After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 154 After being pierced, I take revenge online

Tan Sheng had noticed Xie Jun's appearance a long time ago.

But he didn't care, he just took Jinyan's hand and walked towards the car.

Xie Jun's face changed for a moment and then returned to normal.

Obviously something ordinary people couldn't understand was happening in front of him, but he was not surprised or curious at all, he just went up and opened the car door.

Like many times before, he stood aside, covered the top with his hands, and said softly: "Miss, please."

Jin Yan: "..."


Jinyan was slightly surprised, but 288 was taken aback, "Host, why can he see you?"

"I can't see what it should be." Jin Yan said.

He was sure that Xie Jun couldn't see her.

But Xie Jun's eyes gave her the feeling that he sees through everything.

288: "That's unreasonable, I'm going to check."

It disappeared after speaking.

Jin Yan glanced at Xie Jun and said thank you.

Tan Sheng: "Baby is so good."

Xie Jun was a little curious, "Tan Dong, what did Missy say?"

Tan Sheng was not surprised that Xie Jun was keenly aware of Jin Yan's existence, which is why he chose to bring Xie Jun by his side to train him.

"Baby is saying thank you." Tan Sheng said.

A smile appeared on Xie Jun's face, "Missy has always been so cute."

Proud but not unruly, arrogant and cute.

Jin Yan gave Xie Jun a look that counts you as discerning.

Tan Sheng gave Xie Jun an unfriendly look, Xie Jun's expression was slightly restrained, and he closed the door after the two got into the car.

"Is baby cold?"

After Tan Sheng asked, the expression of the driver, Old Wei, changed.

Sure enough, he heard the boss tell him, "Old Wei, turn up the air conditioner."

Although Lao Wei was full of puzzles at the moment, he still did it.

Afterwards, he kept signaling to Xie Jun.

what 's wrong?
Is the boss obsessed with thinking about Yan Yan?

Xie Jun shook his head lightly, telling him to be calm, he was listening quietly to the movement behind him.

Jin Yan looked at Tan Sheng helplessly, "Father, you don't have to be so careful, I'm not human now..."

"Nonsense, you are my precious daughter." Tan Sheng said.

Jin Yan: "..."

What she meant was that she couldn't sense the temperature of the outside world, neither cold nor hot, and her father did it on purpose.

Old Wei's expression became weirder the more he heard it. According to the boss, Yan Yan, whom they have been unable to find, is in the car?
"Uncle Wei, drive." Xie Jun reminded.

Old Wei gave an "O" and immediately started the engine.

When the car left Tan's house, Jin Yan saw Jin Yan chasing him out.

She complained casually, "I'm pretty good at acting."

"Father was not deceived." Tan Sheng said.

When that person called him for the first time, he noticed that something was wrong, and then tried it twice.

He was sure that it was not his daughter.

Xie Jun somehow followed, "I wasn't deceived either, I knew she wasn't you at first glance."

Tan Sheng: "..."

What's wrong with this kid?

Does Xie Jun usually talk so much?

Jin Yan burst out laughing, "Father, he is so smart."

Tan Sheng snorted displeasedly.

Xie Jun intuitively felt that the reason for Tan Sheng's displeasure was him.

He should have shut up, but he still couldn't help asking: "Tan Dong, can I hear what Missy said?"

He hasn't seen the eldest lady for a long time.

Tan Sheng said with a cold face, "No."

Jin Yan was overjoyed, "Father, you are too domineering."

"If you don't hear it, you don't have fate. Whoever makes him not have that blessing, you can't force it." Tan Shengli said confidently.

Xie Jun couldn't help but raised his lips.

From Tan Sheng's answer, he guessed what Jin Yan said.

But in my heart, I don't think so.

Is there no fate?

So why does he want to force it?

When she returned to the "Return Banquet", Jin Yan already knew about her interpersonal relationship here and some things that happened before from Tan Sheng and Xie Jun.

It turned out that she was in a car accident before Jin Yan entered her body.

"Then she should have taken advantage of me when I was at my weakest?"

Jin Yan said strangely: "The elder brother who picked me up can even drive a plane. His skills are so good. He has never had an accident in his pilot career. How could he suddenly lose control?"

Tan Sheng's face was gloomy for a moment, and he coaxed: "The cause of the accident is still under investigation, Dad will continue to investigate, don't worry."

Jin Yan: "Well, I just think it's not surprising that even the 'resurrecting the soul' has happened, and there is something more unbelievable than this."

Tan Sheng was thoughtful.

Xie Jun couldn't hear Jin Yan's words, but his thoughts began to diverge.

When the police said that everything was an accident, they didn't believe it, but the surveillance and the videos taken by passers-by all proved what the police said.

Now it seems that there is an irresistible thrust behind this accident.

Tan Sheng was thinking about something, and from the corner of his eye he saw Jin Yan's eyes fixed on the fruits on the table, and his heart ached instantly, "Baby, are you hungry?"

Xie Jun also immediately looked in the direction where Jin Yan was sitting.

It has been a month since that counterfeit product appeared. How has Jin Yan been doing during this month?

Jin Yan rubbed his belly, "It doesn't seem like you're hungry."

not hungry.

But want to eat.

Seeing her appearance, Tan Sheng felt even more distressed, "Dad has already contacted several well-known masters in the industry, and they will arrive in a few days. Dad must find a way to get you back."

"Well, I'm really not hungry. It's pretty good now. I can go wherever I want. Dad doesn't have to worry too much." Jin Yan said.

Tan Sheng immediately said: "No, first observe for some time to make sure that this form can exist stably and will not be destroyed by external forces, then you can go out with our company, and absolutely not go out alone."

Although he knew that the products produced by the system should not be broken at the first touch, Jin Yan still agreed.

Respect the old and love the young, traditional virtues.

But these words must not be heard by Dad.

When it was time for dinner, Jin Yan urged Tan Sheng to eat quickly, "Father, you have to eat well, even my portion."

Tan Sheng didn't want to eat, but he couldn't hold back his daughter, so he asked the driver, Old Wei, to cook something casually.

Old Wei has been dumb for a long time, and now he fully understands.

He watched Yan Yan grow up being taken over by a ghost or a strange thing. She couldn't return to her body, so she had to wander around in the state of a soul.

Fortunately, the father and daughter are connected, the boss can see where Yan Yan is, otherwise how sad are the father and daughter?

Thinking about it, he wiped his tears away.

That dog who killed thousands of knives, took over other people's bodies and made a good child like Yan Yan suffer so much that he couldn't return home.

"Father, ask Xie Jun to help Uncle Wei, I'm afraid he'll cut off his finger if he's too emotional," Jin Yan said.

Tan Sheng Renjun couldn't help but said: "What can Xie Jun do to help? Old Wei's saber technique, even if he is blind, he will not cut his own hand."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of a kitchen knife falling to the ground came from the kitchen.

Jin Yan: What's the sound?

Tan Sheng: No (hu) filial piety (noisy)

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