Chapter 89 I kill the vampire casually (please subscribe)

Although there is only one match today, the popularity of the star players cannot stand up.

One Ah Shui and one Theshy occupy most of the league.

Even before the game started, the arena was already full of spectators.

He kept waving the sign in his hand.

As the clock reached five o'clock, when the Taobo and Weibo teams entered the arena, the fans became even more excited, crazily shouting the IDs of the players they supported.

Even Lin Fan heard someone in the side seat shouting Brother Shutu.

During the time when the players were debugging the equipment, the pictures were also sent to the studio.

Since it is the last game of the regular season, the commentary lineup is relatively strong, with Guan Zeyuan, Miller and Gu Gu.

"Good audience friends, today's game is also the last game of the regular season, and the two finale teams are also heavyweight.

For Taobo and Weibo, Taobo achieved a perfect record of ten consecutive victories in just one game, so it is still very commemorative to turn from six consecutive losses at the beginning of the Spring Split to ten consecutive victories. "

"Yes, Weibo also hopes that the regular season will have a good ending.

For the two teams on both sides, this game has little impact on the playoff situation, so fans don't need to be so nervous. "

At this time, Guan Zeyuan looked for a topic and asked: "Then which team do you like more?"

Ever since Guan Zeyuan was called Senior Colonel Guan, Poisoned Milk, he has always played this role before the start of the game. He is the one who asks questions rather than the one who answers.

Because if he supports any team in the game, after losing the game, the fans may still pin this shit on him.

In order to avoid being rushed, the role was changed.

"In my case, I'm more optimistic about Taobo. The state of the double C is really good. The nine-game winning streak has given them all their confidence back. After watching Taobo's game, you can feel that vigor." Mentioned double C drums Both eyes are shining.

Boys who play well in the game and have good looks are really extra points.

Miller was not surprised to hear this.

If Gu Gu didn't say it first, he would say it.

After all, Taobo's system is already very complete.

The top laner zoom fights against the pressure and waits for the big brother to help him. Xiaotian brushes the wild and squats in the middle to see if he can help the big brother. After eating the support in the early stage, Dine starts to help the bottom road. full.

"I am more optimistic about Weibo. Weibo Ueno has been cooperating very well recently..."

After saying this, Miller wanted to touch his nose to see if it had grown longer.

After all, Weibo is dominated by junglers and mid laners.

The upper and lower roads are left to fend for themselves.

To win so many games in the regular season, it can only be said that the top road is strong enough and the opponent is sick.

Otherwise, they won't even be able to play in the playoffs.

But this state is destined to be in the first round of the playoffs.

Under the discussion of the three commentators in the studio, the background music suddenly changed, and the director knew that the game was about to start as soon as the director reminded him.

Quickly switch the topic back to the game.

The big screen switched to the bp interface.

Angel looked at the ID of the mid laner on the opposite side. Recently, a new solo kill king appeared in the mid lane, so he naturally noticed it.

Therefore, I have made sufficient preparations for today's game.

Nothing else, that is to develop well in the middle and not go anywhere, and he can't kill himself alone without giving him any chance.

You can wander around and kill my teammates, but you just can't kill me.

Angel rubbed his face.

But at this time the coach suddenly walked behind him.

"Which hero are you going to take?"

He quickly raised his head and looked at the screen. It turned out that the first shift was over, and now it was the selection stage.

"The Tsar, the Tsar is a hero who is more stable and not easy to be killed."

"The Tsar? But this hero is not suitable to be released so early."

"First help Phantom Front choose Aphelios, and your hero will take it according to the situation."



"Weibo first locks Aphelios. Huanfeng's Aphelios has played a lot during this time, and his performance in the game is not bad. There is nothing wrong with taking it first."

"Taobo has locked the barrel and Draven. It is good to have Draven in the ad hero pool, and the tactical reserves are particularly changeable."

Gu Gu took over Miller's words at this time: "Since Taobo is on the red side, Conte should be reserved for Brother Sutu."

During the period, Weibo has selected Kenanga Thresh.

It can be seen that Weibo did not perform badly for the last game of the regular season.

After all, the lineup is very solid, and what theshy is best at is playing short hands with long hands, and Kenan is undoubtedly a mage top laner with long and fierce hands.

A well-developed big move, Tianlei, melts a lot of people.

On the third floor of Taobo, Titan was pulled out.

According to the strength of the bottom lane, Delevingne is still stronger.

After all, Aphelios' damage was not as fast as Draven's.

In the second round, Taobo removed the blind monk, Nightmare.

Weibo removed the enchantress, Sagittarius.

The fourth floor of Taobo is to help Xiaotian lock up the prince, and leave the position of Kang Te to Lin Fan.

On the fourth floor of the blue square, the czar came out, and on the fifth floor, the robber came out.

As soon as this middle-field combination was selected, many people in the field complained.

"Choose Kenan for the top lane, and play the whole Zed in the jungle by yourself, right?"

"This game feels like theshy is going to be caught numb, and it's another game without teammates."

"Good fellow Prince and Wine Barrel, didn't Kenan get caught and died once?"

"The pressure to start a team for this lineup is all on theshy, can this lineup be selected?"

Someone also noticed that theshy's expression on the Weibo team seat became very ugly.

The main reason is that sometimes he can't tell whether the jungler is intentional or unintentional.


"What do you want to choose in the middle lane, Brother Fan? It feels like you can kill casually in the middle lane."

"He wants to play development with me, and only the insane will play development with him. When it comes to vampires, I will kill him directly."

"Aren't vampires a developmental hero?"

"So you don't have the fear of being single-killed by vampires."

"Okay, I remember that when you asked you to play mid laner on the first day, you strongly demanded that you want to play vampire, and you also took it out for the next game, and you played really well." Luo Sheng closed his notebook and agreed. .

So the fifth floor of Taobo locked the vampire directly.

The lineup of both sides is determined.

Blue Fang Weibo: Top laner Kenan, jungler Jie, mid laner Tsar, and bottom lane duo Aphelios with Thresh.

Red Fang Taobo: top lane wine barrel, jungle prince, mid lane vampire, bottom lane duo Delevingne and Titan.

"For vampires, the middle lane is developing peacefully, and the rhythm of both sides needs to be brought by the jungler. The prince's side may be better grasped." Miller said after analysis.

"Yes, it's not easy to suppress the Tsar after removing other heroes like Enchantress and Syndra. I don't think it's a problem to choose vampires to develop together."

The coaches of both sides came to the center of the stage to shake hands, and the game entered the picture reading stage.

(End of this chapter)

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