Chapter 77 Shocking Big Melon!

After Taobo finished this game, there will be no more games for the next eight days.

This schedule caused Luo Sheng to complain repeatedly in the waiting room.

Damn, use your ass to decide your head, right?

After finally getting into shape, there was an eight-day cooling-off period. Your uncle is targeting you, right?

Then I glanced at my opponent, we...

Hmm, it doesn't seem as bad as I thought.

No team can shake our league's number one position so far.

Ten consecutive losses, playing quite stable.


Luo Sheng was grinning wildly, as if thinking of some serious question, he returned to his normal expression.

"Holy crap, there's still a lot of pressure. If we lose, not to mention being less competitive in the playoffs, it will be a big loss of face."

"No, I have to pay attention to the training of these guys in these eight days. If I don't pay attention to my mind, I won't be in the game."

Talent is talent, but you don't work as hard as you think, and someone has to catch up with a whip.

He trained so hard before because the team's performance was too bad, but now he finally took a breath, and he might have to relax.

Luo Sheng quickly came out of the lounge and rushed to the training room.

Skip Lin Fan directly and observe other people.

Looking at everyone who is still working hard, he nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that he has not been dazzled by the winning streak and can continue to work hard, that is a good player.

During the period of waiting for the match, Lin Fan immersed himself in the glory of the king all day long, turned into a liver emperor on the shore of the land, and everyone was no stranger to it, and got used to it.

After all, in the training games, they can produce heroes that make people shine.

Ah Shui murmurs behind Lin Fan every day, the glory of the king may really be Fan Ge's hero training ground.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain it, playing with Daji to accompany you, the fox who performed poorly in the training game, killed all directions in the game.

I've been messing around with Zhang Liang recently, and I guess Malzaha can take it out and use it.

This had to make Ah Shui believe what Lin Fan said before.

Fan Ge is really not an ordinary person.

It seems that everyone has their own training methods, and they cannot be rigidly substituted by themselves.

Don't look at him playing other games now, he has actually started training.

After being pressed on the bench, I discovered this problem, and started my own real training, so I changed my body like a different person, and killed all sides in the game.

March [-]th, Friday.

Everyone surrounded Ah Shui and watched the match between v5 and jdg with him.

In Lin Fan's impression, this game was a V5 loss.

Rookie committed two crimes in a row, one with Galio and one with Enchantress.

As a result, Lin Fan couldn't understand the first-hand hero selection.

V5 directly selected the mainspring.

Things seem to have changed a little bit.

Lin Fan didn't know the direction of this match.

That's why I'm interested.

It's really worthy of two goals and one chicken, and the dominance of the field is still full.

Of course, Jingdong is not easy to mess with.

The fight was fought back, and the two sides played a bladder game in the first game.

In the end, relying on the big move of Kasa Zhumei card's vision, he controlled the toothpaste and successfully started the team battle, and finally ended the round in 43 minutes.

"Fighting, V5's current state is a bit exaggerated, and they won again. Judging from this, the chances of winning the next game are still greater."

"I was restricted by brother shy in ig, and I was playing happily last year." Ah Shui said with emotion.

Theshy of s11... If you evaluate it in four words, it is hard to describe, addicted to long hands and short hands.

Simply put, it's messing around.

In this case, rookie is more or less affected as a teammate.

It's back on track now.

Perhaps it was because the first game was dragged for so long and failed to win the game, Jingdong's momentum was severely hit.

In the second game, he was destroyed by v5 and was taken away directly.

V5 changed from the original eight consecutive victories to nine consecutive victories.

Now everyone has another question besides how long the rate of the state can be maintained, whether the v5 winning streak can be maintained until the end of the season.

As for the TT that will be encountered in tomorrow's v5, it goes without saying that it must be Tulle, who can get the tenth victory this week...

Sure enough, the process is indeed like this, v5 beats TT two to zero.

In a flash of time, it came to March [-]th.

Taobo, who has won four strong teams in a row, ushered in a welfare bureau tonight.

Taobo vs. we.

Ah Shui went crazy in the first round, perhaps because Delevingne didn't get a pentakill in the last game, and today's killing intent is extremely heavy.

It felt like whoever appeared in front of his eyes was a head delivered to his door.

Mainly in Lin Fan's mid-lane fox, he swam and caught the fox in a few waves, allowing Ah Shui to get three kills in the first 6 minutes.

Lucian, who was already very irritable with his hand, even shot into the sky. After a fierce shot, we couldn't stand it at all, and it took only 22 minutes to take him away.

Our five players even sat on the chairs at the end of the first game, powerless!

Although our results are not good, Shanks is definitely a player at the level of our dean. Last year's best rookie, his personal strength is quite good.

It can also be seen from this game that the fox who played the leading role in the game is really not a flash in the pan, but has two brushes.

In the second round, in order to maintain the value... feel of his left hand, Luo Sheng replaced Lin Fan and asked him to play a round to test the waters.

After all, the current record is not too much pressure, and the opponent is still we.

There was no problem in the first few minutes of playing, but with the 10-minute canyon pioneer group, the feeling familiar to Taobo fans came again.

Classic Card Teammate Positions!
Xiaotian couldn't get his seat, so he took the initiative to start a group.

Ah Shui's position was too aggressive, we seized the opportunity to start a perfect team battle, and won a big victory.

Firmly controlled the rhythm of the early stage.

However, this young team made old mistakes again in the mid-term.

Do not turn advantage into victory.

It gave Tao Bo a chance to delay.

It was abruptly dragged on to 37 minutes, the double C equipment took shape, and the left hand finally played its due role in the crucial team battle.

Although he was besieged to death, but he did full damage and cheated us of many skills, so he died well.

Azuzeli finished harvesting.

The final wave ended the game, and the time was fixed at 38 minutes and 34 seconds.

We won [-]-[-] and won five consecutive league victories.

Comparing the second game to the first game, there was such a huge difference in the replacement of the mid laner. The previous domestically produced No. [-] mid laner had been reduced to the point where he didn’t know what to do now, and everyone couldn’t help asking the third question, what’s wrong with the left hand?
Interestingly, what happened to the left hand that night, someone on Weibo gave an answer to this question.

It directly set off a craze for eating melons.

And as the two sides tear each other up, there are more and more rumors, and the melons are getting bigger and bigger.

Good guy, is the left hand so fierce?
Time management master left hand!

Then it's clear why the spring split was so bad.

There are also people who gloated about other people's misfortunes. Before, they still had some chances to play, but now that this incident happened, in Brother Shuitu's state, the left-handed bench is probably going to be worn out!
(End of this chapter)

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