After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 163 After being pierced, I take revenge online

Chapter 163 After being pierced, I take revenge online (13)

Regarding the "illegitimate child", Quan Jian and Jin Yan thought of going together.

So after Jin Yan finished speaking, he sent a message to the detective.

I didn't think about this aspect before, and the detectives also missed this piece of information during the investigation. After starting the investigation, there should be news soon.

When Tan Sheng and Xie Jun finished talking, Jin Yan was listening to the class on Quan Jian's computer, and Quan Jian was writing something beside him.

Xie Jun glanced over there and asked, "Tan Dong, is Missy in class?"

Tan Sheng nodded, "This month, baby's classes have fallen behind a lot."

"Missy is so smart, she has already finished the current courses ahead of time, so she won't be under pressure when she goes back to school," Xie Jun said.

But he knew that what they cared about was not Jinyan's grades, but the time when Jinyan was stolen.

When Tan Sheng passed, Quan Jian handed him the notebook in his hand.

"This is the information that Yan Yan and I sorted out." Quan Jian said.

Xie Jun glanced at Quan Jian when he heard the words, and Quan Jian met his gaze head-on, and both of them showed expressions of inexplicable displeasure in an instant.

After reading it, Tan Sheng asked, "Are you sure?"

Quanjian: "Gu Shang can basically be sure, as for Murong Jin, we have to wait for investigation."

"Don't wait, Murong An does have an illegitimate child." Xie Jun said.

Jin Yan stopped and looked at Quan Jian, "So, if we say a word, the Murong family will turn against each other?"

Quan Jian chuckled, "Murong An cheated on her to raise an illegitimate child, and Mrs. Murong is so strong, it is inevitable that they will turn against each other, it has nothing to do with what we said."

Knowing that Jin Yan was listening, Xie Jun continued: "I happened to see Murong An taking a young man out before, and there were all kinds of chaos in this circle, but I didn't care. Now that I think about it, maybe that person is him. illegitimate child."

Just as Xie Jun finished speaking, Quan Jian's cell phone rang.

Seeing the caller, he picked it up, and heard the other party say: "Boss, I found out, Murong An does have an illegitimate child, but his name is Lin Jin."

After a pause, he continued, "Besides, the Gu family seems to be investigating Lin Jin as well."

After hanging up the phone, the detective immediately sent Lin Jin's photo and information to Quan Jian.

Seeing Lin Jin's age, Jin Yan thought that Murong Shu, the only daughter of the Murong family, was only half a year older than Lin Jin, and it was obvious that Murong An had cheated on his wife during her pregnancy.

What was even more outrageous was that Lin Jin's mother turned out to be Mrs. Murong's biological cousin.

This is more than scum.

There is simply no bottom line.

Seeing Jin Yan's lack of interest, Tan Sheng stroked her hair, "Go play with you, don't look at this."

Jin Yan hugged the computer and went to the corner of the sofa.

Her obedient appearance made both Tan Sheng and Quan Jian smile.

Xie Jun looked gloomy.

Quan Jian can see Jin Yan, why can't he?


After dinner, just as Xie Jun left, Qin He called to tell him about some troubles.

Ning Lin said that as long as the performance is successful, she will get the chance to appear in a stage play, and she can act with world celebrities, and her beautiful vision of being famous all over the world moved Jin Yan.

Rather than being disgusted by Tan Sheng at home, or asking her to take boring physics and chemistry classes, she would rather learn acting.

And judging from the current situation, as long as she firmly grasps Ning Lin as mother, no matter how dissatisfied Tan Sheng is with her, there will always be a place for her in the Tan family.

When she becomes a star, a world superstar, and has a super high status in the world, she no longer has to worry about Tan Sheng's attitude towards her.

Maybe, even Tan Sheng has to act according to her face.

As for Ning Lin, after finally taking her daughter out from under Tan Sheng's nose who didn't like being controlled by her, and now she is going to perform in the art hall she has long dreamed of, she will naturally not let her go back easily.

For this reason, she did not hesitate to lie to the police, saying that Qin He was a kidnapper and wanted to kidnap her daughter.

Jin Yan naturally cooperated with her with all her strength.

Ning Lin's action directly brought Qin He great trouble.

When Qin He proved his identity and left the police station, the mother and daughter had disappeared.

Qin He's phone call from across the ocean directly caused Tan Sheng's blood pressure to soar to [-].

He couldn't help but want to yell, but when he thought of his daughter not far away, he forcibly endured it.

Qin He said that he was already trying his best to find the two of them.

Tan Sheng made him stop.

"Talking about Dong?" Qin He was puzzled.

Tan Sheng: "You don't need to look for it anymore, you are back, I will tell her personally."

Qin He: "Understood."

Although Jin Yan was talking to Quan Jian, his ears kept paying attention to Tan Sheng's side, and when he finished speaking, he immediately asked, "Dad, what happened?"

"It's okay." Tan Sheng said.

Jin Yan: "But I see you are very angry, something must have happened."

Tan Sheng hesitated for a moment and said, "Your mother and I are going to divorce soon."

Jin Yan looked suspicious, "That's it? What did she do to make you so angry?"

As if knowing what Tan Sheng would say next, Jin Yan said again: "I don't agree with you, if you can't bear it, then leave, don't worry about me, I won't be sad."

Tan Sheng "hmm" for a moment.

He didn't explain anything, and called the lawyer again, asking to make some changes to the originally drafted divorce agreement and send it to Ning Lin.

This sentence directly reduced Ning Lin's possible property by [-]%.

However, the parties were unaware of this.

In the presidential suite, Ning Lin threw her phone on the sofa in dissatisfaction, and said irritably: "This Qin He is crazy, he has called me so many times, but he is just a dog next to your father. He's a character! I'll let your father quit him later!"

Jin Yan immediately comforted her, "Don't be angry, it's easy to grow old when angry, mom sit down, I'll give you a shoulder squeeze."

On this day, after being chased by Qin He, she changed five or six hotels, and she was exhausted.

"It's all your father's fault. I don't know what he's thinking. Your math, physics and chemistry competition results have already been recommended. I don't know what else to study."

Ning Lin became more and more angry, "Your academic performance is already good enough. You have been No.1 since you were a child. What else is there to take the exam? You can't take the first place casually. I will let you learn dance." Piano, what's wrong with letting you develop in all directions?"

"Now look at those people in the entertainment industry, what do you think about the simultaneous development of film, television and music? I just make you better, but he keeps fighting against me. It's really unreasonable!"

As Jin Yan listened, a sense of uneasiness welled up in her heart.

Even though Ning Lin had a lot of dissatisfaction with Tan Jinyan's biological daughter, she recognized Tan Jinyan's intelligence and excellence in her heart.

Tan Jinyan is an out-and-out academic master.

But she is not Jin Yan.

Even though she has Tan Jinyan's memory after she wakes up, let alone those Olympiad questions in Tan Jinyan's study that she doesn't even know the symbols, she doesn't even know the knowledge in textbooks.

Jin Yan couldn't help but feel regretful.

If only she had said that she had lost her memory when she woke up from the car accident.

There won't be such a big hidden danger.

 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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