After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 14 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 14 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (14)

Half a month has passed since the canonization of the princess.

In the past half a month, the Prince's faction has suffered countless impeachments. In addition to the grounded Prince and Empress, two ministers from the Prince's mother clan were convicted and kicked out.

Compared to the East Palace, which has trouble sleeping and eating, Jin Yan's life is getting more comfortable day by day.

There are no secrets in the palace.

The queen and the prince were grounded one after another, and news soon spread that the queen sent someone to Wangshan Bieyuan to set rules for the "Princess Concubine", which offended His Majesty.

Since then, there have been no "uninvited" guests in Wangshan Bieyuan.

In the morning, Jin Yan practiced swordsmanship with the guards for a while.

After breakfast, she was idle and bored, and slipped out the system that came to her last night.

"Little Ba, Gu Yong is very similar to his father in terms of appearance, personality and some habits. Did you imitate Gu Yong by using various data from his father, or are you saying that Gu Yong is a fragment of my father's consciousness?" Jin Yan asked.

System 288 corrected: "Host, my name is 288."

Jin Yan was kind and gentle, and said in a gentle tone: "Okay, Xiaoba, what's going on?"

System 288: "Please call me 288!"

Seeing that he was so persistent, Jin Yan couldn't help but pay more attention to this number.

Thinking of something, her eyes brightened slightly, "I was born in the year 288 of the last century, Xiaoba, does your name come from the last few years?"

288 kept silent.

Jin Yan recalled more memories.

Before her accident, Dad had promised her a special gift for her birthday, but neither of them had waited for that day to come.

"What's your relationship with Dad?" Jin Yan asked again.

288: "According to the system's data, he will cause the destruction of the world."

Jin Yan seemed to have heard some big joke.

She sarcastically said, "Destroy the world? If my father had that idea, he wouldn't let other hostile forces grow stronger!"

Dad owns the world's most advanced technology, biochemical, medical and heavy industries, and has gathered countless top talents. Destroying the world is too easy for him.

288: "Isn't everything you said based on the fact that you are safe and sound?"

Jin Yan was startled.

She couldn't help but think of the time when she was kidnapped by an inner ghost in the base. She was injected with the virus at that time, and she was always in a daze during the kidnapping. She only responded subconsciously when she heard her father's voice.

When she woke up, she was already lying in the repair cabin that her father spent a lot of effort to build for her.

The handsome, extraordinary, cold and deep father in a suit smiled at her outside the cabin, and gently asked her if she was having a good time.

Those experts who watched her grow up and saved her life countless times were like actors with poor acting skills, restoring her a real dream with poor acting methods.

There is no kidnapping, no narrow escape, she just went to a strange space and completed an adventurous trip.

As they narrated and acted out, memories of so-called adventure travels also appeared in her mind.

After a long time, her body recovered better and she left the recovery cabin.

After appearing in front of everyone at the base again, she realized that the third and fifth bases had completely disappeared from Blue Star during the days when she was recovering from illness.

As for other extremely large bases, those high-ranking persons in charge also disappeared mysteriously or died in tragic ways.

 Thanks for the little cuties who voted, love you ^-^
  Thank you [What is sad] the little cutie for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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