The appearance of Li Xiner made Lin Ao's already shaky reputation go bankrupt.

Lin Ao understood this point, no matter how much he explained, it would be futile, no one would believe him, so he didn't bother to defend himself.

Li Xiner was furious, and after beating everyone present, she helped Lin Ao to leave.

There was no excitement to watch, and the onlookers dispersed.

"It was indeed a good show." Qiu Hongying said.

Jin Yan smiled, "If it wasn't exciting, I wouldn't invite the two of you out."

He Shan was a little worried about Jin Yan, "If the news of today spreads, will it affect your reputation?"

Before Jin Yan could speak, Qiu Hongying snorted, "Uncle Xie protects Yan Yan so well, who doesn't know Lin'an? Lin Ao just took up the status of 'Xie's son-in-law' and has no real relationship with Yan Yan." What does the bad thing he did have anything to do with Yan Yan?"

After finishing speaking, she sneered again: "If there is such a stupid thing that breaks the sky and knows how to live and die, it depends on whether he runs faster or Uncle Xie's knife is faster."

He Shan thought for a while, then said slowly: "It makes sense."

Qiu Hongying chuckled, "Anyway, it's impossible to be as slow as Shanshan."

Jin Yan laughed out loud.

It took He Shan a while to realize that Qiu Hongying was making fun of her for being too slow.

She wanted to justify and fight back, but the more anxious she was, the slower she became.

Qiu Hongying was on the sidelines deliberately teasing her.

Jin Yan watched with joy.


Lin's mother listened to her son's words and sold all the furniture and utensils in the family.

She looked at the empty house and was sighing, Li Xiner came back with Lin Ao on her back.

Mother Lin hurried to the door, worried: "What's wrong with Ao'er?"

Li Xiner said resentfully: "It's not that girl from the brothel who seduced my cousin, but she even openly said that my cousin promised to marry her and go home, scolding my cousin..."

"Shut up!" Lin Ao shouted.

Li Xiner was very wronged.

She was just telling the truth, why did my cousin get angry at her?
Mother Lin was stunned, "What brothel girl?"

Li Xiner wanted to explain, but Lin Ao became impatient.

His face was full of anger, "An insignificant person, what do you say she is doing? Take me back to my room quickly."

Although Mother Lin had many doubts, seeing her son suffering so much, she couldn't care about anything else.

"Ao'er, bear with me for a while, mother will go and get a doctor for you." Mother Lin said.

Lin Ao shook his head, "Mom, don't waste your money, have you asked someone about the house, is there anyone willing to buy it?"

Lin's mother was a little sad, "Yes, but the price is not high... I don't know what's wrong, the two companies that agreed yesterday, just came here and lowered the price by another [-]%."

Mother Lin didn't know why, but Lin Ao's heart was like a mirror.

Thinking of his legs, he gritted his teeth, "Mom, no matter how high or low, hurry up and sell us out of here."

"You mean..."

"The sooner the better, it's best to leave tonight." Lin Ao said.

What Lianying and Li Xiner did today would affect Xie Jinyan's reputation to some extent. Even if Xie Xi didn't kill him, he would definitely make his life worse than death.

Mother Lin turned pale with fright, "Ao'er, is your leg the Xie family?"

Lin Ao did not answer.

Seeing that he was silent, Lin's mother wiped her tears and sighed, "Then you have a good rest, mother hastened to find someone to talk about the house."

After Mother Lin left, Li Xiner came in again.

"Cousin, are you in pain?" Li Xiner's eyes were red, and she looked at Lin Ao with distress.

Lin Ao gave her a cold look, "Xin'er, I promised you that I would take you to Beijing, why do you still want to hurt me like this?"

Li Xiner was taken aback, "Cousin, how could I harm you, I'm here to save you!"

"Save me? Before you rescued me, what Lianying said was just her one-sided words. As soon as you appeared, those slanders against me were confirmed. How do you make the world think of me?" Lin Ao said angrily.

The word "Lianying" made Li Xiner look disgusted and contemptuous.

She said: "It was originally that bitch who seduced you. She had been in the brothel since she was a child, and she even surpassed the head oiran who leaned on the red building in the limelight, but she told you that she was innocent and that you were her first man." , Cousin, how can you believe such nonsense?"

Lin Ao: "..."

Li Xin'er said with disdain on her face: "Even those ugly girls are bullied by customers, not to mention that she is so alluring. Could it be that the old bustard who leans on the red building is a kind person? She is not allowed to pick up customers to make money, and even talk to Bodhisattvas." It's like offering her!"

Lin Ao: "..."

It seems to make some sense.

From this point of view, since "Lin Ao" didn't find out, it must be that Lianying used some means to deceive the inexperienced Lin Ao.


His focus is not here at all!
Lin Ao sneered and said, "Don't change the subject, I believe you understand what I mean, but you did it on purpose, didn't you? And the night when I had a persistent fever, it was the same, right?"

Li Xiner glanced at Lin Ao quickly, then lowered her head to hide her guilty look.

"Cousin, why do you think so? I adore you, but I also know the shame. If it wasn't for my cousin, I would be happy with me. If I'm the only one, I can't do anything right?" Li Xiner said, her face flashed. A touch of shyness and sweetness.

Lin Ao's lips moved slightly, but finally he closed his eyes as if appointed.

Out of sight out of mind.

Forget it.

It's all here, so what's the use of getting to the bottom of it?
If Li Xiner was really annoyed, it would be troublesome to ask her to go out and yell at people.

Mother Lin went out for half an hour, and when she came back, the house had already been sold.

She kept most of the money for herself, and gave the rest to Lin Ao, "You take these Ao'ers."

Then he said to Li Xin'er: "There is only so much money in the family. We don't have a lot of money now. We need to save some money. When we reach the next stop, we have to find a doctor to see your cousin's leg. I won't give you any more money. "

Li Xiner nodded indifferently.

If you don't give it, you won't give it.

It wouldn't make her hungry anyway.

And she still has the 50 taels of silver notes stolen from home hidden in her body.

"Mother, let's talk on the way if you have anything to say. Is the carriage harnessed? Let's set off quickly." Lin Ao urged.

Mother Lin and Li Xin'er saw Lin Ao's anxious expression, they didn't dare to delay, and immediately helped him out.

That night, the Lin family hurried out of the city gate.

After they left, a vigorous young man entered the Lin's house and walked around, then left quickly.

After a while, he entered another house in the Prosperity Realm.

"Master, they are leaving." Qi Jiu leaned on the door frame and said, "According to your order, I sent someone to follow."

Xun Yu was reading a book, and let out a casual "hmm".

Qi Jiu said again: "Why don't you let me kill him? Maybe this will make Patriarch Xie happier."

Xun Yu gave him a cold look, "If he could kill him, why don't you think Xie Xi didn't do it himself? Is his knife not as fast as yours?"

Qi Jiu: "..."


According to Xie Xi's temper, even if Lin Ao died, he would have to die by his hands!

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