Chapter 105 Killing the Son-in-Law (33)

Pearl saluted Xun Yu first, "Mr. Xun, my lady ordered me to come and give the medicine."

The young lady said that the house issue could be discussed later, but Xun Meiren's illness could not be delayed, so she asked her to bring the best medicine for nourishing the lungs and relieving cough.

Xun Yu's eyes were slightly warm, "Did she say anything to me?"

Pearl seemed hesitant.

"But it doesn't matter." Xun Yu said.

Pearl: "Miss said that she was sure that Mr. Xun was not in her memory, but when Mr. Xun said there was, she believed it..."

"What else?" Xun Yu asked with a smile.

Pearl cleared her throat and said, "Miss said, Mr. Xun is good-looking, so she has privileges with her."

Miss has always been more tolerant towards beauties.

Qi Jiu's eyes widened upon hearing this.

There is such a straightforward woman as Miss Xie in this world?

Look at the master again.

The corners of the lips are slightly raised, the eyebrows and eyes are gentle, and the face is full of doting.

Anyone can see how happy he is at the moment.

Xun Yu gently took the things from Pearl's hand, "Thank your lady for me first, and I will come to the door to thank you in person someday."

After Pearl left, when Qi Jiu came back, Xun Yu was looking at those medicines affectionately.

It was very similar to the way my father stared at my mother before.

Qi Jiu leaned against the door frame and watched for a while, seeing that Xun Yu hadn't noticed him at all, he couldn't help but said: "Master, Miss Xie gave you the medicine because I couldn't bear you to keep coughing, and it wasn't for you to treat these medicines as treasures."

"My pleasure."

As Xun Yu said, he took out a piece of medicinal material from it and chewed it in his mouth.

Qi Jiu suddenly showed a ferocious expression.

People who always resist taking medicine, chewed and ate the most bitter medicine.


Sure enough, the script is right.

People who talk about love will become crazy!Fool!


Pearl returned to Xie's house, and was describing to Jin Yan the beauty Xun she saw in the smog, when a woman's shrill and terrified cry sounded outside.

Jin Yan's thoughts were disturbed, and she motioned for Fei Cui to see what happened.

Soon, Fei Cui came back, but her expression was not very happy, "Miss, it's still Lin Yuan."

Since the Patriarch came back, Mrs. Wen made more troubles and became more energetic.

Jinyan lowered her eyelids, "What did she do?"

Fei Cui: "Holding a knife to her neck, I heard that she was bleeding, and the woman guarding the gate didn't dare to stop her, so she went all the way to the main courtyard unimpeded."

Jin Yan was silent for a while after hearing this.

Fei Cui and the others looked at each other, a little worried about Jin Yan, but they didn't know how to comfort him.

Jin Yan suddenly stood up.

Several servant girls looked over, "Miss?"

Jin Yan said blankly: "Go, go and meet her."

Hu Po immediately persuaded: "Miss, the Patriarch is here, Mrs. Wen doesn't dare to make a fuss, so let's not go..."

"If you don't go, won't she make trouble for nothing?"

Jin Yan left after speaking.

The maidservants were stunned for a moment, and hurriedly followed.

When Jin Yan passed by, Mrs. Wen was expressing her affection for Xie Xi.

If Xie's house was the tea pavilion of Haiyan Building, then the guests would have been moved to tears at this moment.

However, the reality is quite different.

Of the three present, Xie Xi had a sullen face, the housekeeper was expressionless, and Xie Lin looked angry.

The same thing is that the way they look at Mrs. Wen is no different from seeing a monkey jumping up and down in the busy market.

Mrs. Wen was trying to brew her emotions, when Jin Yan suddenly said, "Daddy, why didn't you call me when you saw the monkey show?"

Jin Yan's appearance was beyond everyone's expectation.

Xie Xi didn't want his daughter to see this crazy woman who wanted to kill her all the time.

The housekeeper frowned, the lady is here, why no one notified her?

Xie Lin was distressed and worried.

He has a mother who can risk her life for him, so he feels even more distressed about what happened to Jin Yan when he was young.

The most surprised one was Mrs. Wen.

Although she always clamored to see her daughter, unless she could kill Jin Yan, she would not even look at Jin Yan.

In the end, the daughter she couldn't kill saw her embarrassed and humiliated.

Mrs. Wen gave Jin Yan a resentful look, then quickly changed her expression, pretending to be kind, and called for my daughter.

Jin Yan didn't even give her a look.

Passing by Mrs. Wen as if there was no one else around, Jin Yan came to Xie Xi's side and said dissatisfiedly, "I'm not watching a monkey show, where are the monkeys?"

Xie Xi patted Jinyan's head lovingly, and said dotingly: "I'm kneeling below."

Jin Yan glanced at it with raised eyebrows, and said sarcastically, "I didn't see a monkey, only a clown."

Mrs. Wen: "..."

Xie Xi laughed out loud.

He fondled Jin Yan's hair again, and said something in a low voice, which made Jin Yan laugh too.

Seeing Xie Xi doting on Jin Yan, Mrs. Wen gritted her teeth in hatred, and tightly clenched the hands hanging by her side.

It was so hard for her to conceive in October, and it was a hell of a journey to give birth to a child, but she gave birth to such a disaster that competed with her for favor.

If it wasn't for the birth of this bewitching debt collector, if it wasn't for the birth of this calamity that attracted Xie Xi's full attention, how could Xie Xi not want a son, and how could he drink the potion of extinction?
Without this little beast, Xie Xi's pampering and pampering, the Xie family's wealth rivaling the country's wealth, and everything would belong to her and her son!
Mrs. Wen's hatred was written all over her face.

But when he opened his mouth, it was a creepy call of affection, "Yanyan, don't you know your mother? I am your mother!"

Jin Yan: "..."

The knife is all up to the neck, and in the end, that's it?
Shouldn't Mrs. Wen's madness force Xie Xi to agree to adopt Wen Jue with death, or let Xie Xi restore her identity, or force Xie Xi to have a child with her?

The crazier it sounds, the more daydreaming and wishful thinking, the more it fits Mrs. Wen's personality!
Jin Yan didn't understand why she was so cowardly.

But Xie Xi at the side saw through her, "Bored?"

Jin Yan nodded, looked at one place with a cold expression, and said lightly: "I have to die every day, I thought there was some kind of surprising and vicious trick to win, either poison me or drug dad, the result is this, really disappoint others."

There was neither sadness nor joy in her eyes, calm like an ancient well.

It seems that the existence of the role of "mother" really doesn't make any sense to her.

Xie Xi stared into her eyes.

After a long while, he sighed full of pity, "Maybe Dad was wrong. After so many years, Dad is sorry."

Yan Yan has always seen clearly.

On the contrary, he cared about it and made chaos, thinking that all children would want a mother to love her, so he kept Wen Shi for so many years.

But every time Wen's going crazy, how much harm did he cause to Yanyan?
Jin Yan squeezed Xie Xi's sleeve affectionately, and said in a low voice, "Daddy, you don't need to apologize, you are doing it for my own good, I know it all."

Xie Xi's eye sockets were slightly hot, and his heart also felt tingling.

Mistakes are to be corrected.

Since Wen's existence has no value, there is no need to keep her here.

 I successfully advanced to the first round, thank you guys for voting! ! ! 【Compare Heart】【Love You】

(End of this chapter)

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