out of order cruise ship

Chapter 12 012: 2 midnight

Chapter 12 012: Twelve Midnight (10)

Xiaoyun stood up and walked to the side of 'Grand Sun', and the invisible thread wrapped around 'him'.

Everyone just looked at her quietly, and no one tried to stop her.

——After all, it can basically be confirmed that 'he' is the extra 'person' between them.

But as for why it was him, no one dared to think deeply, all they could do was keep silent.

Yun Zhi froze on Zhao Gang and Feng Cui for a few seconds.

——No, to be precise, it’s their shadows.

Cheng Xiao kept this discovery deep in his heart, but he raised the highest level of vigilance towards those two people in his heart.

The invisible silk thread wrapped 'Grand Sun' completely, winding 'him' into a cocoon.

Afterwards, 'Brother Sun' turned into a pool of black water and completely disappeared under the burning of the sun.

There was no relaxed look in Xiaoyun's eyes, but it looked more dignified——

After all, it was so simple that it made her feel uneasy.

Afterwards, Xiaoyun walked towards them and looked at Yunzhi.

As for the other people, they also looked like Yun Zhi was the leader, but Yun Zhi simply adjusted his glasses to cover up the gloomy light at that moment.

She looked around the crowd, smiled lightly, and said, "The matter has not reached the point of no return."

"Since there are only six of us left now, we must unite even more."

"How about this, during the day I will go to the property building with Uncle Zhao and Cheng Xiao as a team, An An, Xiao Yun, and Aunt Feng, the three of you will form a team, and go to the NO.13 floor to inquire about the residents there. Let's gather in room 13 on the 404th floor before midnight, and report the result?"

A few people had no objections, and soon after everyone assigned the team, each set foot on his own path.


While walking on the road, Yun Zhi chatted with Zhao Gang intentionally or unintentionally, and Zhao Gang lost his previous silence, and instead chatted with Yun Zhi for a while.

As for Cheng Xiao, he didn't say a word all the way, but kept observing Yun Zhi.

As for Yun Zhi, she seemed to be completely unaware, and she was still walking and talking to Zhao Gang.

Yunzhi was talking, and suddenly asked Zhao Gang: "Aunt Feng is your wife, it seems that you love her very much."

Speaking of Feng Cui, Zhao Gang suddenly became more talkative, saying: "Yes, we have been married for more than 30 years, and our relationship has always been very good."

"And do you know what happened at 12:32 noon?"

"Huh? What?"

Yun Zhi smiled in a low voice, and replied: "It's nothing, I just remembered something suddenly, and it's also about a loving couple."

"Oh, that…"

Cheng Xiao's eyes flickered slightly, but he quickly covered it up.


When Cheng Xiao brought Yun Zhi to the property building, the sun was already high in the sky.

The three of them walked in without any hesitation, and finally Yun Zhi and Cheng Xiao looked at each other, and they all saw each other's slightly gentle expression.

After walking into the hall, the chilly feeling followed.

The number of people coming and going suddenly increased, which made people feel a little awkward.

Suddenly, a man in a shirt and suit pants walked towards them.

The property manager who just met Cheng Xiao yesterday seemed to be seeing him for the first time, his eyes were full of strangeness.

The property manager looked at them with a smile and asked, "Are you here to inquire about that matter?"

Yun Zhi looked at Cheng Xiao, who took a step forward and replied, "Yes."

The property manager sighed with emotion, and said: "This matter has fermented to such an extent, since you all came to ask, then let me talk about it."

"These days, there are some discoveries when walking at night. Every time after midnight, the NO.13th floor of our happy community disappears mysteriously."

"When I heard about this incident, I didn't believe it at first, but just a few days ago, I happened to work overtime that night, and I happened to pass by Building 13 when I went back."

"And where the original Building 13 is, there is only a piece of bare land left."

"Afterwards, some people said that there was always the sound of bells ringing in the middle of the night, and there was always a vague smell of burning fire."

"If the community catches fire, it's not a trivial matter, so I asked their security guards on night shift to keep an eye out, so as not to really catch fire."

"But as the weeks passed, those security guards fell asleep unknowingly when they were on duty at night. Everyone felt a little weird. This is the fifth security guard who has left."

Speaking of which, the property manager shook his head and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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