Chapter 114 Killing the Son-in-Law (42)

When the Miss Qiu family thought that Jin Yan had caught a cold and worriedly asked for a doctor, the young master of the Qiu family was entertaining his new friends.

Young Master Qiu: "I know that you scholars have more etiquette, but when you get here, you have to listen to me. We don't need so much etiquette when we meet in the same generation. Come, drink..."

Thinking of Xun Yu's body, he said again: "I drink, you drink tea."

Xun Yu was kind, "Thank you Brother Qiu for your understanding, it's really my body that doesn't live up to it, otherwise I'd have to get drunk with you."

"That's a clear statement! You brother, I'm convinced!" Young Master Qiu was straightforward and upright, and he was very moved when he saw Xun Yu's words speak with sincerity.

Excited, he slapped Xun Yu on the shoulder, scaring Qi Jiu who was fighting with the guards in the distance almost to death.

How could the master's body withstand such a beating?

Xun Yu also coughed violently twice, and the blood on his face faded instantly.

Young Master Qiu took a look and blamed himself, "Oh, I'm sorry, brother, I'm a rough man, I'm used to doing things like this on weekdays, I forgot about you... I'm sorry!"

"I'm fine, don't blame Brother Qiu." Xun Yu said.

Qiu Dashao saw that his face turned pale, and blamed himself even more, "I'm really sorry, but I'm not careful enough. If I'm half as careful as my sister, I won't be so careful!"

After a pause, he looked at Xun Yu gossipingly again, "I heard that you often come and go to Xie's house recently?"

Xun Yu regained his energy all of a sudden, "There is such a thing. Uncle Xie has been kind to me. I will visit him when I return to Lin'an this time."

First Young Master Qiu said "Oh" and said understandingly: "I've heard a thing or two about those things when you were young, and it's all over, so let's look forward, you still have a bright future."

Xun Yu nodded.

First Young Master Qiu lowered his voice again and said, "I remember hearing about sister Xie's molesting you before. You frequently come and go to Xie's house to greet Uncle Xie every day, right?"

Xun Yu was dumbfounded for a moment.

Naturally, he didn't want to pay Xie Xi's respect.

Unexpectedly, First Young Master Qiu was so careful and sensitive that he could detect his intentions.

Young Master Qiu looked at Xun Yu and said with a smile: "It seems that Uncle Xie has a good opinion of you, otherwise he would not allow you to enter Xie's house."

Xun Yu laughed, "I really can't hide it from Brother Qiu."

Young Master Qiu shook his head, "That's where I can see it. Since Lin Ao was divorced, there are many people who want to be the son-in-law of the Xie family. I don't know how many people are staring at the Xie family every day. Your every move , of course someone noticed."

"What about Brother Qiu?" Xun Yu asked.

Young Master Qiu thought of something, and his expression suddenly became a little indescribable, "I'll forget it, thanks to Uncle Xie's test, I can't even pass the first test."

When he was a child, his father thought he was too upright and naive, so he threw him to Uncle Xie to teach him, so that he could experience what "the human heart is sinister".

Later he understood a truth.

The word Xie Xi is interpreted to mean that the human heart is sinister.

A stupefied young man like him wouldn't be able to survive even a fraction of the time in Uncle Xie's hands.

So to do such a good thing as Xie's son-in-law, let others sharpen their heads to grab it!

Looking at Young Master Qiu's expression, Xun Yu couldn't help but laugh.

Is Xie Xi that scary?

Neither of them got the word out, but they both understood.

Facing Xun Yu's joking expression, Young Master Qiu felt a little pained.

He coughed, and said nonchalantly: "Uncle Xie's family is upright and righteous, he is full of arrogance, and he is willing to do good. He is the best person."

"But the only thing is that he has a well-known weakness."

"Uncle Xie will attach great importance to anything related to the sister of the Xie family. If you are sincere, I advise you to deal with the affairs of the Xun family first. Who doesn't know that Uncle Xie and the head of the Xun family have always been at odds. In front of Uncle Xie or sister Xie's family, then you have no chance at all."

Xun Yu didn't expect Young Master Qiu to confide in him, and was very moved for a moment, "Thank you brother Qiu for reminding me!"

Originally, he just wanted to inquire about Jin Yan from First Young Master Qiu.

Unexpectedly, I got a friend who is sincere and forthright.

Young Master Qiu has a bold temperament, and he had a good chat with Xun Yu, so he wanted to introduce him to other members of the family and keep him for dinner.

Xun Yu naturally agreed without hesitation.

Young Master Qiu joked that he was afraid that Xun Yu would save face and refused to stay.

Qi Jiu slandered at the side: You really overestimate my master!

He made this trip on purpose, discussing business is just an excuse, getting to know you is a means, meeting Miss Xie's family is his goal!


"Sister Jinyan."

Jin Yan, who came chatting and laughing with Qiu Hongying, thought he was hallucinating.

This is Ping An Escort Bureau, and she heard Xun Yu's voice.

But soon, there was another person in front of him.

Qiu Hongying looked at Jin Yan and then at Xun Yu, her big gossip eyes suddenly lit up.

Obviously she also knew about Xun Yu's visits to Xie's house.

"Hongying, come with me, I have something to tell you."

Major Qiu called Qiu Hongying away.

Jin Yan looked at Xun Yu, "Why are you here?"

How on earth did this person get involved with Brother Qiu, and he still stayed at Qiu's house for dinner.

Could it be that he used the same method on brother Qiu as she did?

"I'm sorry." Xun Yu said.

Jin Yan: "..."

She understood immediately.

Change it when you know it's wrong.

Pretty obedient.


Jin Yan pretended to be puzzled, "What are you sorry for? You didn't draw my portrait well? Or..."

Xun Yu said seriously: "I'm sorry Yanyan, I shouldn't have lied to you."

Jin Yan blinked, and seemed to be even more confused, "Cheat me? Where do you start? You are such a glorious Xun Mei, can you lie to others?"

Xun Yu: "..."

Is Yan Yan praising him or is he being weird?

Seeing Xun Yu doubting life, Jin Yan twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, it turns out that there are things that you Xun Yu can't figure out.

"Yanyan, I'm not teasing you, I'm really apologizing."

Xun Yu looked down at his clothes, and explained: "I planned to tell you in the past two days, but I had no choice but to do that."

Jin Yan sneered, "Who forced you? You can't live in a yard as big as Lanyuan, so you ran to live in a small yard that is cramped and not conducive to recuperation, and you sold me miserable."

Xun Yu silently read the word "sell miserably", and couldn't help laughing, "Your word is also novel..."

"Let's get down to business!" Jin Yan said.

Xun Yu sighed, his eyes were gentle and concerned, and he said in a gentle voice: "I did something wrong, don't get angry, don't hurt your body."

"Now you care about my body? Then when you lied to me before, why didn't you worry that I would get angry if I heard the news from other places..."

"Yanyan! Don't talk like that."

Xun Yu's voice was urgent, and his tone was not very good, interrupting Jin Yan's words.

In a blink of an eye, he said softly again: "I was a little louder just now, I'm sorry. If you are angry and don't want to see me, then don't see me. I am willing to be punished for the wrong things I did. Don't make fun of your body, and don't curse yourself. .”

 Young Young Master Qiu: What is the sinister heart?
  Later: Xie Xi = sinister heart
  Promoted, still in pk, ask for votes!Ask for support!Come on and help us, baby Jinyan ()
(End of this chapter)

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