Chapter 107 Killing the Son-in-Law (35)

After Jin Yan heard about Xie Lin's going to Linyuan the next day, he immediately went to find Xie Xi, "Daddy, is Xie Lin usually so majestic?"

Xie Xi smiled, "It's not just prestige, you'll know when he goes to check the accounts."

"If you say that, then I have to see it with my own eyes!" Jin Yan said.

Xie Xi thought of something, and reminded: "Not for a few days."

After hearing this, Jin Yan said: "I know, it will be the anniversary of his mother's death soon, and I won't bother him at this time."

Xie Xi nodded in relief, "The goods from Donghai should have arrived, go and have a look, and keep whatever you like."

"Give it all to me, no more business?" Jin Yan said.

Xie Xi knocked Jinyan on the head with a funny face, and said dotingly: "Little money fan, who else can I give it to if I don't give it to you? Daddy only has a precious daughter like you."

Xie Lin ordered Lin Yuan's warehouse to be counted, checked the accounts, and found that the Wen family had sent all the utensils stolen from Yan Yan to the Wen family.

The Wen family's eyelids are too shallow, and many things have been pawned and sold by them.

Things that were lost once, even if they were found, would still be left in the dust, and it was impossible to give them to Yan Yan again, so they could only make up for some other treasures.

The father and daughter were talking, and the butler came.

"Patriarch, Mr. Xun sent someone to deliver the greeting card." The housekeeper said.

Xie Xi didn't know what to think, so he glanced at Jin Yan resentfully.

Jin Yan: "..."

What are you looking at her for?
Did dad know about her finding a house for Xun Yu?
"Is it Xun Yu?" Xie Xi asked.

Butler said yes.

Xie Xi: "Today I'm going to the government office to discuss matters, let him come tomorrow."

After the housekeeper went out, Jin Yan said, "Then I'll go with Daddy, I haven't seen Sister He Shan for a long time."

He Shan is the prefect's beloved daughter, and she and Jin Yan are also close friends in her boudoir.


Xie Lin came back from the outside, just in time to see a man coming out of Xie's house.

The other party looked like a martial arts practitioner, and was a bit unfamiliar, Xie Lin couldn't help paying attention.

"Back?" The butler looked at him with a smile.

Xie Lin nodded, "Uncle Wang, whose family is that?"

The steward said: "It's Mr. Xun's bodyguard, who came to send greetings for Mr. Xun."

"Master Xun?" Xie Lin was a little puzzled.

Didn't the head of the family always look down on the members of the Xun family?
Seeing that Xie Lin was puzzled, the housekeeper explained, "It's Xun Yu, the son of the first wife of the Xun family, the Lan family, who has been in the countryside for a few years."

Xie Lin was startled, and the memory hidden in his heart instantly revived.

When he first arrived at Xie's house, he hadn't opened yet, and he was abused because of long-term starvation and cold.

Later, the head of the family invited a doctor to treat his injuries and recuperate his body. In less than half a year, he changed his appearance.

Once he changed into new clothes and went to the main courtyard, where he saw the young lady playing in the snow.

After seeing him, the eldest lady forgot all the white snow and red plum blossoms in the yard, as if she got a novel toy, she kept pinching his face to play with.

It was the first time for him to get so close to the young lady, and he froze in place for a while, letting the young lady rub his face blankly.

Seeing that his face was red from being pinched, the maids hurried to coax the eldest lady to let go, but they couldn't pull him away,

Someone enlightened him, "Xie Lin, the eldest miss is just playing with you because of your good looks, so don't be angry with her."

Xiao Xie Lin didn't speak, but carefully looked at Yuxue's cute little girl in front of her.

It took him a long time to realize that he was not the first person who was "molested" by the eldest lady because of his good looks.

The eldest lady didn't call him brother either.

But how could he be angry?

He would never be angry with Missy.


The next day.

Qi Jiu stood leaning against the door with his arms folded, silently looking at the people in the room who had changed their clothes several times.

"How is this body?" Xun Yu asked.

Qi Jiu rolled his eyes, "Is there any difference from the previous one? The style and color are similar."

Xun Yu didn't seem to hear his complaint, turned around and went back to the back room.

Qi Jiu was sleepy from waiting, "Master, if it's too late, we'll miss the time..."

Looking at the person who came out, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly, "Master, I don't remember well, this is the one you tried on first, right?"

Xun Yu: "Are you blind?"

Qi Jiu: "..."

He just felt speechless, "It's because I'm not blind that I can't figure it out. Since you are most satisfied with this set, why did you change so many clothes in the middle? It's a waste of time, putting it on and taking it off, and taking it off again." Wearing it, you don't mind the trouble."

Xun Yu still said, "You don't understand."

Qi Jiu: "..."

Why doesn't he understand?

Master's thoughts are written on his face.

Don't you just want to make it look better and more charming, so that you can bewitch Miss Xie?


"Master, it's Xie Lin."

As soon as he walked into the alley of Xie's house, Qi Jiu found Xie Lin.

Xun Yu looked up.

Just as Xie Lin came out of Xie's house, he was talking to the butler, and the moment Xun Yu looked over, he looked over with feeling.

Just a casual glance.

Soon Xie Lin withdrew his gaze, rode his horse and led the people away from the other side.

Qi Jiu's voice sounded from the side: "Master, this Xie Lin is a character. Since he arrived at Xie's house, he has been taken by his side to teach him personally. Even if he didn't learn ten points in Xie's way of doing things, he still has eight or nine points." separated."

"People outside respect him on the surface and call him Xie Xiaoye, and secretly call him the watchdog of the Xie family. In fact, they are envious and jealous that he can be valued by the Xie family."

"Some people say that Xie Lin looks harmless to people and animals, but in fact he is rebellious and a ruthless character. They say that the owner of the Xie family kept him in the Xie family because he was raising tigers, and the Xie family only has one daughter, Miss Xie. Miss Xie can't suppress this. Mr. Xie, there is no guarantee that Xie Lin will bite back when the time comes, and the Xie family's 'thank you' will become Xie Lin's 'thank you'."

"Do you believe it?" Xun Yu said.

Qi Jiu shook his head, "I don't know him well, I only met him twice, I think he's quite decent, and I really feel like Patriarch Xie."

A person like Xie Xi was born to be looked up to.

Xie Lin chasing him is chasing his own belief.

Unless he betrayed "himself", he would not betray the Xie family.

Xun Yu didn't speak, but Xie Lin's look when he looked back flashed in his mind.

If he read correctly, is it hostility?


"Xun Yu greets Uncle Xie!"

Xie Xi looked at the handsome young man in front of him, and nodded politely, "I haven't seen you for a few years, Shu Ran has grown a lot taller."

"Uncle Lao is very concerned. If it wasn't for Uncle's help back then, Shuran wouldn't be where he is today." Xun Yu said.

As soon as Jin Yan entered the door, he heard this sentence.

Uncle Ran?

Xun Yu took the characters so early?

"Yanyan is here? Come here."

Xie Xi said a few words to Xun Yu, then gave Jin Yan a helpless look, "Yan Yan, come over to Dad."

On weekdays, I always have to sleep in for a while, but today I got up early.

Jin Yan pretended not to understand the resentful eyes of his father, and walked briskly to his side, but his burning eyes fell on Xun Yu, who was dressed in white and looked as elegant as a god.

 Xie Lin PK Xun Yu

  Who do you announce? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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