out of order cruise ship

Chapter 60 060: Paper Doll Village

Yun Zhi adjusted his glasses, his eyes shimmered.

——The dungeon of eight people, three of them are my own, no matter how you look at it, they are all profitable!

Cheng Xiao brought the person next to him to them, and the two sides simply greeted each other and started their respective introductions——

Yun Zhi looked at Cheng Xiao, then at the person next to him, pulled Xiao Xiao beside him to him, and said with a smile: "This is Lu Xiao Xiao, who mainly plays the auxiliary side, and may not be particularly good at attacking. , but it will definitely not be a hindrance; Cheng Xiao knows who I am, you probably don't know me too well, after all, I haven't fully told him about some things, my surname is Yun Mingzhi, and I'm taking the path of attack, and I'm investigating clues There are also some unique methods on the other hand, if you team up with the two of us, you will definitely not lose money!"

There was light in Cheng Xiao's eyes, and determination on his tough face. He patted the people around him and said, "I, Cheng Xiao, don't mention my physical fitness. If you need to fight in the future, remember to call us two." superior!"

"His name is Qu Shaojun, my teammate and team leader, he is a tiger with a pure smile, not to mention other abilities, he is a cunning person, he is the first class, let me tell you..."

Qu Shaojun smiled bluntly for a while, the murderous look in his eyes could hardly be hidden, and after apologizing to Yunzhi and Yunzhi, he tightly covered Cheng Xiao's unfinished mouth, and dragged it aside to start Carried out love education.

The corner of Yunzhi's mouth twitched slightly, and he accidentally choked on the saliva. Xiaoxiao patted Yunzhi's back nervously, but held back a smile while patting. To be honest, Lu Xiaoxiao really felt that this The two are more interesting than the other.

Yun Zhi straightened his back, squinted his eyes, and there was a thoughtful expression in his eyes——

Qu Shaojun...

From the Kyoto composer?
Feeling a little empty at the fingertips, Yun Zhi clicked his tongue secretly in his heart, feeling uncomfortable without something to play with in his hands.

The two came back after fighting for a short while. The four of them stood together, and others could tell that they belonged to the same group at a glance.

In addition to the four of them, there are two men and two women. Everyone gathered together and briefly introduced themselves——

Among these four people, two came in as a team. One was named Jiang Ya, who gave people a gentle and soft feeling, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, which added a touch of shrewdness to her whole person; Jiao, the name and appearance are seriously inconsistent, giving people a very bold and strong feeling, almost 1.8 meters tall, and the two of them met in the last instance.

The remaining two are basically lone wolves. One looks weak and is very delicate, but has no hair. His name is Afeng; It's called Chengfeng.

Yunzhi: …

Hiss, the last two...are they really teammates? ? ?

The name is too coincidental.

The little bald-headed Afeng also seemed to feel a bit of embarrassment, pursed his lips, and moved away from Chengfeng.

As for riding the wind?

There was no embarrassment at all, and the whole person gave people a loose and lazy attitude, which was very dragging.

After a brief introduction by the eight people, they each carried the backpacks that the game set for them and entered the village——

[Copy collection location: Paper Doll Village has been loaded]
[Reminder: The copy is valid for one week, and players are not allowed to step out of the place where the copy is recorded! ]

[Now, the countdown begins! ]

Ominous bloody numbers flickered in the distant sky, inexplicably giving people a sense of tension and oppression.


Everyone stepped in, and the originally quiet village gradually became lively. An old man dressed in plain clothes and a little girl who was about seven or eight years old greeted them, and the old man smiled kindly at them. , said unhurriedly: "I am the village head of this village, you are the few college students who want to learn the old skills of this village!"

Cheng Xiao took a step forward, nodded at the old village head, and replied, "Yes, we are those college students, what do you want...?"

The old village head laughed, and pulled the little girl beside him preciously, and said, "Baby, when I heard that someone came to our remote mountain valley to learn this craft, I was very happy. There are quite a few vacant houses in my family, so you should stay with me for a while now! Take care of your food and lodging!"

Cheng Xiao touched the back of his head embarrassingly, and said with some embarrassment: "That's so embarrassing...so many of us..."

The old village chief patted his thigh and said heartily: "Take it as your own home, so there is nothing to be ashamed of! If you are willing to learn my near-extinct craft, you have already helped me a lot!"

While talking about leading them into the village for a walk around, the villagers on the road looked at them, and they were all very novel. Most of them were old people and children, and those people stepped forward to chat with them one after another. They basically talk about the situation in big cities, whether they are good for employment, and so on.

On the way, the old village head was also talking about the situation in their village. Although their village basically knew how to make paper dolls, it was very difficult to support their family with this. In addition, this craft was becoming less and less popular, so In this village, some young and middle-aged people who are basically able to work have gone out to work.

This craft has gradually declined, and more and more people are unwilling to do this business anymore. Although this craft is not convenient to pass on to outsiders, it has reached this point today and it can't be controlled so much.

The young people in Yunzhi wanted to inherit this craft, which made the village chief seem to see hope and was very happy. He was extremely enthusiastic along the way, and kept introducing the characteristics of their village.

The group of eight patiently listened to the old village head's introduction all the way, and Yun Zhi also observed all the way, and nothing unusual happened for the time being.

However, the little girl next to the old village head seemed to be a little afraid of them, and kept hiding beside the old village head, only occasionally looking at them secretly.

The children who passed by looked at them with strange eyes, and followed them all the way to the residence prepared by the old village head for them. They secretly watched them from the eaves of the wall, but they were snatched back by their respective parents.

Yunzhi and the others secretly looked at where their dungeon landed——

It was an old house, it looked like it was old, but the inside of the house was very clean, it looked like it was specially prepared for them.

The group of eight couldn't be more grateful, and they said thank you and gave the father and son some small things--something like candies and cakes. The old village head asked the little girl next to him to accept it, by the way. Briefly introduce the little girl to them: "This child is my little granddaughter named Xiaobao. Her father and mother recently went to a big city to make money because they didn't have much money. They only come back once every few years. Alas ..."

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