LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 93 I'm Worried About the Playoffs With Brother Soltu Like This!

Chapter 93 I'm Worried About the Playoffs With Brother Soltu Like This! (seeking subscription)
With the end of the regular season, the playoffs officially began.

The ten teams that advanced were v5, rng, jgd, lng, Taobo, Weibo, edg, blg, ra, fpx.

The playoffs are still played in the bubbling mode.

There is also no buffer time for rest, and the game will start directly as soon as the regular season ends.

3 month 26 day.

BLG vs. Ra.

In one game, Ra's state seemed to be full, and when he came up, he was the first to win the game and won BLG by a big score.

Everyone thinks that BLG should be far away.

This wave is God's punishment backlash, it can only be said to be a good death.

Everyone expects Ra to easily win BLG [-]-[-].

Let them all be scrapped this season.

But it seemed that Ra was a little too high, and in the second game BLG regained its status under the leadership of Liu Qingsong.

A huge reversal occurred in the 7th and [-]th minutes of the game.

blg directly won a huge advantage, and then stepped into garbage time later.

It belonged to the time period of brushing data, and it didn't last too long, and finally ended the game in 28 minutes with a wave of blg.

The two sides fought to a one-to-one tie.

Both games were crushed by each side.

Looking at it like this, it is estimated that it will be another battle between dragons and tigers (vegetarian chickens peck each other).

It's really hard to say who wins and who loses.

The third game begins...

All members of RA fell ill, and five heads were delivered in less than 5 minutes.

Needless to say, this round went far again.

It seems that the loss in the second game had too much impact on Ra.

Failure to stabilize the mentality will cost a lot.

In the end, Bo5 in this series still had the last laugh for blg.

Let one chase three and advance to the next round.

RA bid farewell to the playoffs and successfully spent a season waiting to die.

After Leyan left ig, he played another round of playoffs.

Many people hope that Le Yan can carry out justice, but what can be done if they don't live up to expectations.

After all, everyone seems to have forgotten that he himself has no morals, so how can he enforce justice and act as the spokesperson of justice?
Then it would be a violent murder in the dark, but compared with Chen Rui, Le Yan seemed to be less dark-hearted.

It can only be said that Ra tried his best, but his hard power was still a lot worse, and he failed to eliminate BLG.

But after all the cheating in the Spring Split, unless BLG can win the global finals, otherwise these black spots will not be cleaned up, and there will still be no clean traffic and clean fans in the future.

Everyone in Taobo also watched this game specially, not because of injustice, but because the winner of this game happened to be their opponent in the second round.

That is two days later, on March 3th.

There is only one day in between, and I have to say that the pressure is still very high for BLG. They have to find tactics, hold back the black people from all over the country, and try their best to defeat Taobo.

For them, as long as they win the game at this stage, they will be considered successful if they win the game.

Everyone's style of painting is very tough.

Everyone is not optimistic about challenging the dark forces, and they just want to rush to the highest competition.

Not to mention, because of the successful victory over RA, the entire team became one.

Everyone has a hard work.

After all, this age is the most sophomore age.

It's very touching to think about it when people from all over the country don't like them, but they have to rush up against the wind.

Just after winning the game, looking at the audience in the arena and listening to the raging attacks on the Internet, it's beautiful, okay?

So what if it's Taobo?
There is nothing to say about ten consecutive victories in the regular season.

Now it's the playoffs, and everyone is starting to play hard in the playoffs, and our BLG is ready to really exert our strength.

At the same time, Taobo Base.

The team members are preparing for the battle seriously, and they don't have any fantasies like blg and the others.

Except for one person of course.

"Diao De is inflamed."

"Diao Deyi walked with Lin Dachui the whole time, neither of us had a chance to make a move, but now that two more died, we must come out from the outside position.

I haven't watched Sansan until now, I recommend unanimously hit Sansan!Lin Dahammer and I must be good people, and the game of Dafei Sansan is over.

If it's not over yet, then I can only kill Xiu Kei. "

Only four people left, Sima made the final conclusion.

As he wished, he cast Sansan.

But the game isn't over yet.

Da Sima was even more sure that there was nothing wrong with his judgment.

Xiu Keai is the last wolf.

"Gather in the canteen, gather in the canteen, cutie Xiu, don't try to run away, I'm the police chief, Big Hammer Lin, just follow me later, don't let cutie Xiu steal it."

Lin Fan quickly responded to Da Sima's words: "Okay, I will go to the cafeteria to find you when I was born."

"It's not Teacher Ma, I'm not a wolf, why did you hit me as soon as you came..."

After this round of resurrection, Lin Fan hid in the fog cave and waited for a while before he controlled the duck to the dining hall.

Only Mr. Ma is seen here.

"Where's Xiu cute?"

"I didn't see her."

"It's obvious that he didn't dare to come, and the bell directly voted him in."

"Okay." Lin Fan agreed, and then he raised the knife and dropped the knife, killing Diao Deyi.

After raising pigs for a whole round, it was time to slaughter them after they were fattened up.

When looking at the prompt screen, Teacher Ma was stunned for a long time.

Lin Dahammer is actually a wolf?

He couldn't accept it, couldn't accept it at all.

"Stupid goose, stupid goose!"

"Mr. Ma, a pig who has been raised for a round, Mr. Ma."

"I can't accept it. A sheriff is not only effective, but also negative."

Listening to the voices coming from the earphones.

Teacher Ma smiled wryly.

"Lin Dachui is really scary, and his acting is so good, how many times did the two wolves get together and didn't kill me?"

"Because I'm the bomb king, I don't have a knife."

Before the end of a group of dead geese, I can only resume here.

"Does Xiu Keai have a knife?"

"No... It's a good thing Lin Dahammer took the initiative to stab you. If you stab Xiu Keai to two corpses and lie down and win, then you will be even more paralyzed."

"It's so stupid, so stupid, Da Sima said he was smart, and was killed by Lin Dahammer."

"If you lose, it depends on when Lin Sledgehammer finds Xiu Keai."

"Don't run away, don't run away, you're the only one. If you have a knife, we can fight, but I think you must have no knife."


As soon as Xiu Keai heard it, he stood still, and kept pressing the space bar very loudly.

Lin Fan was a little wary.

But one of the good guys with knives in front was sent away, and Diao Deyi was slaughtered by himself just now, so it's impossible to get three with knives, right?
So go straight up and cut it off.

The duck wins when the settlement interface comes out.

As for the bullet screens in Lin Fan's live broadcast room, a bunch of them popped up.

"Crazy, crazy! Bullying children here."

"The rest of the team members are training. Is it really okay if Brother Sutu doesn't train?"

"There is a saying that it's time for the playoffs, so it's better to train for stability? Losing in the second round is very troublesome, and there is no resurrection team yet."

"Brother Sutu should know it in his heart, it's all right."

"Is it really okay? It feels like BLG is suddenly a little stronger again."

"If you are eliminated by BLG...Brother Sutu will have a big back this time, my suggestion is to train hard."

"It's useless. Tomorrow is the playoffs. What's the use of going to the training at this time? It's better to have a happy game."

In fact, Luo Sheng was also quite worried. He rushed to the training room early this morning to watch, only to find that Lin Fan had no intention of training.

He is also anxious, but he has always come here like this before, and now he has won ten consecutive games, so it is useless to be anxious.

It would be good if he didn't win the last game of the regular season, that would allow Lin Fan to change his routine and give him a reason to train hard.

But the next BLG game, if it doesn't go well, we will have a night chat by the fire when we come back!The playoffs are an opportunity, and Lin Fan must change his training attitude.

It is already so good now, if it can be changed, it is unimaginable how high the upper limit will be when starting to train every day.

The championship of the global finals... seems to be within reach.

Thinking about the team he coached winning a championship, this feeling is simply exhilarating.

It can be regarded as fulfilling my regrets.

After all, he was still very disappointed when the team was disbanded.

Isn't insisting on being in this industry just fighting for the championship of the global finals?

However, the fact that Lin Fan did not train became a hot search along with the results of today's playoffs.

But before it was the regular season and then the playoffs.

Is it really okay to not train for five high-intensity duels?
Many Taobo fans expressed concern about this.

Even if they win BLG, what about the strong teams behind?

this is a problem.

But during this period of time, Lin Fan's performance conquered many people.

Everyone thinks that you can believe it first, and then question it.

Professional players must know it well and won't waste their careers blindly.

Of course, many people expressed regret for Lin Fan's professional attitude.

This age has already reached the peak period, and the dominance of the game is full, but it is obvious that there is room for improvement in the future.

But every day he wastes his talent like this.

Hurt Zhongyong!

If you have talent, you should train hard and bring it into full play.

Instead of playing this and that with other anchors every day.

At this mention, everyone scolded Da Sima again.

Goose and Duck Killer wants to play by himself, why did he bring a professional player?

If it ends quickly, it is true that the game can be finished in one or two minutes, but in most cases it is just arguing, and the game is gone after more than half an hour.

Time is life for professional players, and precious training time is wasted little by little.

3 month 27 day.


edg vs. fpx.

The performance of the s11 global finals champion in the spring split was not satisfactory.

The ranking is only seventh.

In this case, it is necessary to play in the first round of the bubbling match.

The competition pressure is still quite high. If you want to represent lpl to participate in the mid-season competition, you have to fill up the competition rounds.

The good thing is that the opponent who practiced first is not strong.

fpx barely got a ticket to the playoffs.

The run-in of all the players is actually bad.

The mid laner has found a foothold for the next season, and he was thrown directly to the Southeast Asia Division after the game. It can be said that his poor performance in the spring split deserves this treatment.

So edg won the first game 18:5 cleanly and scored a point first.

There is no way that the strength gap between the two sides is still obvious.

It feels like the fpx will definitely not be able to beat the water.

edg should be easily taken away [-]-[-].

But in the second game, something unavoidable for strong teams started again.

fall ill!

That is to fall ill.

It seems that if you don't lose a game, the pressure will be too great to accept.

So in Game [-] Edg put on a fantastic movie, an epic crime.

A big question mark has been drawn for this series of games.

It is obviously stronger, but it seems that it is not so stable.

fpx successfully regained a round and crushed and defeated edg.

"EDG feels that there is something wrong with their thinking."

"It's true that this is a big problem... My suggestion is not to watch this game, but to see what edg really wants to do."

At the same time, a bunch of people flooded out of Lin Fan's live broadcast room.

"Brother Sutu, you don't train anyway, why don't you explain today's game, everyone can watch the fun together, isn't this very interesting?"

"Seeing that Ah Shui is still training hard, I feel much more stable mentally."

"I'm used to this state of Brother Sutu. Generally speaking, it depends on the performance in the game."

"Commentary, Brother Sutu, hurry up and explain. I feel that Brother Sutu's commentary is very effective for the show. If you spread your hands, I will kill without training."

As for these barrages, Lin Fan ignored them all.

"No one wants to match generals. If there is no one, the Sudohama in the afternoon game will be over. I will play the game tomorrow. I don't know when it will be broadcast live. If I miss it, I will have no chance."

But it's true that it's not every day that someone will come to find Lin Fan as a general.

After all, this game is too niche.

In addition, local tyrants also have a special circle, and accessories research will be handled by people in the circle, and they rarely go outside to let other anchors come over to match.

"S1 should be over in seven or eight days. Entering S2 is estimated to be the playoffs and land reclamation at the same time. The brain is a bit big."

As soon as these words were said, the barrage in the live broadcast room rolled wildly.

"I beg Brother Sutu to give up the shore of Sutu, the next critical period must not be sloppy!"

"I'll pay for it, and I'll find a trumpeter. Let's play the game with peace of mind, Guaranteed seven books in 72 hours."

"Then you still underestimated the strength of Brother Sutu. Brother Sutu broadcasted the land reclamation of conquest and opened the barracks in 36 hours. Money doesn't think a little bit."

"So if someone is looking for Brother Sutu as a general, they should hurry up."

Not to mention, someone really found Lin Fan as a general after saying this.

I logged in and saw that this account is quite good. The top three teams are 37 red. They can have a good game experience in the t2 game, and it is even more sour to go out to fry fish.

"This game experience is different from other people's. Brother Sutu is Brother Sutu, what a good idea!"

"Guan Yu Daqiao Zhuge Liang's team is very strong in theory, Guan Yu must be careful."

When Lin Fan broadcasted the content of playing Tuzhihama, the spies in front also came to report. EDG recovered in the third game, and won the third game 32-[-] in [-] minutes without bloodshed.

Two to one won the match point.

All the pressure is on fpx.

Fans of fpx did not wait for Lin Weixiang to break out, the fourth game was also flat, without ups and downs.

In the end, edg eliminated fpx [-]-[-].

Right after the match, Luo Sheng appeared in the training room.

"Tomorrow is our turn for the game. Are we all in good shape? Next, we only have one chance in the playoffs. If we lose the game, we can only be kicked out of the game. Only by winning the game can we continue to write legends!
I hope to have a good result tomorrow!Go back to rest early today, you can go back at nine o'clock, then get up earlier, play two rounds to practice your hand. "

Luo Sheng's notice has been issued, and all team members nodded repeatedly.

Lin Fan strictly complied with the requirements, turning off the computer as soon as nine o'clock arrived.

Looking at Luo Sheng, he was stunned for a while, when did Lin Fan listen to his own words like this?
Lin Fan's state...for tomorrow's playoffs, Luo Sheng really has no idea.

(End of this chapter)

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