Chapter 146 Killing the Son-in-Law (74)

Son of Heaven!

Xun Yu quickly thought of the key point.

The Son of Heaven purposely asked the attendant to say that, probably not only to provoke his father-in-law, but also to see his jokes.

The dignified emperor's confidant, the imperial envoy, was actually held down and beaten by his father-in-law in front of everyone. If this matter was to spread to the capital, it would be enough for the emperor to enjoy himself for a while.

Such a wise and mighty emperor, I don't know why he likes to tease his courtiers.

Other courtiers: "..."

No, those who are ugly are not that lucky.

Xun Yu was afraid that Xie Xi would be torn to pieces if he delayed Xie Xi any longer, so he opened the imperial decree and read it out.

Ever since Xun Yu said, "Xie Xi is made the king of Lin'an, and his beloved daughter Xie Jinyan is the princess of Lin'an", the servants of Xie's family showed expressions of shock and joy.

Jin Yan was a little surprised by the emperor's actions, but Xie Xi didn't react at all.

He already possessed monstrous wealth and unimaginable power for ordinary people. If he held military power again, he would not be able to sleep that day.

Regardless of whether the emperor granted him the title of king is sincere or false, the status of "King of Lin'an" allows him to better protect his daughter.

And Yan Yan has the merit of "benefiting all the people" and the status of the princess. When she gets married with Xun Yu and arrives in the capital in the future, she will not have to salute others at all times, and no one will dare to bully her.

He was thinking like this, and then he heard Xun Yu say: "Your Majesty ordered that the King of Lin'an and the Lord of Lin'an County have made immortal merits to benefit all people, and they are authorized not to kneel to anyone."

Xie Xi's expression changed slightly.

Only a few people know about the deal between him and the emperor, and they meet in private as friends, so naturally they don't need to kneel down.

As for the court, apart from mentors and confidantes, most of the generals have received his kindness, and there were not many people who could make him kneel down.

The emperor's will actually focuses on Yan Yan.

I know that his weakness is the same as Xun Yu's.

In order to win him over, Yan Yan was given privileges that even the princess did not have.

Originally, he also planned to make a deal with the emperor, so that he would not have to kneel down to anyone in exchange for his daughter, and would leave a gold medal for his daughter to avoid death.

Now that the emperor has done it, he accepted the emperor's love.

After reading the imperial decree, Xun Yu immediately went up to help Xie Xi and Jinyan up, and asked them innocently, "Father-in-law, you looked at my son-in-law like that just now, but what did my son-in-law do wrong?"

It is indeed innocent to be wronged, but Xun Yu's pretending to be innocent does not deserve to be beaten.

Xie Xi: "..."

This kid is cheap and good-looking, right?

In front of outsiders, he couldn't teach Xun Yu a lesson, so he ignored Xun Yu and asked the housekeeper to treat the emperor's servants well.

Jin Yan poked Xun Yu's heart, looked at his affectionate face, and said angrily, "Take the initiative to provoke Dad, are you itchy and rush to beat him?"

"How dare I."

Xun Yu petted and chuckled, holding Jin Yan's hand in his palm with his slender fingers, he pulled Jin Yan a little farther, and said softly: "To be honest, did you want to do the same old trick just now and sacrifice me with a brazier? ?”

Jin Yan: "..."

A good barbecue feast was so creepy by Xun Yu's words.

She curled her lips, "You underestimate me too much. This time, if you dare to kill first and play later, I will quit..."


Although Xun Yu was scolding, his eyes were very gentle.

He looked at Jin Yan's breathtaking eyes, couldn't help but raised his hand to touch her eyebrows, and said softly: "Don't have such terrible thoughts."

Jin Yan couldn't help laughing, "Isn't it just retiring the engagement, after retiring you can still make persistent efforts and continue to face up to difficulties, what's so scary!"

Xun Yu said softly: "I'm not afraid of being divorced, I just don't want to waste any time on things that have nothing to do with loving you, even if it's just a moment."

After speaking, his face changed slightly.

The pain of severed fingers and slaps on the face and heartfelt feet brought by the memory made him instantly sense the danger coming, but he still didn't let go of Jinyan's hand.

Xie Xi really walked out from the shadows.

He glanced at Xun Yu expressionlessly, and said with disgust: "You can't even take care of others, so what use are you for!"

Xun Yu: "..."

Where can he not take care of others?
He also heard Xie Xi say to Jin Yan gently: "Yan Yan, if you have anything to say, go back to the room and talk, don't catch a cold."

Xie Xi came and went.

Xun Yu's expression became ecstatic, and Jin Yan was speechless, "Stupid, so excited?"

Xun Yu smiled and shook his head, couldn't help but stroke Jin Yan's hair, his voice became hoarse somehow, "Fool."

He had a hunch that soon he and Jin Yan would be married.

Just as Xun Yu thought day and night, before he left Lin'an after spending the Mid-Autumn Festival with Jin Yan, Xie Xi called him to the study to discuss the wedding.

From twilight to the sky turning pale, they didn't rest for a whole night.

When Jin Yan was greeting Xie Xi in the morning, he happened to bump into Xun Yu going out.

He didn't know what he was thinking, he didn't notice even Jin Yan walked up to him.

Jin Yan called him, "Xun Yu, where are you going?"

Xun Yu's mind has been in a state of excitement ever since Xie Xi uttered the word "big marriage", and it is not so calm at the moment.

He stopped, met Jin Yan's bright and moving eyes, and opened his arms to give Jin Yan a warm embrace.

Caught off guard, Jin Yan was hugged for a while, but did not push Xun Yu away, but asked him softly, "What's wrong?"

After finishing speaking, Xun Yuting's happy laughter came to his ears.

His voice was gentle and tender, with endless love and affection, "Baby, wait for me."

After finishing speaking, he let go of Jin Yan and strode away from Xie's house without looking back.

Jin Yan looked at his back in confusion, and noticed that he was still holding a thick stack of paper full of words.

It wasn't until she met Xie Xi that she realized that she was going to marry again.


This time she is not married, but married.

Marry Mrs. Xun Yuxun who is willing to bring all the family property into her husband, put all the family property under her name, and is willing to strictly demand herself according to the Xie family's standards for "son-in-law".

And Xun Yu rushed back to the capital without stopping after investigating the illegal salt case.

This time, the King of England's faction lost their soldiers one after another, and their vitality was greatly injured. Xun Yu was worried that they would jump over the wall in a hurry.

Sure enough, not long after he returned to the capital, the King of England's people launched a close operation.

For them, since nights are long and dreams are many, it is better to strike first, and maybe they have a little chance of winning.

In this way, the British king and the queen mother cooperated internally and externally, and started the road of forcing the palace to seize power.

After getting the cannon, he was only thinking about the emperor who opened up the territory, and was too lazy to play with the Queen Mother and the King of England, so he staged a trick according to Xun Yu's plan.

On the day of the palace banquet, the King of England was arrested for treason.

The concubine Ying, the son of the king of England and the son of the concubine were shot dead on the spot, and the queen mother begged and begged the emperor to let the emperor agree to save the life of the king of England.

However, after the empress dowager fainted from the fright, the emperor, who had not touched blood for many years, shot and killed the king of England expressionlessly.

As a son, he was filial to the Queen Mother.

Then, as the Son of Heaven, he naturally wants to uphold justice for the people of the world.

The King of England must die.

 There are some cards that are about to end, and I am in a hurry to write. If there are any typos, please point them out, and I will correct them when I see them~
(End of this chapter)

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