After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 156 After being pierced, I take revenge online

After breakfast, Xie Jun went to the company.

It's just that when he knew that Jin Yan was going to the hospital to see the authority certificate, his eyes suddenly became dim, making it hard to figure out what he was thinking.

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, Qin He answered a phone call.

He turned his head and said, "Tan Dong, Madam and the others have also come to the hospital."

Tan Sheng snorted coldly.

Obviously very displeased.

"Father, don't be angry, they come whenever they want." Jin Yan said.

Tan Sheng asked a question he couldn't bear to ask, "Baby, will you be sad if your mother didn't recognize you?"

After hearing this, Jin Yan asked calmly, "Dad really thinks that she didn't recognize him?"

Tan Sheng was silent.

Even his driver and assistant had noticed the clues, so how could the mother be unaware?

Even if her love for her daughter is selfish, that is the child she was born in October of her pregnancy. From the size of a palm to the now slim little girl, she competed with her daughter countless times in order to let her take her dancing path... …

If Ning Lin didn't find out, he wouldn't believe it.

Because of this, he could never forgive Ning Lin.

He didn't know how to worry about the disappearance of his biological daughter, but he held a thing in his palm that he didn't know whether it was a human or a ghost.

Just because that thing is "obedient" enough.

Listen to her.

Being willing to accept the life she arranged can greatly satisfy her poor desire for control and vanity.

But she also didn't think about it, how could an intruder who was so content to occupy someone else's body and steal a life that didn't belong to her, be really docile and obedient, and submit to another person's control.

But Ning Lin believed it.

Self-deception, ridiculous and sad.

How stupid!

He looked at Jin Yan lovingly, "Father will always be your father alone, and no one can take it away."

"I know!" Jin Yan said proudly.

At the end of the world, after the father's reputation as a "beloved daughter and crazy demon" spread, some people thoughtfully sent their daughters to the base, hoping to be adopted by the father.

After all, if one person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

After being rejected, those people recklessly took on her idea, thinking that killing her would change everything, but in the end they ended up with a broken body and no place to bury her.

With this precedent, she thought that other people would not seek their own death, but then the same thing happened one after another.

Dad said this is human nature.

It's a pity that those people lost their bets. Dad doesn't like children.

All he wanted was his own daughter.

Even if this daughter has suffered from many diseases since she was a child and needs someone to take care of her all the time, she will die if she is not careful. Not to mention it has brought him a lot of troubles, and often makes him worry about sleeping and eating.

It never occurred to him to give up on her.


When they arrived at the hospital, Jin Yan and the others went directly to Quan Jian's ward.

This was originally the hospital of the Quan family, and the prince Quan Jian was hospitalized, so he naturally enjoyed the best treatment.

Strange thing, Ning Lin and Jin Yan arrived one step ahead of them, but they just waited outside the ward.

As soon as she saw Tan Sheng, Ning Lin came over to complain and said, "Husband, what's the matter with this authority? Let us go out, even if he is the benefactor of our family, it would be too rude to do so!"

Tan Sheng glanced at the ward, "What did she say that made Quan Jian so angry?"

Ning Lin: "..."

Jin Yan: "..."

Jin Yan looked at Tan Sheng with grievances, "Why are you doing this, you don't ask anything, just say it's my fault!"

Ning Lin was also very dissatisfied, "Husband, it's the Quan family kid who is rude, how can you say that Yan Yan said something wrong? She just wanted to help Quan Jian with water and said thank you for saving Quan Jian's life. I will just repay him, what's wrong with that?"

Tan Sheng sneered.

Even the information that Quanjian has serious cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder can be ignored, full of mistakes and omissions without knowing it, and still complaining about others and pretending to be wronged, it is really stupid.


Jin Yan still wanted to explain, but Tan Sheng's eyes suddenly fell on her, with anger visible to the naked eye.

"Have you stayed up late again?" Tan Sheng's voice could not hear the slightest warmth.

Jin Yan was thinking about how to please Tan Sheng, and said with aggrieved face: "I didn't mean to be disobedient, you left yesterday, and I thought you were still angry with me, so I couldn't fall asleep..."

Tan Sheng interrupted her expressionlessly, "I won't listen to your reasons, no matter what happens next time, you have to go to bed on time and don't ruin your body."

Hearing that Tan Sheng was caring about herself, Jin Yan burst into tears and laughed, and said softly: "I know Dad, I remember what you said, and I won't let you worry about it anymore."

Maybe she misunderstood.

Tan Sheng's concern for his daughter has not changed, but the way of expressing it is slightly different from before.

How did Jin Yan know that Tan Sheng had already discovered the truth.

He repeatedly warned Jin Yan to protect himself, pay attention to safety, not to drink alcohol, not to go to messy places and messy people to do messy things, and he didn't care about Jin Yan.

He just wants to protect his precious daughter.

He just didn't want his daughter's body to be destroyed by an outsider.

Just when the attending doctor came out of the ward, he greeted Tan Sheng when he saw Tan Sheng, "Dong Tan, Young Master Quan invites you in."

Jin Yan said urgently: "Father, I will also..."

Tan Sheng: "You stay."

Doctor: "Sorry, young master only sees Tan Dong alone."

Tan Sheng entered the ward, Jin Yan who was stopped outside stomped her feet in dissatisfaction, "Mom, is Quan Jian angry with me?"

She blamed herself and said, "I didn't know that such a thing would happen. If I had known that Quanjian would be injured and unconscious for so long, it would make him resent me. Then I would rather he didn't save me."

A sneer flashed across Qin He's face who was waiting on the side.

save you?

It is clear that Quan Shao rescued the eldest lady.

You, an outsider, snatched the identity of the eldest lady and occupied her relatives, but could it be that you even snatched away the good friends of the eldest lady's childhood sweetheart?
It's not dark yet, and it's time to dream.

In the ward.

As soon as Jin Yan entered, he saw the hospital bed that had been tidied up.

The bed sheets were flat and without any wrinkles, the quilts were folded squarely, and there was a set of neatly folded hospital gowns on the chair beside the bed.

"His cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder are good, I like it." Jin Yan said.

Just look at the things on this hospital bed, it's so comfortable.

It is simply the gospel of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Tan Sheng: "..."

Is he hallucinating?
What did Yanyan say she likes?
Cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Or is it the owner who has cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder, and can always do everything perfectly no matter what the situation?

Tan Sheng was about to educate his daughter when the bathroom door opened with a click.

A young man wearing silk pajamas and exuding an aura of reproduction came out from inside.

He lowered his head slightly, as if he didn't notice anyone in the ward.

However, in the next second, he went straight to Jin Yan.

Jin Yan: Sure enough, my father cares about me too.

Tan Sheng: Do whatever you want, don't use my daughter's body

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