LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 60 Can't Unplug the Network Cable!

Chapter 60 Can't Unplug the Network Cable! ([-] monthly tickets plus change)

What is displayed on the big screen is Syndra who has already won a double kill and completed a super god record.

"Fpx is over now. I thought this wave was the best opportunity to seize it, but I didn't expect the prince and Syndra to follow."

"Xiaotian is very decisive when he sees people here. The EQ second company directly uses the big move, and the follow-up rate is just to keep up with the damage."

Compared to Rita who saw more shallowly, Miller clearly saw the scene that frightened him, and a chill rushed straight to his head.

"I noticed one thing, when Brother Sutu made his move, his Q skill deliberately waited for the angle of the pointer, and aimed at two people to push the ball directly, so one skill kept two people! It was his wave just now, According to normal circumstances, it should be possible to run one, but through his precise calculation, both the czar and the male gun were left behind."

"As far as Syndra alone is concerned, his proficiency is definitely among the top three in the league." Miller gave a very high evaluation.

Zhao Junri: "Brother Sutu's state is full, the state is full."

"It can only be said that he is talented! You must know that he practiced swords all night yesterday..."

"But as a professional player, I think daily training is still very necessary. How long can you maintain this state if you don't train?" Miller's words are not difficult to see his concern.

Although the commentator is neutral, he is also happy to see more and more powerful players appearing in the league.

In this way, the competitive level of the league will rise, and the game will be more exciting and beautiful.

It can also get a better ranking in the global finals.

Many people still wanted to come here to see Lin Fan's jokes, but they saw that he had turned into a clown with an unbelievable expression.

Who is saying that professional leagues need stable training, and they can't maintain their state without training?
The barrage in the live broadcast room is constantly rolling.


"Holy shit, I'm stunned when I see this, who posted a post on the post bar yesterday, and Brother Tu is going to be blown up today?"

"It feels like the gori people have been knocked out."

"I don't train, I don't work hard, and I still kill indiscriminately in the professional arena?"

"It's not fair! Is it stimulant?"

"It's still careless, I was attacked by Brother Suitu."

"But what Miller said is not wrong. How long can such a good state be maintained without training?"


In the backstage lounge of Taobo, Luo Sheng's hand was about to become popular.

Excited to see, the performance of this midfield combination is exactly what he imagined at the beginning of the season.

Although the mid laner has changed, this is indeed a dominant performance.

It is perfect to compress the development of the opponent's middle field and help teammates expand their advantages.

Looking at Lin Fan's face, he became more and more satisfied. Not only is he handsome, but the team's competitive level is indeed high.

But thinking that he didn't like training very much, he was a little worried. He hoped that he would lose today's game and give Lin Fan a good education after the game.

Tell him he can only perform at his best every moment if he keeps training.

"If this advantage is a disadvantage..."

Wayward, who was sitting on the bench, stared at Luo Sheng's words. Can the coach hear his own voice?
Winning the game is not good news for these substitute players.

That means that the five people on the field are the five most correct people, and the players off the field will have no chance to play, and the substitutes can only sit on the bench.

The expression on the left hand is also not very good-looking, especially listening to the team's voice of admiration for Lin Fan's performance.

Why aren't you like this when I'm playing well?

Take a deep breath, try to adjust your mentality, you have become a substitute, all you need to do is to ensure your own state, stand up when the team is most dangerous, and save the team.

Like this kind of mid laner who doesn't train, all the performances on the field are just flashes.Doomed not to go far, it is only a matter of time before he returns to his original position.

At 141 minutes into the game, Syndra's last hits have reached 79, while the Tsar only has [-].

Gori's complexion turned black when he saw the gap between the two sides.


If it wasn't for the little soldier at the first level who got stuck in my position, how could I have fallen to this point?
Is the opponent strong?No!

The second kill is still based on the help of the jungler.

The follow-up was all based on Syndra's heroic characteristics, and if he took two heads by himself, he would also kill randomly.

Gori was really angry, so I pushed the pawn line as usual, why did the pawn play me?It's not fair!

When he fell into such a situation, he refused to accept it, quite dissatisfied, even if he lost, it was not his problem.

If possible, I would like to pull out the network cable and ask for a rematch.

But now it is the LPL arena, and the situation of unplugging the network cable is already unacceptable, so it cannot be done.

At this moment, gori is full of blood, his eyes are shining with fire, this round will let you be arrogant first.

If you are a player who doesn't train, you will be killed in the next game.

It is unrealistic to recover the situation on the field in this game. The upper, middle and lower outer towers are pushed, and the development of each line is restricted.

In particular, it is no exaggeration to say that the Tsar's 76-knife make-up knife is a waste. How can there be any shadow of Emperor Shurima?Totally a crisp**.

It is conservatively estimated that the economic gap between the two sides has reached [-].

And with Syndra's development speed, a three-piece suit in about 10 minutes is normal.

Especially seeing an adc give up all his pawns to the mid laner in the middle lane, it is obvious that this is tilting resources to him.

Of course this is the case where you can't see it.

"Brother Fan, do you want to eat river crab or not? I've lost some blood."

"Do you want to eat Brother Fan F6?"

"Do you want to eat Fange's red buff?"

When Ah Shui heard this, a tic-tac-toe immediately appeared on his head.

"This is my red buff!"

"What's the matter? Team resources, it's no problem to feed the mid laner." Mark continued.

"Okay, okay, Brother Fan, eat, anyway, I, Zeli Tianxiu, don't need to be popular to operate."

"You guys just hide here, prepare a wave, I have enough money."

When Syndra came out of the spring at 21:27, pulled out the third!Deathcap of the Destroyer.

The equipment can be described as quite luxurious.

Luden, Shadow Flame, Hat.

No exaggeration, let's see who dies.

Even if you don't hit Baron, you can push it in a group, fpx can't handle the damage at all, especially the wine barrel on the road has no magic resistance.

Lin Weixiang felt like dancing on the tip of a knife every time he moved, his nerves were tense.

He didn't have a problem, but Tamm, who was protecting him, was too reliable to go forward and miss.

He was stunned by Syndra qe, and disappeared with half a push!

The prince saw the opportunity, and the EQ Second Company forcibly came in to start a group, breaking up the fpx formation.

Lin Fan's eyes lit up.

At the moment Tamm was flying, Flash took the big move and aimed at Jinx, and it was such a simple and rude solution.

Then I saw Jinx's blood volume plummet...and then all disappeared.

Then there was a huge exclamation at the scene.

I saw Jinx in the center of the big screen fell in front of the defense tower.


"There is no extra operation, it is completely pure damage to death, Lin Weixiang has nothing to do, this situation is the most desperate for an ADC."

"Brother Sutu! Is this the thrill of an instant kill? I believe many mid laners have imagined this scene."

"I've seen this scene before. It's the same person in different places."

"That's over, the bottom duo prepares for seconds, the remaining three of fpx won't be able to stop this wave of offensive."

In front of the front tooth tower, the wine barrel tried its best to throw a big move, but it couldn't be delayed, and Tao Bo forced it in even if there was no line of soldiers.

The male gun and the tsar are bound together, pure is waste.

After being blasted into residual blood by Syndra's Q, Ah Shui took advantage of the situation and took the head.


The exposed base was demolished almost instantly without protection.

The time was finally fixed at 22 minutes and 24 seconds. This was a very short game!There are even many people who have not recovered before it is over.

(End of this chapter)

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