LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 62 Three consecutive victories!

Chapter 62 Three consecutive victories! (seeking a monthly ticket)

The director also gave priority to giving the camera to Taobo.

They won the game in a crushing way in the last round, this set of lineup is worthy of everyone's careful review, especially when it comes to Lin Fan, who paused for a while.

"After Brother Suitu appeared strongly in the middle, Taobo played really smoothly in the recent games. It's a bit like choosing the most correct five players in arranging and combining."

"Okay, the second round of bp has officially started."

"fpx still chooses the blue side, and the bans haven't changed much. It's still Fiego and Renata, but they still chose to ban Syndra in the third round. The performance of the last game is really good. It’s an exaggeration, and it’s not a big problem to move it.”

"I specifically mentioned Syndra at the beginning of the first round. In this version, there are really not many players who can select Syndra, so we must pay attention to it."

Syndra was slashed twice due to her dominant performance in the s10 global finals. First, the cooling time of E skill was increased by two seconds, and then the mana consumption of Q skill was increased in the next two versions.

This led to a one-shot cut to scrap, not to mention passers-by for more than a year, and even the professional league could not be selected.

Riot also realized this, and hurriedly called back in version 11.15.But the previous weakening still exists, and there is still no chance to appear.

So to be able to take out this hero in the professional league, there must be two brushes.

It's not too much to give a ban position.

At least fpx still vividly remembers the czar who was killed to nothing.

Lin Fan originally wanted to play the mid laner Kalista, after all, he hadn't tried the power of the rewards he got yesterday.

But the opposite side directly snatched Zeli away, and Ah Shui wanted to use Calista to conte Zeli.

In the version after this fatal rhythm revision, Kalista can be regarded as a bonus, and with the addition of three points of armor, the antagonism of the bottom lane has been greatly improved. The current version of Kalista is also available.

It may be that fpx has made this preparation before moving Renata away.

However, Calistata and Mumu are also strong, and they can still easily suppress Zeli.

So Lin Fan still gave up this hero to Ah Shui.

Of course Ah Shui was shocked when he first heard that Lin Fan wanted to use Calista to hit him.

The previous top laner, Kalista, was often educated by the jungler during the laning, and Kalista only strengthened the confrontation of the bottom lane.

The next best thing is to take a single vampire in the end.

This hero had a miserable time during this time, after all, everyone except him was a vampire.

Vampire Bobby and Vampire Sword Demon abound, and the ability to clear the line in the middle lane is too poor. There is no way to link up with the jungler in the early stage. Xiaotian has to bear a lot of pressure here.

Luo Sheng was also aware of this, so he helped Xiaotian get a wild horse he played with himself.

Centaur's jungle clearing speed is very fast. It's basically a fast-six game to pick him. If you want to catch someone, you have to see whether your online match is good or not.

fpx has learned the lessons from the previous game and increased the linkage between mid laner and jungler.

The super classic middle-field combination of Fox and Miss Fist was selected.

Since the fox was able to become a mid unit again, the jungler Fist sister was also able to return to the game.

The two sisters are the real example of reckless sacrifice.


Make it clear that Ah Shui will not survive.

Due to the hero characteristics, vampires are indeed inferior to foxes in clearing the line.

But as long as the vampire hero can develop online, he will win, and the further he goes to the back, the easier it is to fight.

And the soft damage of the fox is not enough to threaten the vampire.

Especially if the opponent wants to play an advantage and uses electrocution, if they want to suppress it as much as possible, they don't have enough mana.

Clid wanted to invade several times, but when he saw that the mid laner was gone, he had to give up.

On Xiaotian's side, groups of wild monsters brushed up happily.

And the speed of clearing the wild is much faster than that of the fist sister.

Clid opened the tab interface to look, and found that the wild monsters spawned by the troops were already four groups more than his own.

His complexion became a little stiff, and he clearly got a stronger mid-field combination, but he didn't have the slightest advantage in development.

Xiba, I used to think that gori is a pretty good mid laner, but now I can only make two words to evaluate the beast!
No, I can no longer think about the Nakano linkage.

Compared with the previous game, the current situation is still very good, except that the bottom lane is slightly suppressed.

The opponent is playing so fiercely, so we still have to start from the bottom lane.

So he controlled Wei to the lower half area, crouching in the grass looking for opportunities.

Sure enough, Huangtian paid off, and really made him wait for the opportunity.

He hurriedly came out from behind, surrounded and caught him.

But at this time, Taobo's bot lane duo is advancing instead of retreating, something is wrong!something wrong!

Sure enough, a vampire appeared from behind.

People are numb!

I don't know where I was fooled.

Vampires didn't do much damage in the early stage, but at level [-], there is always a big move, and Kalista's damage in the early stage is full, and it is still very easy to capture two heads.

Clid lightly placed a question mark in the middle.

"Brother... I'm out of mana, so I went back to the city to update my equipment, but look at the pawn line in the middle, does he roam around in this line?"


"Damn vampire, you are a fox, whether you are going up or down, you have to move."

Nine and a half.

fpx chose to play Canyon Pioneer directly.

Their mid-field combination is even stronger, but the Top Bottom duo gave up a wave of soldiers and settled in advance for support.

Facing the menacing bot lane duo, fpx Nakano can only wait for Zeli and Lulu to arrive.

Forcibly lock the head, and prepare to strike first.

Not to mention that Tao Bo really didn't have a good way to face Miss Fist's entry.

It is almost impossible to save Kalista.

Ah Shui was seconded at the first time.

The situation on the court was not optimistic all of a sudden, but at this moment Lin Fan stepped forward.

Flashed two big moves, and the E skill was charged to open the blood pool to slow down.

The skills are almost perfect, and mark sees the timing to catch up with the flashing big move.

Xiaotian and the Duke all jumped in afterwards.

The combination skill combo was played perfectly.

It's just a pity that the harvesting ability of vampires at this stage is still too poor. This wave of pioneers finally played fpx in a wave of two for three, letting the bloody foxes and Jess run away. Taobo won the canyon pioneers as a small profit.

At 8 minutes into the game, the head ratio between the two sides became 7:11. Although Top Fight has an advantage, it is not enough to kill the game.

The two sides are still deadlocked.

At 23 minutes and 40 seconds, the vampire's combat effectiveness took shape.

Topsport began to suppress aggressively, looking for opportunities.

In 25 minutes, Mark Mumu successfully q'ed to Lulu in the middle with his vision stuck, and used his big move close to him to stun Lulu and Zeli.

Naturally, Tao Bo would not miss this opportunity, all members charged forward, killed the fpx bottom lane duo, and immediately opened the dragon.

fpx didn't want to put Baron to Taobao just like this, because they knew that they would have no chance in this game.

But with a small number of people, it is doomed that this wave will not win.

Ah Shui activated his big move, received Mumu into the elf ball, and kicked up Jess with his body.

Lin Fan followed up with the formed damage and easily took Jess's head.

As for the foxes and Wei who entered the arena, people and Gnar looked at them fiercely. Ah Shui picked up the spear and began to thrust wildly, shooting the two of them full!
fpx was hit with a wave of aces!

Tao Bo won the big dragon and broke the high ground in the middle. This wave completely established the victory.

Even if fpx insisted on delaying it by 6 minutes, there was no way to change the ending.

The vampire growth curve itself is getting stronger and stronger, starting to kill in team battles.

A wave of tower jumping and three kills completely brought the game to an end.

fpx finally at 32 minutes, the base exploded.

"Congratulations Taobo!"

"Congratulations to Tobo for defeating fpx [-]-[-] and winning three consecutive league victories!"

(End of this chapter)

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