After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 166 After being pierced, I take revenge online

Since discovering Jinyan's secret, the three of them tried every means to interact with Jinyan.

Wang Mao followed Quan Jian's example and poked at the opposite side.

Without any suspense, he poked a cloud of air.

Sang Yin gave him a contemptuous look, and stretched out her hand directly, "Yanyan, you are squeezing my hand, wow, we haven't held hands for a long time."

I really miss the days when we used to go to the bathroom hand in hand.

Jin Yan squeezed her fingers.

Sang Yin was immediately overjoyed.

Both Wang Mao and Bian Yue looked at her with envy and jealousy.

If the two of them stretched out their fingers, what was waiting would not be Jin Yan's gentle kneading, but the fate of having their fingers broken by Quan Jian.

But even though they couldn't see Jinyan, they imagined that Jinyan was always in front of them, so they talked to themselves and had a great time.

After leaving the milk tea shop and going to school, the three kept asking about Jin Yan.

After hearing what Quan Jian said, Sang Yin scolded: "Those who have no conscience, use magic to harm people, and they are not afraid of retribution!"

"I think the most important thing now is how to get Jin Yan back into her own body." Bian Yue said.

When it was over, he was beaten up by Sang Yin, "You will die if you don't talk nonsense?"

Bian Yue: "..."

Sang Yin suddenly thought of something, and she said excitedly: "I know, Uncle Tan came to visit my grandpa a few days after the car accident. I thought he was there to recuperate Yan Yan's body, but grandpa didn't go to the hospital. It's strange, now it seems that Uncle Tan's visit is for this purpose."

"Father has been planning so long ago." Jin Yan said.

Quan Jian said "hmm", "If there is no accident, they should be here tonight."

After leaving high school, several of them went to Ancheng University.

It is still a holiday, and there are not many people in the school except for postgraduate doctoral students and a few part-time students who have left their part-time jobs for postgraduate entrance examinations.

There are even fewer people in the canteen.

After Quan Jian bought meals for him and Jin Yan, he gave the meal cards to the other three.

Sang Yin took the card, and said with emotion: "Did you see that, a living and domineering president."

Bian Yue and Wang Mao: "..."

Bian Yue joked, "Isn't the domineering president the one from the Gu family?"

A lingering life-and-death sadomasochism and a TV series that lost nothing at all made the whole network know the "dominant and affectionate" President Gu.

Sang Yin rolled her eyes, "Don't talk about that criminal man walking, I'm disgusting."

After Bian Yue begged for mercy, she imitated the appearance when Quan Jian gave her the meal card, holding the card between her fingers and threw it in front of Bian Yue, with a stern expression on her face, "Man, just swipe it as you like."

Bian Yue: "..."

Wang Mao: "..."

That's what it meant.


The DNA moved violently.

Over there, Jin Yan watched the performance of the three of them, laughing so hard that he couldn't straighten up.

She sat under the window, Quan Jian leaned towards her to block the view from the outside, "Don't look at them, hurry up and eat."

Jin Yan: "Yes."

When the three of them finished visiting the cafeteria and bought something to eat, when they came back, Jin Yan had finished eating.

While watching a few people eating, she uncomfortably teased them, while talking to 288 who had disappeared for a few days.

"Xiaoba, I told you about normal demands, it's okay not to agree, there's no need to hide, right?" Jin Yan said.


This can be wronged dead system.

It was about to speak, but when it saw Jinyan take a sip of the iced drink on the table, 288's eyes stared straight away, "Host, are you alive?"

"Am I dead?" Jin Yan asked back.


It explained: "According to what the host said, I have completed the application and exchanged the skills for eating and drinking that the host said."

Jin Yan: "When?"

288: "After you made your appeal."

Jin Yan: "..."

So in the end Quanjian has a special ability and has a special connection with her?
Or does the system give it all?

The confused 288 obviously didn't know.

They played outside for most of the day, before five o'clock in the afternoon, Tan Sheng kept calling Quan Jian to tell them to go back quickly.

Originally, Professor Xun wanted to keep a few people for dinner, but seeing Tan Sheng's urgent urging, he asked Quan Jian, "Do you have something to do with Uncle Tan?"

"En." Quanjian nodded.

Professor Xun looked at his son suspiciously, "You didn't go home after you were discharged from the hospital. Where have you been these few days?"

Quan Jian: "Talk about the family."

The trio immediately widened their eyes.


He also said that they didn't discover the secret of Jin Yan because they didn't like Jin Yan enough, it was obvious that someone was close to the water and got the moon first!

Professor Xun was surprised when he heard that, "Tan Sheng actually agreed with you to live in Tan's house?"

Sang Yin gave Professor Xun a thumbs-up, "That's right, among us, Uncle Tan is most wary of you, why let you live in?"

What made her most incomprehensible was that Uncle Tan even guarded against a girl like her!

What bad thoughts could she have?

She just wanted to cuddle with Yan Yan and feel sleepy!

Quan Jian glanced at Jin Yan, and reminded her meaningfully, "Why do you say?"

Sang Yin: "..."

Is it really because of the special magnetic field between Quan Jian and Jin Yan that Uncle Tan is temporarily lenient and let him go?
Professor Xun looked at the children and asked puzzledly, "What kind of riddles are you playing? It's been weird since I first came in."

"It's okay, mom, you're busy, let's go first." Quan Jian said.

Professor Xun sent them to the door, "Take Yan Yan with you next time, that girl always runs to my experimental base before the holidays, but she never goes there again after the holidays."

After a pause, they all looked at where Jin Yan was.

They knew best that Professor Xun liked Jinyan.

Jin Yan finally couldn't bear it, and turned back to give Professor Xun, who was also a teacher and mother, a very light hug.

Several people left for a long time, but Professor Xun was still standing there thoughtfully.

A student happened to ask her for something, and seeing her standing at the door, he asked strangely, "Professor, why are you standing here?"

Professor Xun came back to his senses, the complicated thoughts in his mind prevented him from noticing what question the student asked, and instead raised his hand to touch his shoulder and arm.

She can't be wrong.

Although it was only for a moment, she remembered it clearly.

Somebody did hug her where she couldn't see.

On the other side, as soon as Jin Yan and Tan Sheng arrived at the school gate, they saw a car they were all too familiar with.

"Oh my god, why did Uncle Tan really come to pick him up?"

As Bian Yue spoke, he leaned against Sang Yin's back.

Wang Mao gave him a look of contempt, but he didn't stop backing away.

Although Tan Sheng defended against the three of them equally, as a girl, Sang Yin still had the advantage of not being beaten.

As for Quanjian, it belongs to dangerous elements, and they are not in the same ranks at all.

However, there is a reason for the authority certificate to have special treatment.

Just like now, they all hid, only Quan Jian stepped forward.

The car window was lowered, and Tan Sheng's handsome and handsome face was revealed at a glance, which was unforgettable but also extremely oppressive.

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