out of order cruise ship

Chapter 14 014: 2 midnight

Chapter 14 014: Twelve Midnight (12)

23 points.

Yun Zhi waited for a long time in room 404 but did not meet Cheng Xiao and the others, so he couldn't help but yawned, but still had no desire to go out to find them.

The pitch-black shadow squirmed slowly and landed beside her.

Yun Zhi stretched his muscles a little, changed his clothes, went to the window and climbed down the pipe.

And in room 404, 'Yunzhi' was lying on the table, seeming to be asleep...


Dark shadows squirmed in the night, and no one, or any monster, could see——

After all, night is the home of shadows.

Among them, a sneaky-looking figure is slightly wretched, which is particularly different in the home court where ghosts are everywhere.

And this person is Yun Zhi.

She walked very carefully, always walking along the side. During this period, she saw a lot of strange species——

Like a spider with a human face.

For example, the long-legged monster with extraordinarily slender limbs.

Another example is a mass of jet-black, sticky, unidentified creatures that are constantly wriggling.

Yunzhi: …


A little nauseous.

I don't know how those monsters found her, anyway, when Yun Zhi reacted, she was already surrounded.

The leader is the unknown creature just now.

Yun Zhi pushed her glasses, and she held a 60cm baton in her hand.

Human-faced spiders, long-legged monsters, and countless shadows...

Yun Zhi took a deep breath, clenched the baton in his hand——

she will not die.

Absolutely not.


The time at night always goes by very slowly, and Yun Zhi already has many injuries on his body.

Blood trickled down from the cut face, and the monsters became even more excited because of the smell of blood.

Yun Zhi knelt on the ground with one knee, the hand holding the baton had deep wounds and visible bones, it seemed that he could not hold the baton in his hand stably.

She breathed heavily, her eyes were so fierce that she had really seen blood.

And—the exhaustion invisible to others.

Yun Zhixiang——

It seems to be planted.

Because of her impulsiveness.


NO.13 floor at this time——

Xiaoyun and the others were trapped in a room, and the sink not far away was opened by someone.

It was normal at first, and then slowly turned bloody, and after filling the pool, it was still flowing...

But the people trapped in the room did not know.


a few hours ago.

Xiaoyun and An An arrived at the No.13 floor. An An kept complaining why there was no elevator in such a high building, and it was not too troublesome to climb up and down.

She was exhausted, and she didn't want to continue searching like this.

Obviously, Xiaoyun thought the same way, so she walked to the first door with house number 1313, planning to quit after finishing this, but when An An thought it was the same as before——

The door opened by itself.

Xiaoyun and An An looked at each other, hesitated for a while, and walked in thinking that this was the No.13 floor, the safe zone that the game had prompted.

They directly pressed the doorknob and walked into the bedroom. What caught their eyes were paintings all over the wall and two lines of striking characters——

'No.13 floor is not safe, please believe me...'

'Get out of here quickly! '

When she saw this sentence, Xiaoyun turned around and was about to leave, but the strange thing was that no matter what, the two of them couldn't get out.

——It's like there is an invisible net, and they are fish that are caught in the net.

The paintings on the walls seem to be given life, and the pictures of ladies from distant times gradually become weird, and the eyes are moving...

'They' are all looking at you.

'They' have been watching you.

An An trembled all over, squatted down and hugged herself, and kept saying, "It's okay, I won't die..."

"I won't die..."


Xiaoyun looked at An An and her eyes became a little frightened——

I saw that An An's body was constantly changing, first her hair was constantly growing, and then her body was full of blisters...

Finally, An An stood up and turned to Xiaoyun——

That face, the densely packed eyes, some were even squeezed out, and the blood and pus on the neck were mixed with it, and it was all filthy.

Countless tentacles with suction cups protruded from the cracked mouth, and they could even make sounds——

"Xiao Yun..."

"You smell so good..."

"I'm so hungry…"

"How about I take a bite? Just one..."

Xiaoyun's eyes sharpened, mobilizing all the abilities she could use——

But she found that she couldn't use it, whether it was a super power attribute or anything else.

In the blink of an eye, she finally figured it out——

This is a dungeon, or a round that the game made against them. The biggest problem is the two non-human creatures that she personally killed.

It turns out that the word "pollution" does not only refer to the pervasive spiritual aspect, nor does it simply mean that people become "them".

They were all deceived by the copy...

but why?

After hearing the strange movement, Cheng Xiao had already reached the thirteenth floor, stayed at house number 1313 for a long time, and finally decided to leave.

But when he wanted to go back to find Yun Zhi, the matter was out of his control.

A distant cry seemed to linger in his ears—

"Come in, boy..."

"my darling…"

Cheng Xiao's eyes darkened, and he walked into the abyss step by step.

Before his consciousness disappeared, Cheng Xiao thought——

It was the second time that he was defeated by such means.

There will be no next time.

Absolutely, yes, no, will.


The night is long, and there seems to be some ravings in the distant stars, stirring up the wind and clouds on the land.

Yun Zhi finally fell to the ground powerlessly, the monsters buried her, and the pain of her flesh and blood being torn apart caused her eyes to turn black.

Blood continued to spread on the ground.

First, the meat on her legs and arms was eaten, and then four or five monsters were buried in her stomach, gnawing frantically...

Yun Zhi's consciousness became more and more blurred, but she kept thinking——

To stay awake...

To stay sane...

Will definitely stick with it.

Sure to see the dawn again.

After all, she had said—

In order to walk the road of blood and bones, she will definitely climb further—until she finds the truth.

During this period, no matter what means are used, one must survive.

Live till the end.


Dawn is approaching, and the madness of the night is fading away.

Yun Zhi seemed to have been pressed the accelerator button, and the wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the feeling of being eaten alive seemed to be there all the time, Yun Zhi struggled to get up, but fell down uncontrollably.

Get up again, fall down again.

Facing the puzzled eyes of the residents of this community, Yun Zhi stumbled back to the NO.13 floor.

She was in a daze in the grocery room where she found the original owner in the underground garage.

The faint light hit her body, and the pitch-black shadow twisted and squirmed continuously, becoming the second Yunzhi.

Yunzhi No. [-] quietly accompanies Yunzhi, like a knight guarding a princess.

Yun Zhi seemed to finally let go of his heart, and fell into a deep sleep...


Building 13, house number 1313——

Cheng Xiao woke up in a daze in the living room of the house. What he saw were the blood-stained floor tiles, walls, and furniture...

Pieces of piles, shocking.

Cheng Xiao was silent for a while, then walked to the bedroom——

There is only one bed inside, and blood, bones, and long hair all over the floor...

and also--

On the wall, there is a picture of an ancient lady in the shape of An An. An An is smiling and looks very happy in the painting.

[Ding!Main line progress: 20%→44%/100%]
[Current surviving population: 4/7]

(End of this chapter)

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