LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 80 Focus Showdown tes vs v5

Chapter 80 Focus Showdown tes vs v5
v5 base.

"Brother Sutu... really doesn't train?" Rookie opened the Douyu live broadcast after a round of qualifying.

It turned out that Lin Fan was actually playing a game similar to League of Legends.

"What are you doing?" He hurriedly asked his teammates for help.

"If I'm not mistaken... this is the Blade of the Heroic Soul. It looks a bit like ice and a bit like Vayne. It should be a demon hunter, but I don't know it very well. I haven't played it since I touched it before." ppgod He came over, looked at it for a while and said.

"That's really strange. In the game, the heroes are pulled out one after another, but there is no trace of training. Such players are too difficult to study, and they can't understand them at all."

Rookie frowned, watched the live broadcast for a while and then turned off the live broadcast room.

Watching this is better than watching the game video, at least it is really playing League of Legends...

But these game videos were also smashed by the V5 coaching staff.

The team's positioning this year is an ordinary playoff team in the world.

The result is now unexpected, winning ten consecutive victories. In this case, the coaching staff had to work overtime to start research.

They want to create myths that belong to v5.

Win the regular season and win the playoffs!Then go to the mid-season.

But tomorrow there will be a big battle.

Tao Bo, who is recovering.

If you want to win a complete victory, you must pass this level.

down the road...

The combination of ppgod and photic has performed quite well in previous games.

But facing Ah Shui and Mark, I still feel a lot of pressure.

Lose first.

It must be found through other means.

Although rookie's recent state is very good, there is a strange character that stands out for this guy.

At that time, the coaching staff did not dare to guarantee that Rookie would win.

So start researching now at every opportunity.

But when you really study it, it becomes torture.

Brother Suitu, how does this guy do his research?
In the announced official player account, this guy has been in the league for more than two months, and there are very few ranking records.

The coach and the data analyst sat in the tactical room for a long, long time.

Just watching the game, you really can't see anything.

Tomorrow we can only take one step at a time.

It's better for Syndra to move. BLG doesn't believe in evil, and was directly stunned by Syndra's move.

These are lessons of blood. When you can't get your head ironed, you really can't get your head ironed.

Early the next morning, two people appeared in the training room with dark circles under their eyes.

Those who didn't know thought they cooperated to steal people together.

3 month 13 day.

Game day on the last day of week seven.

As a golden weekend, there are three games today.

Because it was a team full of topics, the atmosphere at the scene was extremely hot.

Of course, the focus is still on the game between Taobo and v5 at five o'clock.

The two teams, no matter which side wins, will become the only team in the league with consecutive victories.

Before the game started, the smell of gunpowder came out.

Just looking at the brands of both sides, the two sides played a [-]-[-] split.

Although Ah Shui has a large number of fans, he also has a lot of sunspots.

Rookie can be regarded as a model mid laner. He never takes the initiative to participate in rhythmic things. Coupled with his past achievements, the number of black fans is very small.

So the two sides are even.

But before Taobo and v5 play, there is one more fun match to watch.

That is the contest between Weibo and Ra.

Judging from the lineup strength of both sides, it should be Weibo who directly crushed Ra.

But it turned out to be the other way around.

Ra beat Weibo two to zero.

In the first game, the two sides fought for 36 minutes. When theshy singled out Xiaolong, Ryze drove five people to the dragon pit with a big move and completed the siege.

A team fight ends the game.

It may be because the first round of the game that should have been won was not won, and the players on the Weibo team were all open.

The second round didn't even last 25 minutes before Ra was pushed away.

Cube completed a single kill against theshy and won the mvp of the two games.

It can be said that the performance of this game, Cube completed the crushing of theshy.

"It's outrageous, ra can win tes48, rng and Weibo, and can also fight with TT, the old godfather back and forth. It's a bit amazing."

"I can only say that there are jokers in the Weibo team."

"It's outrageous. Seeing that my top laner has been caught in the jungle, can I go to the jungle first? After I'm done, come slowly, and then eat the pawn line?"

"Weibo should rebuild the team around theshy. After coming out of ig, I feel that my state has improved a lot."

""The Richest Man", "Buy", "Control Points", "Practice Lineup""

"The top order gap."

"If you can't beat theshy, just become an anchor."

"If it wasn't for the jungler and the mid laner not moving, how could the top lane be targeted like this?"

"I think it's pretty good to lose so cleanly, at least let the five o'clock game start on time."

"That's right, how can Weibo attack brother with good intentions?"

"Didn't you pay attention to Taobo? Judging from the official news, Taobo didn't bring his left hand in today's game."

"It's true... it should be because the rhythm is too big, but I feel that what I said is basically true."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if Taobo has a left hand or not, as long as Brother Shutu is here."

"I'm still looking forward to the duel between Rookie and Brother Soltu."

"Rookie's current state has picked up, but I don't think it's reached its peak yet. The hero pool of Brother Shutu is endless. There are all kinds of weird heroes. I'm still more optimistic about Brother Shutu."

The barrage in the live broadcast room changed from the previous match with Weibo to the duel between v5 and Taobo.

After all, this is the focus of today.

One team has won ten consecutive victories, and the other has recovered and scored six consecutive victories.

As for the backstage, under the command of the staff, the players from both sides have already gone to the player channel, and are about to go on stage to prepare for debugging equipment.

"Team Taobo has top laner zoom, jungler Tian, ​​mid laner dine, adc jackeylove assists mark."

"V5 team top laner rich, jungler karsa, mid laner rookie, adc photic support ppgod."

Following the introduction by Aunt Yu Shuang, the contestants from both sides took the stage one by one.

Immediately afterwards, he sat down at the battle seat and began to debug the equipment.

"I think this game is the most exciting game today.

V5 has achieved ten consecutive victories so far, Taobo is also a big wave of victories at this time, and is the only two teams in the league with two consecutive victories. "

"That's right, in today's game we will know which team's winning streak will be broken. Will V5 continue to set the team's winning streak record, or will Taobo go west and go north with all his might?" Miller took Wawa's words.

"Taobo can get this record now, largely because of the mid laner Sutu brother, his performance really surprised me more and more.

Because it is not limited to only one hero, and the fox, the card master, can be taken out in the future, which shows that the hero pool of Brother Shuitu is still expanding! "

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of the background music on the scene changed, and the big screen switched to the bp interface.

So people were shocked, and the game finally started.

ps: It seems to be much better, now I have a huge sore throat and a low-grade fever of 37.5.

(End of this chapter)

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