Chapter 102 Killing the Son-in-Law (30)

As soon as the news of Lin Ao's divorce from Xie's family came out, it became the focus of discussion among people in Lin'an City after dinner.

"Duplicate the outside, break the promise and get fat, break the promise, repay the kindness..."

In the Haiyan Building, everyone who listened to the book was discussing Lin Ao.

Some people are so engrossed in listening that they forget to eat when the food is on their lips.

Several storytellers glanced at each other.

Got it!
Today, this book has been replaced by another person, so let them listen to it for a while!

"From the very beginning, I didn't like Mr. Lin's family..."

"Why didn't you say it before, now it's an afterthought!"

"I didn't think about it before, but today I heard that Xie's family resigned. I just remembered it. Last time I went to Yihonglou, I saw a person who looked very similar to Lin Ao. At that time, I thought how could it be possible, unless Lin Ao had lived enough. just went there."

"Okay, Brother Wang, you go to the brothel without telling your sister-in-law..."

"Hey, hey, he's talking about Lin Ao, don't talk about me!"

"Remember to call my brother next time, otherwise I don't guarantee that my sister-in-law will know about it!"

"Don't talk too far, let's talk about Lin Ao, it seems that I have seen him go out with a woman, and the two are very close."

"It's no longer a secret. The evaluation given by the Xie family means that Lin Aoyang broke his promise and became fat!"

"I really admire him, just say how many people in Lin'an City dare to offend Xie's family like this?"

Everyone shook their heads immediately.

Xie Xi is a lunatic.

Who dares to provoke a madman?
They are all old and young, and they haven't lived enough!

When everyone was chatting happily, a young man in a black suit took the snacks from the waiter and walked around them.

He walked eastward all the way, and when he passed a prominent and luxurious house, he paused for a moment, and from the corner of his eye, he saw the word "Xie's family" mentioned on the plaque on the door.

Afterwards, he walked out of the alley, went around to the outside of another house that was comparable to the Xie family, and knocked on the small door facing south.

The small door opened, and an elderly man was waiting there.

The young man walked in, called the old man your uncle, and handed a bag of dim sum to the old man, "Your favorite."

The old man accepted the snack with a smile, and then asked with concern: "Xiao Qi, how is the young master?"

"Well, I can eat, drink and sleep."

As Qi Jiu spoke, he complained, "You can still trick people."

Although he was worried that once the master got cold from typhoid fever, he would never find someone who was more generous than the master.

But the master's body won't be able to die for a while.

Uncle Gui said angrily after hearing this: "The young master is the most kind and courteous to others, don't talk nonsense."

Qi Jiu nodded perfunctorily.

Uncle Gui grew up watching his master, and the elders watched the younger ones, so naturally it's good anywhere.

"Is the medicine I want ready?" Qi Jiu asked.

Uncle Gui looked aside, there were three big packages there, "It's all here."

The corner of Qi Jiu's mouth twitched, "Uncle Gui, except for the severe wind and cold last time, the master is in good health at other times. After taking so many medicines, you will get sick even if you are not sick."

Uncle Gui glanced at him in disapproval, "There is no disease, these are some medicinal herbs that are great for tonic, ginseng and deer antler snow lotus, they are all obtained after a lot of effort, you take them back and give the young master a good tonic." body."

Qi Jiu: "..."

The master's body is a bit weak, but it's not such a remedy!
So many precious medicinal materials are given to the young master at once, without a few doses of medicine, he will be able to burn paper for the young master today next year.

Xun Yu: "..."

A sneeze startled the birds in the yard.

Xun Yu wiped his nose with a handkerchief, and looked up in the direction of Xie's house.

Could it be that sister Jinyan was thinking about him?

 Qi Jiu: A qualified guard starts with me
  Xun Yu: Those who are favored are confident
(End of this chapter)

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