Chapter 71 Xiba!Xiao Tian! (seeking a monthly ticket)

After what 1 said, everyone also knows that these two people have [-] minds each at the first level.

You give a chance but I am not fooled, either you flash or I flash.

But no matter how you operate, it is destined to be a one-for-one game. Whoever turns in the flash first will definitely lose the opportunity in the backline game.

One minute and 40 seconds, the soldiers of both sides converged in the middle.

After seeing the position of Daomei, he controlled Jess to press forward immediately.

The main line power is still with Jess. To put it simply, if Daomei dares to directly Q up like she did just now, Lin Fan will fight to the end this time.

Doinb was not as brave as before, he instinctively pulled towards the rear.

Lin Fan didn't give up chasing because Daomei simply pulled back, he was planning to forcibly suppress doinb's position.

As for leaving the experience zone, this is unrealistic.

Because of crossing the pawn line, Daomei can completely copy the first-level duel, and directly Q comes up and chases and slashes all the way.

At that time, there will be red square soldiers nearby, so they will definitely not be able to beat them.

doinb also knew this, he was pushed out but not completely pushed out, so he leaned on the right side of the long-range pawn, and his position was very ambiguous.

As long as Jess fires the cannon, he can hit the soldiers in the back row, so no matter how much he controls the line, he can't control it. Once Jess can't control the line of soldiers, pushing it is the opportunity for Daomei.

When the passive is full, you can chase and slash all the way if you hold it with the double-edged wings.

No matter who it is, no one can withstand the damage of the full-layer passive and full-layer conqueror of the sword girl.

Therefore, before consuming Daomei's blood volume, you must not push the pawn line first, at least maintain the current slow pace of pushing the line.

Seeing how cunning doinb is, he stood in the middle.

I've made it clear what you're thinking.

It's up to you if you can't come up to make up the knife, but it is absolutely impossible to push this line of troops directly.

Doinb saw that his plan would not come true.

So he pulled up from behind, it doesn't matter if he was beaten once in this position, just grab the second and forget it.

It's just that I feel a little uncomfortable when I think of the opposite party directly starting to grab money.

Seeing that doinb is so upbeat, Lin Fan is naturally not used to him.

aqa forcibly played the first attack, and kept the blood volume of Daomei as low as possible.

Immediately afterwards, he switched to the hammer form for deterrence.

doinb glanced at the blood volume of the melee soldier, there is no way to kill him directly with a Q skill, plus Jess has switched to a melee form, if he directly Qs Jess, he will still suffer.

In the end, he decided to go up and touch the melee soldiers, and qa took them away.

Watching Jess knock all three melee soldiers to death from under his nose, his eyes jumped.

West eight.

So greedy, are you really not afraid of me?

I can think of the two games just now, although I didn't suffer a loss, but I didn't make a profit, and I even got caught by accident.

This guy is not as simple as imagined.

As soon as the 30 seconds elapsed, Jace began to press forward again.

Seeing this scene, doinb was even more annoyed.

Everyone is developing well, why did you come out as a robber!
It is conservatively estimated that if you play the first attack, you can get 20 yuan from him.

You can steal 10 yuan if you talk less in laning for 300 minutes, and the more equipment you steal in the future, the economic gap will become wider and wider by then.

Want to break this situation, but there is no way.

The stalemate continued in the middle, but Jess' pawn line was stuck, relying on the talent of first strike was already an advantage.

As for the bottom lane duo, Ah Shui and Mark started to cross the line to suppress at the first level.

The combination of Delevingne and Renata hit Jinx and Lulu on the opposite side, how could this give lng a chance to breathe.

After a while, he went directly to the defense tower, only daring to look at the line of troops from a distance.

If you choose to force it, Renata will hit with a Q skill, which is a forceful skill.

Deng Huang is also a cow, he can afford it and let it go, if you say you don't want to eat it, then you don't want to eat it, but it is absolutely impossible to give yourself a chance.

Looking at Ah Shui with a look of shock.

He wasn't like this last year, is this year so outrageous?
"No hurry." Mark kept pressing the Q button with his finger, like a falcon staring at its prey, ready to strike at any time.

"Our bot lane is already an advantage, and sooner or later we will have a chance."

"En." Ah Shui responded, the early rhythm was still in the jungle and mid laner, there was really no need to worry.

As for the zoom on the road, there was no accident, and I started to resist the pressure at the moment of laning.

Ah Le's sword girl's suppressing power is indeed full, the zoom is still quite slippery, the opening has been stuck in the corner, and then the Q skill slows down and pulls away.

Knowing that facing Jian Ji, he has to fight and run.

On the whole, lng got the scene on the road, but it really didn't have an advantage.

"This round is of great significance to both sides, and they are indeed playing very cautiously."

In the past, it took more than three minutes for the middle lane to win, but after more than four minutes, the two sides were still fighting in the pawn line.

But as Daomei rises in level, doinb is unwilling to be opened up by Jess all the time.

You said that you killed yourself in the lane solo with real swords and guns, that is indeed inferior to others.

But now it's a bit uncomfortable to be stuck on the first attack and steal money from yourself.

As you level up, you steal more and more money.

With the arrival of the next wave of artillery soldiers, the current level of the two sides has also reached level five. There is a saying at this point in time.

"Want to see it?"

"You can come, I feel that doinb can't bear it anymore, let's try his idea first." Lin Fan marked on the map and controlled Jess to move forward.

It's not that I don't want to kill the opponent solo, but it's still too difficult.

Still need some help from the jungler.

Doinb watched Jess's movements... This dog wants to steal and attack first, so let's break first.

The Q soldier pulls up at the speed of light with double-edged wings.

doinb believes that the E skill just now is the fastest double-edged sword he has pulled since playing professionally.

It didn't disappoint him either, and directly stunned Jess who stepped forward, breaking the first attack.

Seeing the mark appearing under Jess's feet, he no longer hesitated to poke it with the Q skill, and opened A!

Immediately afterwards, W blocked Jess' follow-up damage.

But Lin Fan immediately chose to pull towards the rear.

This is in line with doinb's intentions, the basic attack stacks the conqueror, the Q minions do the displacement, and the passive stacks by the way.

Once again, touch up a general attack and stack out the conqueror.

Only at this time did Lin Fan switch from Lightspeed EQ to hammer form, and then use a set of skills to hammer the sword girl away.

Both sides dropped directly from five or six bars of blood to only two bars left.

This time, even with the Q skill doinb hesitated a little, not daring to come up directly.

"Damn it, can't you really go up?"

Lin Fanren was dumbfounded.

Full of conquerors and passives, although Daomei's blood volume is [-] points less, she has already used up all her skills.

If they fight against each other, there is no doubt that Daomei is stronger.

It seems that the previous evaluation is really correct.

Would rather do nothing than make a mistake.


But just playing this set, in fact, has already had a chance.

Xiaotian walked out from the side, directly putting pressure on him.

"Xiba! Xiaotian!"

doinb has no other choice, and continues to eat minions for displacement.

Then put a Q skill on Jess's face to see if it can be changed.

But Lin Fan has already entered the tower, and with the damage of the defensive tower, unless it is a one-shot, how can he replace Jess under the nose of the defensive tower.

First blood.

With a wave of eyes from Xiaotian, he helped Lin Fan complete a solo kill.

(End of this chapter)

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