After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 11 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 11 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (11)

Qinzheng Hall.

The queen was about to defend herself, but was nailed in place by Emperor Jianping with a sharp knife.

"Your Majesty, the concubine did not think carefully about this matter, but the concubine also had good intentions, thinking that the Imperial Hospital is close, if there is something wrong with the girl..."

"I see that you have really lost your head!" Emperor Jianping reprimanded.

Three long and two short?

Even he didn't dare to say such words easily.

The queen didn't hold back in front of him, and she was so vicious to a junior, how could she be okay behind her back?
The empress looked aggrieved and cried softly, "The concubine may have done something bad with good intentions, but the concubine really didn't have any malicious intentions. It's the eldest princess, the concubine is the mother of a country, and she actually disrespected me in front of me..."

Emperor Jianping looked at the queen as if he was looking at a fool, "What kind of temper is the eldest princess, is this the first time you know today?"

It's really annoying, Ah Ying doesn't even give him any good looks as the emperor.

Not to mention the queen who offended the Gu family.

Queen: "But..."

Emperor Jianping couldn't bear to look at the empress' stupid face.

He said coldly: "Being so vicious to a junior, what face do you have to say that you are the mother of a country and make Ah Ying respect you?"

The queen felt bad when she heard it, "Your Majesty, my concubine..."

"Stop talking, let's go!"

The queen still wanted to argue, so Eunuch Qi hurried forward and sent the queen out of the palace gate while persuading her.

When Eunuch Qi came back, Emperor Jianping looked at the chess pieces all over the floor with an unclear expression.

By marrying the Gu family and making Jinyan the Crown Princess, the civil servants group headed by Gu Yong, the generals group headed by Ding Guogong, and the clan's three-party forces headed by Princess Dachang can be twisted into one.

But behind this huge benefit, there is also a huge risk.

Gu Yong is the prime minister of the current dynasty, with outstanding ability, many disciples and high prestige.

Behind the eldest princess are the eldest princess and Ding Guogong.

Such a powerful foreign relative is an extremely dangerous existence for any dynasty.

Now I don't have to worry about the disaster of my relatives.

But the prince's stupid actions can also make these three forces turn against others.

If other forces join in, disasters will inevitably arise.

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty..."

"The queen is gone?"

"Empress, I'm going to the East Palace." Eunuch Qi said.


Emperor Jianping was silent for a moment, and then calmly ordered, "Here is an order from me, the empress is rude in front of the imperial court, and she will close the palace today to reflect on her mistakes, and no one is allowed to disturb her. The affairs in the palace will be taken care of by the fourth concubine for the time being."


"The crown prince is obsessed with merchants competing for profits with the people and not doing business properly. From now on, he will be confined in the palace and reflect on his own mistakes."


"Miss Lan Xinhui of the Gu family is beautiful in character and beauty. She was named the Princess of Changning and rewarded..."



The eldest princess didn't know anything about what happened next in the palace, and she rushed to Wangshan Bieyuan with old doctor Zhang.

From far outside the door, I heard my daughter's laughter.

The laughter was crisp and sweet, and it didn't sound like someone who was sick at all.

Princess: "..."

Old Doctor Zhang: "..."

The Eldest Princess' face remained unchanged, and she said with worry in her eyes: "This child is always like this, she pretends to be strong when she is sick, just not wanting to worry me and the prime minister, Mr. Zhang, tell me, what should I do with her? "

Old doctor Zhang has been in the palace for many years and sent away two emperors, so he knows what to say on certain occasions.

He was blessed to the heart, and said with emotion: "Missy's filial piety is really touching, the eldest princess doesn't know what to do, and she has given her heart."

The eldest princess smiled: "You are right."

Entering the other courtyard, the closer to the inner courtyard, the clearer the cheerful laughter.

But both the eldest princess and the old doctor Zhang turned a deaf ear to it and did not change their faces.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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