famine queen

Chapter 536 End

Jin Mang said with a helpless face: "I only realized when I received the transformation of the original source. After becoming the Dao of Heaven, I can choose to obtain a supernatural power independently."

Yu Duling was taken aback, and guessed: "The supernatural power you chose in a hurry is not suitable?"

"That's not true." Jin Mang said a little depressed: "The supernatural power I chose is that as long as I exist, my belief in God will not be polluted by my belief."

Yu Duling was stunned for a moment.

"I actually want to have a supernatural power with stronger combat power." Jin Mang sighed: "Because the way of heaven is different from the gods, I directly use the original source, and the original source...is actually a very chaotic non-attribute energy, so The attribute is very peaceful, and it can even be said that there is almost no temper. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the original source will make my defense strong enough to defy the sky, but the attack power...my attack methods are probably the original ones. With you gods In comparison, it's simply inferior."

Originally, there was an extra supernatural power, which could improve the situation, but in the end, the only quota was used for the sake of believing in God.

It's no wonder Jin Mang is not depressed.

Yu Duling breathed a sigh of relief, and then it was a little funny, "Why do you want supernatural powers with strong combat power? You don't think that the gods will attack you, do you? Even if you believe in gods, you have such supernatural powers, they will not treat you It was a shot. In this way, are you going to use a big move against humans?"

After he said this, Jin Mang also reacted.

It seems so.

Jin Mang's mood improved a lot, and she thought of the League Competition again, so she quickly asked Yu Duling, "By the way, how many days have passed?"

Yu Duling was taken aback for a moment, turned on the optical brain to look, and said in astonishment: "It has been three months."

Although the god is not sensitive to the passage of time, he is too slow for this time.

Jin Mang's eyes widened, "The alliance competition is over?!"

"That's right." Yu Duling said, "Don't worry, the avatar I transformed with divine power has already helped you win the championship."

Jin Mang was suddenly a little depressed, she wanted to show her skills.

Seeing her like this, Yu Duling couldn't help coaxing: "If you like this kind of thing, let's hold a god competition in the future?"

"Spirit Competition?" Jin Mang was stunned.

Yu Duling nodded and said: "Although gods and mortals are different, it is difficult for mortals to have power stronger than gods, but everything may happen in case. Many gods have powerful divine power, but their combat effectiveness is not very good. I always feel that It's not a good thing to be so deserted, and it just happens to be a big competition, so that everyone has a platform to exercise."

Good guy!
Jin Mang actually understands the mood of the gods, who wants social animals if they can salt fish?
But what Yu Duling said was indeed reasonable.

She thought for a while and asked: "There must be prizes in this competition?" If the prizes were not attractive, those gods would probably not participate at all.

But to those gods, what is attractive?
Yu Duling thought for a while and said: "It's very simple, you are the way of heaven, you can distribute the aura, and then the aura will be distributed according to the ranking of the gods and spirits."

Jin Mang said silently, "In this case, aren't those gods who are not good at fighting inherently unlucky?"

"It's simple. It can be compared not only to combat power, but also to other things, such as literature, creation, and handicrafts. It can be judged based on the overall ranking." Yu Duling said: "If you believe in God, you can also participate in the competition." Come in, that can also add some technology competitions."

Jin Mang: "..." Is this trying to make the gods roll in?
Just thinking about it, Yu Duling said: "If you are interested, you can also participate at that time. Of course, not as a contestant, but as a judge. If you like to compete with others, then you can be in charge of the audition. It is up to you to test your strength first. The poor gods will be screened out."

Jin Mang was ready to move. She likes to do this job.

Seeing the anticipation sparkling in her eyes, Yu Du felt satisfied for a while.

He thought, Jin Mang is now the way of heaven, so he is not in love with human beings like Lorden, but it is a hundred times, a thousand times and ten thousand times stronger than those evil thoughts.

——They only had Jinmang once, but they will always have her.

Back in Hayada, Qian Kun appeared in front of Jin Mang for the first time, and couldn't hide his excitement: "I just received a message from the Dao of Heaven, did you send it to me? Is it true?"

——After becoming the Dao of Heaven, Jin Mang has an additional skill: no matter it is a god or a mortal creature, she can directly send messages from Dao of Heaven to them.

Jin Mang nodded, and said proudly, "I kept my promise to you."

"...Thank you." Qian Kun almost cried.

Then the next moment, the aura on his body began to rise continuously, and in just a moment, his aura had multiplied by more than ten times.

Jin Mang was a little surprised, but Yu Duling said clearly: "In order not to be polluted by beliefs, he has always separated beliefs from his body. Now that he has no worries, he directly absorbs beliefs, and his strength has naturally entered a new world. "

He raised his eyebrows and asked Qian Kun, "You should be out of the constraints of servers and equipment by now, right?"

Qian Kun nodded with a smile, bowed solemnly to Jin Mang and said: "I have to go to work first, and I will come to you when I am done."

Jin Mang froze for a moment, and the figure of the other party had already disappeared.

"What does she mean?"

Yu Duling smiled and said: "Although you chose a supernatural power that is almost useless to you, it is really not a loss. I am afraid that you will be surrounded by your belief in God in the future."

As a quasi-God King, Faith God, as a scheduled subordinate, actually "jumped" in front of him, he should not be happy.

But because it was Jinmang, Yu Duling couldn't get angry at all.Even, he couldn't help being happy for her.

Surrounded by gods of faith, Jinmang's position in the heaven will be more stable than expected, and it will be difficult for those gods to embarrass her anymore.

——In fact, compared with the gods who have been misled by the false way of heaven and have many problems, although the group of people who believe in gods is weaker, they are more reliable when it comes to xinxing.

Jin Mang was taken aback, she really didn't expect this when she chose this supernatural power.

"I don't need it at all," she muttered.

Yu Duling smiled, and changed the subject: "Before my god-king godhead is restored, it should be the time when we have the most freedom and leisure. What are your plans?"

Jin Mang thought for a while and said, "I want to go to school?"

Yu Duling was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Then I'll accompany you." It seems appropriate to fall in love at school?

Jin Mang didn't know what Yu Duling was thinking, she was still thinking about how to pluck this high mountain flower.


She has absolutely no experience in this area.

But it doesn't matter, her future is still very, very long, enough for her to pry open this man's heart little by little, and let him belong to her again.

Those illusory and swinging loves will finally usher in a happy ending.

This is the end of the main text, and there are a few extra stories to follow.

It’s just the end of the month, if you still have tickets, please beg~

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