Chapter 109 Killing the Son-in-Law (37)


Lin Ao lay on the bed half dead.

He was puzzled.

He was obviously injured so badly, his brain became confused from the fever, there was no medicine at home, and he couldn't invite a doctor. If he had been in his previous life, he would probably have died a long time ago.

Surprisingly, he survived.

But there are downsides to surviving.

Xie Xi's two kicks were so hard and heavy that it felt like his internal organs were shattered.

He couldn't turn over, and his whole body hurt when he moved a little. When he coughed, it was like swallowing a big knife, and the pain from the distance could spread to all limbs in an instant.


People like Xie Xi shouldn't tolerate lies.

Perhaps, he should be more sincere, and Xie Xi will treat him differently if he doesn't keep it clean?
Li Xiner's voice came from outside the door.

The murderous intent from Xie Xi reappeared in his heart instantly, Lin Ao felt pain all over his body.


Xie Xi cast a psychological shadow on him!
"Auntie, my cousin's medicine is ready."

Li Xin'er came in with a bowl of medicine, before approaching, Mother Lin's face darkened.

Her eyes were like knives, she seemed to feel disgusted even if she looked at Li Xiner more than once, "Give me the medicine, you can go back, I don't need you to wait here."

Li Xiner's eyes turned red immediately, "Auntie, don't drive me away, how can I leave my cousin in this state."

"I'm ashamed to say what you did, but you still have the face to stay here?" Mother Lin scolded.

Li Xiner lowered her head a little guilty.

After listening to Mother Lin scolding a few words, she said: "Auntie, what happened that day was really an accident.

I know my cousin’s goal is to be the number one scholar in high school, and to be a minister. You also hope that your son will become a dragon, and hope that your cousin can go to high school as soon as possible, but this road is not easy. With the support of the Xie family, my cousin’s official career will be smoother Some.How could I be so stupid as to let my cousin offend Xie's family and make him lose his reliable support? "

She just couldn't help showing off their intimacy to Xie Jinyan, but she didn't refuse when her cousin hugged her in a daze.

But the bellyband was really an accident.

She wanted to put on clothes after she woke up that day, but her cousin kept holding on to her bellyband, and she couldn't get it out after pulling it several times. She also wanted her cousin to remember what happened at night when she woke up, and remember her goodness. , I didn't care anymore.

Who knew it was such an unfortunate coincidence that Xie Xi bumped into him.

Mother Lin moved her lips and swallowed back some ugly words.

Thinking of Xie Xi's vicious look that day, and thinking that the Xie family no longer recognized Ao'er as a son-in-law, she was so angry that she couldn't help but slap Li Xin'er.

"Knowing that you dare to do that kind of thing?" Mother Lin said angrily.

Li Xiner covered her face, feeling extremely wronged, "Auntie, nothing happened to us, I just saw that my cousin had a severe fever, and I was afraid that something would happen to him, so I had to soak him in ice water and use my body to cool him down. I'm an unmarried girl, why should I spoil myself like this? It's not because I like my cousin, I hope he's safe and sound!"

"We don't have any medicine at home, and we can't invite a doctor to treat my cousin's injury. We can't just watch my cousin burn to death, can we?"

Seeing that Mother Lin's expression softened a little, Li Xiner said loudly again: "Anyway, I can't stand on the sidelines! Compared to my cousin's life, my innocence is nothing! For my cousin, I am willing to sacrifice myself."

Li Xiner spoke with sincerity, and Mother Lin was also speechless.

But this matter still pierced a thorn in her heart after all.

After Xie Xi left that day, when she and her niece helped up her son who was lying on the ground vomiting blood, she found a woman's bellyband embroidered with mandarin ducks on his body.

She recognized at a glance that it was worn by her niece.

The son burned like that in the night, not to mention making a move, he even has difficulty breathing. Could it be that he still has the desire to tease women, thinking that men and women will not be able to love each other?

It was clearly the niece who shamelessly took advantage of the fire to seduce her son!

Why is Xie Xi so angry?
Why fight?

It must be that Xie Xi found out that there was a woman's bellyband hidden on his son, and mistakenly thought that Ao'er had betrayed the Xie family, so he beat him to death.

She had promised her brother and sister-in-law that she would give her niece a title.

But the premise is that the son has already won the top prize in high school, has achieved success and fame, and can sit back and relax.

rather than now.

Without the Xie family, how can Ao'er get into the best academy, and where can he find a great scholar to be his teacher?
Obviously a bright future is in sight, but because of the niece's fault, it was ruined.

How can she not hate it!

Seeing that Mother Lin still hated her, Li Xiner felt even more wronged.

What she did was out of line.

It is also true that there is selfishness.

But in the end, everything she did was for her cousin to be safe and sound, to save him!
Her aunt beat and scolded her indiscriminately, which made her feel too chilled.

Mother Lin could not forgive Li Xiner's fault, and Li Xiner also had a nail in her heart.

The aunt and nephew competed with each other, and they forgot that Lin Ao hadn't taken the medicine yet.

Lin Ao: "..."

He tried to open his mouth, but he didn't speak all night, and his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't speak a word at all.

He wanted to make some movement to attract the attention of the two of them, but if he moved a little, his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

The pain was unbearable.

When others travel through time, they always take the cool route of slapping the face and abusing the scum, marrying Bai Fumei and opening a harem, and walking to the pinnacle of life.

When you come to him, you become a goddamn monk.

Tang Seng still has three apprentices to escort him, and every time something happens, a bunch of gods will help him, but he doesn't have a single helper.

Co-authored him to die and live again, and when he was reborn, did he suffer from a calamity?
What did he do wrong that God wanted to punish him like this?
Lin Ao was heartbroken.

Lin Ao choked up.

He was so sad that he couldn't help sobbing.

The next second, he was pleasantly surprised again.

Can you still speak?

Fortunately, I didn't become a mute!
At this time, Li Xiner suddenly said: "Auntie, did you hear the ducks calling? It's so ugly."

Mother Lin also looked out suspiciously.

Their family is a noble family, Ao'er is a scholar, in order not to be looked down upon, the family has never raised chickens and ducks.

Mother Lin said: "Maybe it's because the gate is not closed, other people's ducks have come in, you go and have a look, drive them out, don't make the yard dirty."

She turned her head and saw that there was still a bowl of medicine in her hand, and she was shocked.

"Haven't you taken Ao'er's medicine yet?" Mother Lin asked.

Li Xiner shook her head, "If you don't want me to give medicine to my cousin, I will give it to you."

Lin Ao: "..."

Fuck the duck is calling, who cares?
He is more than helpless.

Obviously there are two pig teammates!

Mother Lin hurriedly asked Li Xiner to warm up the medicine.

Earlier, she accused Li Xiner confidently and wanted to drive him out, but now she called Li Xiner with peace of mind.

But Li Xiner didn't have any dissatisfaction, and quickly went to the hot medicine.

Mother Lin finally showed a relieved expression.

That's why she agreed to marry her niece to her son.

No matter how many women there are in the son's back house in the future, as long as the niece is there, they will always be able to tie the son's heart together.

 Lin Ao: God, please send me to hell, I don’t want to go through calamities
  hell: something soft, don't cure
  Lin Ao: I am a fucking man who is determined to become the originator of soft rice men!
(End of this chapter)

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