Before he finished speaking, Sinde La suddenly turned back and released another Q skill towards the Czar's feet.

Successful hit.

In just a few seconds, the Tsar's blood line, which was full of blood, was only 500. The main reason was that he did not choose Dolan's ring when he went out to pretend, but used a corruption potion, and his blood volume was only more than [-].

The audience even exclaimed at the scene, is this possible for a first-level laning match?
With this Q hit, Syndra didn't retreat but started to chase the czar fiercely, touched the 45 points of normal attack, and then ignited the sleeve.

Panicked, Gori quickly took drugs and ran towards the rear.

Xiba!Why is the first-level murderous intention on the opposite side so heavy?
But because he chased two steps forward, when he was withdrawing, he was stuck in his position by his own minions, and took two basic attacks and a Q skill.

The corruption potion itself can't restore blood as fast as the blood bottle, and it also has the effect of igniting serious injuries. In just three seconds, it only restores [-] points of blood.

At this time, the blood volume was even less than seventy points.

Next, you only need to hit two basic attacks to take this head away, and then use another basic attack.

A flush of 45 points of damage burst from the top of the Tsar's head.

Gori gritted his teeth when he saw his blood line and still handed over the flash, his desire to survive was full.

The main reason is that being solo-killed at the first level is too embarrassing. With the development of the League of Legends professional league, the level gap between players is narrowing, and it is difficult to see the picture of solo killing at the first and second level.

He didn't want to be caught with a typical focus on himself.

Flashing into the defense tower, the opponent should hesitate for a while, as long as he hesitates, he can completely get out of Syndra's attack range.

But how could Lin Fan miss this opportunity so easily, even if you flash into the tower, he still has to follow.

As soon as Syndra launched a general attack, she took away the remaining blood of the czar.

The red team TES. Dine Syndra killed the blue team FPX.Gori.

"Axi! This little soldier is stuck in my position!" Gori was annoyed for a while, never expecting that his position would be blocked by the little soldier, and he took four general attacks in the follow-up!Even if the opponent has Ignite, if there is no additional basic attack to make up for the damage, it is still impossible to solo kill yourself at the first level.

So he was so angry, it was due to his bad luck, and he was targeted by the system.

These three stupid long-range soldiers, why did they stand behind them if they didn't go anywhere? It's really disgusting to stand in a row.



"Single kill? Is this a single kill?"

Miller in the commentary was confused. He mainly wanted to see what kind of effect Syndra could play first.

As a result, I stole 20 yuan at the first level, which looks pretty good. If you can trigger a cooldown in 30 seconds and then steal it, you can theoretically trigger it three times in 1 minute, which is 60 yuan.

The speed of stealing money is still very good, leading three melee soldiers in 1 minute.

Going first to attack Syndra is still fine.

As a result, Syndra's Q skill hit the czar in the second round, and the situation changed dramatically.

It is no longer the advantage obtained by exchanging blood before, but a direct solo kill!

"Oh my god, I don't know what to say about this one-shot kill. I can only say that the Q skill of Brother Satu is too accurate. I thought he was mainly going to attack first when he came up to press. After the fight, he must retreat , mainly due to the pressure of male guns in the wild.”

"But now I know that I think less. Brother Sutu is on the fifth floor. Not only does he have to attack first, but he also needs to kill."

"Looking at Gori's annoyed expression, he probably didn't expect that he would be solo killed at the first level, but the one that got stuck by a minion was too fatal."

Rita praised: "Yes, if you don't get stuck, you still have a chance to run. However, Syndra's performance in the last round was also full of pressure, but that round was a robbery, and there was no killing intent in the early stage. It's so heavy now."

"The main reason is that Zed can also kill Syndra, but the Tsar is different. Without equipment, he can't hit even a little bit of damage. He can only run backwards after being hit just now."

"The main reason is that the hit rate of this q skill is too high, hit three in a row! As long as you miss one czar, you can survive."

"Didn't someone count it? In the round where Sindra was robbing, there was only one Q 6 minutes ago." Zhao Junri said.

There were bursts of cheers and applause at the scene.

The Taobo fans, who were still a little dull at first, now staged what is called the face-changing at the speed of light, and they all smiled.

Isn't it just one head, don't you see that the call came back immediately?
(End of this chapter)

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