There is no place to play on the spaceship. Besides going to the game room to log in to the long-lost account to check the current season, Song Shuhui stayed in her room with Chasia to practice.

After comprehending the sea of ​​Qi in Dantian, Song Shuhui has not stopped practicing every day. This matter has become an inertia, and it will automatically and slowly run without deliberately pushing it. The spiritual sea in Dantian is also filling up day by day.

Although the dantian has formed a sea of ​​yin and yang qi, it has not crystallized. It may not be so easy to form a second crystal. It requires a lot of accumulation of mental power. The first crystal is purely accidental, and it is also the credit of Xin Dong. Both she and Chasia Absorbed too much of Xin Dong's mental power, if it wasn't in that environment, it would definitely not be possible.

However, according to Song Shuhui's calculations, if he continues to practice at the current speed, he will be able to crystallize within two years.Last time she said a few months, this time she said two years, not because she lost confidence, but because she was too ignorant before, last time she had external assistance, and now two years without assistance is also a super god speed , Decades faster than others.

This time Song Shuhui intends to grind a little bit, and strive to crystallize to be twice as big as the one in the spiritual sea.

Chasia didn't stop practicing, but his progress was still not as good as Song Shuhui's. It was only now that his dantian started to practice steadily, and it would take at least four years to enter the crystallization.This is the case of self-cultivation. If you practice with Song Shuhui, the speed can be much faster.

As soon as I started to practice, time passed very quickly, and I changed to a much smaller spaceship and rushed to Xuelanxing in the blink of an eye.

Xuelan Star is just like its name, it looks like a white planet covered with snowflakes from a distance, with a layer of foggy star rings on the surface, it looks very beautiful.

As you can see from the color of the planet, the leaves of the trees on this planet are all white, the bark of the trunks is white, and even the flowers that bloom are mostly white. Red and light purple, everything seems to have faded, even the sky is an extremely light blue, if there is no contrast, it is almost impossible to tell that it is blue.

After entering the planet in the aircraft, Song Shuhui was almost blinded by the large white.

Song Shuhui wore a black skirt, while Chasia wore denim blue. Song Shuhui also bought him a hat, which looks very jazzy now.

There is also a sense of pride inside and outside the words.

Morrison sat with them every day to regulate these things, and he was starting to feel a little tired.

Even if robots have emotions, they are still more rational than humans when thinking about problems, and they will unconsciously summarize and analyze some problems.

Song Shuhui looked at herself: "Why don't we also dye our hair and change our clothes?"

In the past, he didn't seem to be really awakened, he was still ignorant, he couldn't see what he was going to do and what he was thinking, but as he came into contact with more and more things, he saw more and more people and things on the Internet. Many, he understood a lot of things more and more.

But as more and more robots gathered, he had new troubles.

Morrison stroked his hair and said blankly: "I don't know, I just hope they can survive and not be killed at will. As for the others, I haven't thought about it."

Morrison felt sad, even empathetic, and he felt that he needed to do something, even if it was just a little change.

After this success, Morrison began to pay attention to other robots. Slowly, more and more robots were rescued by him. People from all walks of life and planets gathered together. They just wanted to find a robot. A safe place to stay.

Song Shuhui bent her eyes and said: "You did a good job, just follow your inner thoughts and do what you want to do."

"Thanks for the reminder, we will."

"Hahaha, the young man is so pretty, let me take a look around."

Song Shuhui listened to his soft narration, but she didn't expect Morrison to do so many things and face such a predicament.She didn’t have any good advice on this point. When she thought she was a squirrel with only thoughts, she also thought about how to integrate into human society without being noticed. It’s really too difficult for a minority group to change everyone’s ideas. It's difficult, this is a difficult road that I don't know how many years I will fight for, and I don't know how many people will die. Song Shuhui dare not give opinions easily.

Looking at the coordinates in her hand, Song Shuhui blinked at Chasia: "It seems that my efficiency is better."

Morrison was very happy at first, happy that he had many of his kind, and happy that he saved a statement.

Chacia smiled and praised: "I'm really not as good as it is."

Morrison didn't expect this, he suddenly got up for a moment, and immediately got up: "You are right, I haven't considered this matter, I will go to Lucas to discuss it."

He has entrusted Lucas to look for it, but there is no news yet.

Put on two more glasses, and now the two of them looked no different from locals.

Robots, like humans, will inevitably have various thoughts and ideas after being conscious, and then form different personalities and behavior styles.

The two of them stepped on the vines and pushed open the window to look in. A musty smell came from the room that hadn't been ventilated for a long time. A few small animals got in from nowhere and hid immediately after seeing the light.

This is Song Shuhui's selfishness. The planet they live on still belongs to Lucas, and if something happens, they will be the first to confront him.And Lucas is a good friend of Chasia. After losing his parents, he is one of the most important people in Chasia. Song Shuhui does not want him to have an accident.

So when he saw a robot secretly leaving last words on the Internet in panic, he immediately decided to contact the other party and bring him out.When saving the first robot, he was very impulsive and had no plan. He checked the escape time and the map for the other party, and looked for a suitable opportunity for the other party to leave the planet.

"It stinks." Song Shuhui stretched out her hand and waved her nose. There was a strong stench in the room. I don't know if it came from the animal or there was a dead body.

There are many shops nearby. It seems that a commercial street has developed around the place where the aircraft is parked, and there are still many people.

Hearing her words, a big brother sitting not far away who looked like a local passenger answered: "Yes, we have more eye disease patients on Xuelan than other places, so here is also the best in the entire galaxy. Our ophthalmologist, if you have any discomfort, you can definitely cure it by looking for our doctor.”

Because of these differences, robots now have different opinions. Some robots are satisfied with a safe place and don’t think about other things anymore. Some robots think extreme, thinking that humans are trying to kill them. Pursue true freedom and want to have the same power status as human beings.

Suddenly receiving Song Shuhui's call for help, Morrison, who was negotiating with other robots, connected to her message without delay.

There are very few outsiders in the small town, and the two unfamiliar faces quickly attracted the attention of many people after they came in. Fortunately, both of them were dressed in local clothes, which made people think they were passing by or visiting, and they passed by after just a second glance.

Chasia asked curiously, "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm good at searching for information on the Internet, let me try, but I'm not sure I can find it."

"Shu Hui, long time no see."

After getting off the aircraft, Song Shuhui couldn't help but look around.I don’t know if it’s white everywhere. The buildings here are colorful, all of which use the boldest colors, dark green exterior walls, bright red roofs, even people’s clothes are colorful, hair is even worse, what? Red orange yellow green blue blue purple can be seen everywhere.The low-key and simple dress of the two of them became extremely conspicuous here, and they seemed to be from other places.

Chasia turned around obediently, and Song Shuhui couldn't help but recorded the scene on Starnet. After a while of silly fun, Song Shuhui soon found herself in trouble.

Song Shuhui's eyes lit up and said immediately: "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you can't find it, it's okay if you have other information! I'll send this person's information now."

Song Shuhui smiled and nodded.

Human beings are jealous and cruel to robots with awakened consciousness, and they will be formatted or destroyed once they are discovered.When many robots first awakened, they couldn't control their abnormalities, and they couldn't hide themselves well. The only result was formatting.

However, the current Federation is not the same as the movies and novels that Song Shuhui has read. Human beings are not powerless waste that can only rely on machines. Humans have mental strength and a strong physique. It is not certain who wins or loses.

Morrison thought for a long time, as if wondering if it could be done, he turned his head and asked dozens of robots behind him, and soon a bald-headed robot in a plaid shirt approached.

Thanks to the blessings of the unscientific science fiction novels I read before, Song Shuhui has some stereotypes, such as robots can roam the Internet, and they can invade other people's terminals at will just like a set of data.Of course, now she knew that this was unlikely, but she still approached Morrison with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

Toin was closer to the forest than the house he used to live in. It was a two-story building with a yard. However, the two of them were disappointed when they saw the house. The weeds in the yard were almost one floor high, and the roof was completely covered. It is covered by plants, and there is a big bird's nest on it, obviously it has been uninhabited for a long time.

The two rented an aircraft on the spot and flew towards the coordinate point quickly.

"It's so bright, it feels like walking in the snow. It's easy to go blind if you look at it for a long time."

It just so happened that the bald-headed robot in the plaid shirt over there had found the news, and after transmitting the coordinates and some information, the communication between the two sides was cut off.

The eldest brother looked the two of them up and down for a while: "You are from other places, it is best to buy a pair of goggles when you come to Xuelanxing for the first time, so as not to hurt your eyes, they will be sold at the port where you landed."

"Do you think so too?" she asked. "Do you want robots to be equal to humans and have the same rights and obligations?"

The two bought a disposable hair dye in the store. Song Shuhui picked a bright red color, and Chasia was dark blue. This hair dye is very convenient to use. It can change color immediately after spraying on the hair, and it can last for about a week.

Song Shuhui knew that it would be troublesome for Chasia to find these things. Thinking of how he hadn't slept for the past two days and one night, she rested her chin and thought for a long time, and suddenly thought of someone.

After the bald robot went to work, Morrison couldn't hold back and chatted with Song Shuhui again. After leaving with Lucas, he has experienced a lot of things, from the timidity at the beginning to the strange place, watching the factory build up little by little, Watching the machine being pulled in and the product appearing in front of him bit by bit, Morrison was deeply moved by the feeling of creating something from scratch.

The aircraft flew for more than two hours, and arrived at a small city near the forest. This city was more like a town with a relatively small population. There were many abandoned houses, and the colorful exterior walls were covered by white plants.

But when he fought for the chance of robots to live, he was already on the opposite side of humans, but now they are too few in number to form an opposing force. When there are enough robots in the future, it will be too difficult to kill them all. up.

It is impossible for Morrison to control everyone's thoughts and behaviors. What is the difference between that and humans controlling robots.

After being dumbfounded for a few seconds, she couldn't help but praise: "Today's look is really good-looking, especially energetic."

"Well, thank you. Is there anything you want from me?" After not chatting for a long time, Morrison accidentally talked too much, and forgot to ask her the purpose of the communication.

The contradiction is not obvious now, but who knows what the future will become.

These are still far away from actually happening: "Don't think too much, but I still suggest that if you have enough money, you can buy a planet for you to live in. There are factories here, and many people go to investigate from time to time. You still Somewhat dangerous."

Today, Morrison has a new hairstyle. His hair is grass green. He is as handsome as an idol star. His meticulous clothes have also been replaced with quite fashionable casual clothes. His overall temperament is bigger than last time. He had changed, if it wasn't for his face not changing, Song Shuhui would hardly have recognized him.

In addition to practicing time these days, Chasia is also searching for specific news about Toynby on the Internet, but without illegal means, it is impossible for ordinary people to find out the specific address of a person, let alone a person who has no news a few years ago .

"Perhaps you can ask him," she murmured.

The window was not big, Song Shuhui changed back into a squirrel, and quickly got in.

"Morrison, he's a robot. Robots are much more convenient than us looking for people. Maybe it's feasible. I'll ask."

"Don't be discouraged. You've done a good job. Humans can't compare with machines. Well, we're about to set off. The last news about this Toynby is that he bought a month's worth of nutritional supplements. I always have a bad feeling hunch. Let's go."

"There is something. I don't know if I can ask you for help. We are looking for someone now, but we only know his name and general information. We want his address and last trace of his activities."

Morrison still smiled embarrassedly after being praised as before: "Thank you, I think it looks good too, it was made by Shiyi for me. He used to be an assistant robot in charge of styling and dressing, and he was the most skilled in the store." Okay that one. By the way, I forgot to introduce to you. I have recruited many robots like me. They don’t know where to go or what to do, and they are afraid of being discovered and destroyed, so they all come to me. I also I don’t know if it’s right to do that.”

"Xuelanxing is so big, where should we find Toynby? Isn't this a needle in a haystack? What do you think?" Song Shuhui asked.

The furniture in the house had been bitten through, the ground was covered with a thick layer of dust, and there were animal paw prints everywhere.

Song Shuhui ran to the bedroom, where the smell was the worst. There was half a box of unopened expired nutrients in the corner of the bedroom, and the sleeping cabin, which looked like a treatment cabin, was empty, with no corpses or bones.

There is a faint remnant of spiritual power in the room, and it is almost impossible to find it without careful observation. This mental power is very weak, and the original owner is not in a good state.

She walked towards the door with her spiritual power, but unfortunately her weak mental power was broken here.

Song Shuhui suddenly had a headache, where could she go if she wasn't here?You can't wait for death in another place.

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