Chapter 129 Killing the Son-in-Law (57)

Xie Xi has also established many properties in the capital, and the Xie family also has many shops and restaurants in the capital.

As soon as they arrived in the capital, they stayed in the "Xie's house" in the capital.

Xun Yu is practicing martial arts every day besides writing and writing at home to strengthen his body. He seldom goes to poetry gatherings or forums.

Every time someone invites him, he declines on the grounds that he is unwell.

The two articles last year not only made Xun Yu famous all over the south of the Yangtze River, but also created many legends about him in Beijing.

What is born with a photographic memory, can speak at the age of three, and a theory at the age of five is regarded as a shocking work by a hermit scholar, etc.

Even more outrageous is his life experience.

The head of the Xun family and his step-wife continued to play roles full of evil in their true colors, while Xun Yu, who was black-bellied and full of calculations, became a pure and flawless white lotus.

Sending away another student who came to invite Xun Yu to participate in the literary meeting, Qi Jiu said to Xun Yu irritably: "Master, next time you refuse, you can say it yourself. I said the same thing hundreds of times, and I almost vomited." !"

Jin Yan echoed from the side: "That's right, outsiders say that you Xun beauty is a white lotus that emerges from the mud but is not stained, and is clean and not demonic. You still don't go out and let people see it."

"Then Yanyan means that I am not worthy of these two sentences?" Xun Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at Jinyan.

Jin Yan: "..."

She chuckled, "Do you deserve it? Don't you have any idea?"

Xun Yu also has the blood of the Xun family on his body, so he naturally inherited some of the Xun family's genes.

It's just that Patriarch Xun's behavior is too despicable, and he is so stupid.

And Xun Yu is shrewd and cunning, and his wisdom is close to that of a monster.

What he did, unless he was willing to say it himself, no one else would want to know for the rest of his life.

Xun Yu: "..."

He looked quite innocent, "Yanyan, is this how I am in your heart?"


Jin Yan smiled sweetly, "I praise you for being smart."

Xun Yu couldn't help pinching Jinyan's cheek, and said dotingly: "It's fine to boast in your heart, you don't need to say it every time, you can see that Xiao Qi's face is completely changed with envy."

Qi Jiu: "..."

He is a person who has no desires or demands and only cares about money, so he is not envious!


Xun Yu stayed at home until the exams started.

Jin Yan sent him outside the examination room. Everyone else was queuing up to enter, but he was still in the carriage and refused to get off.

"Okay, everything is ready, I only owe you to enter the examination room to answer the paper, what do you look like playing a rascal here?"

Jin Yan deliberately provoked him, "Could it be because you're afraid?"

Xun Yu smiled with an expression that he had seen through Jin Yan long ago, but he was reluctant to touch Jin Yan's face, "A few days ago you were bored when I was studying with me, so let's have a good time in the capital these few days. , just bring guards, don't let people run into you."

"I know that although the capital is not Lin'an, there are people protecting me." Jin Yan said.

Dad's teacher, classmates, and some close friends are all officials in the capital, so they should have visited as soon as they arrived in the capital.

However, if she accompanied Xun Yu to visit at that time, if someone who cared about her knew about it, she would inevitably fabricate rumors about cheating and missing questions, which would be detrimental to everyone.

Xun Yu is going to take the exam, so she can also visit the elders.

Xun Yu chuckled, "Yes, I have to thank my father-in-law."

Jin Yan urged him, "Go in quickly, remember to eat and drink, nothing is more important than your body, don't lose the big because of small things, even if you fail the exam, I won't despise you."

"Then what should I do if I want to be the number one scholar in high school?" Xun Yu said.

Seeing Jin Yan raised his slap again, Xun Yu quickly got out of the carriage before the slap came down.

After watching Xun Yu enter the arena, Jin Yan was about to leave when he saw an acquaintance.

She stopped the guard for a moment.

"What's wrong, Miss?" Emerald asked.

Jin Yan raised his chin, teasingly said: "I saw Shi Xian."

Jade and Amber followed her line of sight.

I saw a person riding on the window of the opposite restaurant.

The man had one leg bent, one leg hanging in the air, holding a jug of wine in his hand, hanging from a high place and pouring it down, drinking with his head up as if drunk, muttering something in his mouth.

It was Long Aotian, a poet who has become famous in the capital recently.

When he finished reading and was drinking, another voice came from inside, "It's a good one, 'There will be times when the wind and the waves cleave, hang the clouds and sail straight to the sea'!"

"The road is difficult, the road is difficult! There are many divergent roads, where is it now?"

"'The avenue is like the blue sky, I can't do it alone', Brother Long, you really have written the aspirations of us literati!"

Hearing the compliments from the people around him, Lin Ao's mouth twitched in an insolent arc proudly.

He laughed loudly, and continued to read: "King Zhao's bones linger in the weeds, who will sweep the golden platform? The journey is difficult, come back!"

For a while, the scribes who were in the same private room thought of their repeated defeats in the scientific research experience, and wept even more.

When whimpers sounded everywhere, a proud female voice suddenly came from downstairs.

"Your Majesty's grace, the door of the imperial examination is open to all students. May I ask you, do you regard power as dung and disdain to take the exam, or are you not qualified to take the exam if you are not good at academics or do not behave well?"

"I'm useless, I don't have the ability to walk up to His Majesty, so I say 'difficult to travel', 'Who will sweep the golden stage', 'It's better to come back', it seems that the wise monarch and the real Bole only exist in history. Like a foolish king who doesn't know a sage!"

The people around who stopped to watch the excitement gasped when they heard the words.

Who is in the carriage?

How dare you say the word "faint gentleman" in the street!

Jin Yan is fearless.

She didn't hear any rebuttals, so she continued: "It sounds like you are all scholars of Qingliu, how come you have learned all your knowledge, don't want to serve the country and the people, but only drink and get drunk here, complaining about others, don't you feel shameful? "

After the words fell, the surroundings became completely silent.

Deathly silence.

The moment Jin Yan opened his mouth, Lin Ao, who was about to fight back, was dumbfounded.

Xie Jinyan?
Even if he turned into ashes, he would not forget this devil-like voice!

Why did Xie Jinyan come to the capital?
What about Xie Xi?

Lin Ao's mind was full of fear of being stared at by Xie Xi's death, and he heard Jin Yan say: "Those who know think that you are drunk and crazy, but those who don't know think that there is a monkey riding on the window!"

There was a burst of laughter all around.

Lin Ao's expression changed, and he wanted to quickly pull his legs up, but he forgot to hold the hip flask in one hand, turned over and didn't hold on to it, and his whole body was suspended in the air.

There were exclamations from below.

This building is not too high, but if you fall down, you will not be able to get up for ten days and a half months.

"Brother Liu, Brother Li, Master, quickly, pull me up!" Lin Ao shouted anxiously.

Recently, he was drinking every day and having fun in brothels at night. Not to mention his body was hollowed out, but after all he had no strength at all.

After hanging for a few seconds, I couldn't hold it anymore.

If he really fell, his already battered body would fall apart again.

He didn't want to watch his bones being compared and pieced together one by one, and assembled like building blocks.

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(End of this chapter)

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