out of order cruise ship

Chapter 90 090: Paper Doll Village

Looking left and then again, the two of them made a random analysis there, and finally got the result: it was no different from the daytime.

This so-called "indistinguishable" is the real doubt. It is known that the day and night in the copy are equivalent to two spatial latitudes, and it can be clearly reflected here.

The Zhaojiazhuang at night is undoubtedly very different from the daytime. In their eyes, this dilapidated village seems to be preserved only by the head of the village. It is like a river of time with clear boundaries, which locks itself firmly and does not change with the passage of time. .

The two each chose a direction to investigate, and there seemed to be something surging in the dark.


Late at night.

The moon quietly hid itself, and the earth fell into the night again.

The wind whizzed past, exuding a strange aroma, like... the smell of an incense burner enshrined in a temple.

The scene before Yun Zhi's eyes was distorted for a moment, golden light radiated from countless Buddhas, their eyes were closed, and they seemed to be muttering something to themselves.

Gradually, the golden light became stronger and stronger, and the black smoke collided recklessly in a place similar to a jar, and harsh and sharp sounds continued to come out of the jar, making one's hair stand on end.

But soon, the golden light in front of his eyes disappeared, and he saw Yun Zhi in a familiar place again, feeling like he was seeing a hallucination or dreaming in a trance.

Yun Zhi soon recovered, and suddenly, he suddenly felt that his head was hurting, the pain was like someone jumping on the nerves, jumping and jumping.

Shaking his head, Yun Zhi rubbed his temples, as if thinking of something, he suddenly looked up at the sky——

Under the black curtain are countless stars, deep and charming.

But Yun Zhiqu frowned deeply—Moonless is never a good omen.

Just like that, the two turned the place upside down and didn't find what they were looking for. Yun Zhi took out the phone from his pocket, and after seeing the time displayed on it, he sent a message to Cheng Xiao. news of withdrawal.

The two walked out from the main entrance, and Yun Zhi restored it to its original state.

However, the moment they turned around and walked away, a vague black shadow suddenly blocked their way.

Behind that fuzzy black shadow, there are sardines rushing up like a rising tide, squeezing each other and squeezing you, densely packed.

Yunzhi: …

Cheng Xiao: ...

Both were silent.

This battle is really bigger.

Cheng Xiao showed the gun to Yun Zhi for a look—good guy, the energy liquid guy only left one base in the end, and the number of bullets was only seven or eight.

Yun Zhi looked at Cheng Xiao speechlessly, but Cheng Xiao just smiled embarrassedly and stopped looking into Yun Zhi's eyes.

——After separating from Yunzhi at the beginning, I was too excited to see those ghost things, and then unconsciously...

The two of them were back to back, and the surrounding 'sardines'—actually paper pricked people—swarmed over slowly. They didn't walk over like people, but jumped like zombies.

When the gunshot rang out, Yun Zhi took out his baton and threw it away, and made several holes in the nearby paper piercer.

After using it for a while, Yunzhi finally realized what it means to 'when the usage of the baton is lower than 30%, it will slow down for 2s'. Pure heart fatigue, and the smoothness of using it before are like two different things.

Yun Zhi secretly vowed in his heart: When this dungeon comes out, he must get a few more weapons and props, otherwise he will be too passive.

Gradually, Yun Zhi felt a little powerless, and Cheng Xiao's bullets were completely exhausted at this time.

The two fell into a stalemate, and Yun Zhi suddenly remembered that the paper piercing props he had obtained in this dungeon...

Without the slightest hesitation, Yun Zhi released all the paper piercers in his hand without the slightest hesitation; and after seeing Yun Zhi's action, Cheng Xiao also mixed the part he got into Yun Zhi's team Among them, the two quickly ran away taking advantage of the chaos.


Hurrying back to the house, both of them were exhausted, while Xiao Xiao and Qu Shaojun waited anxiously at the door, finally, they saw Yun Zhi and the other two.

Needless to say, Xiao Xiao and Qu Shaojun could tell that they had gone through a fierce battle.

Both of them were more or less wounded, their bodies were covered with dirt, and even their clothes were torn with several holes.

Yun Zhi and Cheng Xiao were brought back to their rooms, and the faint candlelight illuminated the slightly cramped space, making the dungeon a little more cozy.


Xiaoxiao helped Yunzhi to the side of the bed, took off Yunzhi's coat that was mixed with dust and mud, took it to the yard to shake it for a few times, took it to the washbasin and took it out from the kitchen. Some water was used to soak the clothes in, and after simply cleaning and wringing out the mud spots on the clothes, they hung them on the hemp ropes placed on the two poles in the yard.

He wiped his hands with a cloth or something animal, and when he entered the room, he saw Yunzhi struggling to take off his underwear, and hurried forward to help.

The little general placed a piece of cloth on the bed that he didn't know came from and let Yun Zhi lay down on it for the time being, and took the scissors he took out from the drawer to cut open the injured part of Yun Zhi's back bit by bit, his brows furrowed more and more.

——She didn't expect that Yun Zhi was injured so badly, the clothes and the injured area were already glued together, if the boss didn't take care of it as soon as possible, she might be infected by bacteria because of it.

Yun Zhi was already a little drowsy at this time, and there was a very tired feeling all over his body.

Xiaoxiao took a few deep breaths, and found some from her inventory for trauma treatment—such as povidone iodine, which she had saved before.

The hand holding the scissors tightened - there was no longer any hesitation.

Then he concentrated on peeling off the part where the wound was connected to the clothes little by little. During this period, Yun Zhi frowned because of a few accidental heavy wounds, but there was no other movement.

This made Xiao Xiao's admiration for the boss even stronger - after all, under such a wound, few people can not help crying.

But the boss has been standing like this for an unknown how long, even without saying a word, just this pain and perseverance are enough to see how strong a person's heart is.

Xiao Xiao took out the medicine powder on the side, carefully applied the medicine to the wound on his back, and sterilized the other small wounds with iodine along the way.

But when she went to the wound on the boss's face, she saw that the left half of the boss's face was red and swollen, and there were small scratches at the corner of his eyes; even when there was a small gap bleeding on the corner of his forehead—— Xiao Xiao took a deep breath.

She pursed her lips, feeling a surge of powerlessness—but what followed was anger.

Xiaoxiao knows that the wound on the boss's face is definitely not caused by any monster - because she has also had a similar experience, such a masterpiece can only be man-made, except for the woman named Jiang Ya, she can't think of a second personal.

She wanted to become stronger, so strong that she would no longer be a burden to the boss.

The previous confused and depressed state of mind also quietly changed at this time.


At dawn, Xiao Xiao and Qu Shaojun walked into the kitchen by coincidence.

The two have a clear division of labor, each doing their own work, adding a bit of indifference in this small kitchen.

When Cheng Xiao and Yun Zhi woke up, they had already prepared dinner.

Yun Zhi woke up in the smell of food, the scene in front of him was a familiar place, the exhaustion all over his body was swept away with sleep, and the wounds on his body were treated well.

Suddenly, as if she had touched something, she groped her forehead with her fingertips—sure enough, she touched a soft, long strip.

Yun Zhi thought for a while, this feeling seems to be a Band-Aid.

All of a sudden, Yun Zhi felt cool on her body - when the quilt slid down a little bit, she realized that she was not wearing any clothes, and there was a snow-white bandage wrapped around her chest.

There was a set of clean clothes beside him, and the fragrance of the laundry soap on them could be faintly smelled.

Yun Zhi clicked his tongue lightly, seemingly indifferent but actually happy.

To be honest, although I have suffered more serious injuries than this since I was a child, it is really the first time that I have been taken care of like this.

After getting dressed, Yun Zhi got off the bed, folded the quilt she was sleeping on and put it inside, moved her body a little, and walked to the front of the mirror.

——In the mirror is a face with scars. The shallow scars are like a hero's medal, and a dark yellow Band-Aid is pasted on the left forehead.

——The corner of his mouth was a little red, and his skin was a little bit torn, which made Yun Zhiping feel a little bit broken due to battle damage, which made people feel pity.

Such a distinctive style and characteristics are really unique to Yunzhi, and every time I see her, I feel that she is different; and it seems that only she can give people this feeling-two almost completely opposite temperaments are mixed together. On the same person, it doesn't seem strange.

This kind of contradictory complexity is very attractive, but it is a pity that Yun Zhi himself is not a ostentatious person, and his previous attire was really low-key.


After Yun Zhi tidied herself up, she stepped out of the room neatly. Fragmented golden light scattered on her body and in every corner of the world, making people feel better.

Cheng Xiao and Yun Zhi over there stepped out of the room at the same time, they both saw the large or small scars on each other's face, and each laughed a little.

Qu Shaojun appeared out of nowhere, and tapped Cheng Xiao's head three times with his chopsticks - still the real one, signaling to him that this was a very impolite behavior.

Cheng Xiao, who was brutally murdered by his captain: ...

I am wronged, but I am not saying!
Qu Shaojun looked at Cheng Xiao who wanted to play tricks at any time, and couldn't help but twitched his face, and the tip of his tongue slightly touched the alveolar.

Looking at Cheng Xiao gloomily, he smiled and said, "Second brother, be normal, understand?

I don't think you like extra training either, do you? "

Cheng Xiao cleared his throat, and when everyone was sitting around the table, he found a seat farthest from his captain.

Other players: …

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