After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 173 After being pierced, I take revenge online

Chapter 173 After being pierced, I take revenge online (23)

Jin Yan seemed to have not noticed why everyone was silent, and asked everyone innocently, "With such a noble status, he is willing to condescend to pray for blessings for the people at the bottom. He is really noble and kind, isn't he?"

Everyone: "..."

Ha ha.

Sang Yin rolled her eyes speechlessly, and said unceremoniously: "Is this still kind? I think hypocrisy is dead, it doesn't even count as hypocrisy, I only see his superiority."

Jin Yan said angrily: "You are not allowed to slander him like this! You don't know him, how do you know what kind of person he is, and how do you know what he has done!"

Sang Yin hehe: "I don't know him, but from your description, I think he is a big bad guy!"

A villain sent three bad guys and a self-righteous idiot to modern times. They didn't mention the price behind it, and even pretended it didn't happen. Instead, they burst into tears from their own emotions.

Jin Yan: "..."

Soon, the battlefield turned into a duel between Jin Yan and Sang Yin.


At noon, when eating, I found that Tan Sheng and Quan Jian were not there. Jin Yan was very curious and wanted to go up and look for it.

Old Wei stopped her, "The boss is out and will be back in a while, you guys eat first."

"When? I didn't see it." Jin Yan said.

Old Wei: "There is another way to the garage, not through the lobby."

As the boss expected, Ms. Ning really started procrastinating, using the excuse that she couldn't go to the Civil Affairs Bureau due to a fall yesterday, but the boss would not spoil her.

There is less trouble in dealing with things, and the boss's ears can be cleaner.

Jin Yan asked again: "What about Quan Jian? He was at home before, why didn't he come down for dinner?"

"Quan Shao has a cleanliness obsession and doesn't like to eat with others." Old Wei said casually.

Jin Yan suddenly recalled the bad memories of the first meeting in the hospital.

She didn't need to be too eager for Quan Jian's attitude towards her, it's better to win over Bian Yue and Wang Mao first.

Upstairs restaurant.

Jin Yan, Quan Jian and three masters were eating.

"You don't want to go out to eat. Uncle Wei is the only one at home. The cooking is a bit rushed and the dishes are simple. Masters, please take care of me." Jin Yan said.

The three masters: "..."

This is a table full of haste and simplicity?
What is that not simple?
"Three masters, please."

After Jin Yan finished speaking, the people whose stomachs were hooked out immediately picked up their chopsticks.

Although they were getting old, their appetites were good, and in a short while most of the dishes on the table were gone.

When it was almost finished, Tan Sheng came back.

"Have you left?" Jin Yan asked.

Tan Sheng nodded and put the divorce certificate on the table.

Jin Yan picked it up, glanced at it, and then put it back, "Congratulations, you have become a golden bachelor!"

"Thank you." Tan Sheng said.

Master Wuwang watched and couldn't help saying, "You little girl, you are still so calm after your parents divorced."

I have never seen such a person.

Jin Yan looked at him, "Then what should I do? Crying and begging my father not to divorce my mother? It's impossible. My mother had already given up on me when she accepted outsiders. I was raised by my father, but no Masochistic tendencies, let alone forgive those who give up on me."

Master Wuwang: "..."

See it.

This little girl is also cold-hearted.

And her only sincerity and sincerity were given to the two men in front of her, one big and one small.

Suddenly, Jin Yan walked up to Master Wuwang, "Although I have no intention of remarrying my father and mother, I am interested in learning Taoism from a master. Would you like to teach me?"

Master Wuwang: "..."

The corner of his mouth twitched, what was this rich little girl thinking about?
Wouldn't it be good to study hard and come out to eat and wait to die? Why do you have to work so hard to learn some Taoism?

But what if he is inexplicably moved?
Before Master Wu Wang could speak, Tan Sheng looked at Jin Yan, "Do you really want to learn?"

Jin Yan nodded, "Yeah."

There are so many things in this world that cannot be explained by science and common sense, and it is hard to guarantee that such a situation will not be encountered again in the future.

Now that she has learned it, she has an extra life-saving skill.

Tan Sheng looked at Master Wuwang again, "Master, my daughter has been smart since she was a child and can learn everything quickly. If you are willing to accept apprentices, I will let Lao Wei prepare. Let's choose an auspicious day to worship the teacher. If you are not willing to accept apprentices , then you should coax her and teach her basic knowledge, as for the reward, the master can just say anything."

Master Wuwang: "..."

Not everyone can get Tan Sheng's promise.

What should I do if I get more excited?
Seeing that he was about to speak, Master Wudao hurriedly coughed and reminded: "Accepting an apprentice is not a trivial matter. If you really want to accept it, you should get rid of your past problems, otherwise don't ruin your disciples."

Master Wuwang was displeased when he heard this, "What did you say, senior brother? How could I ruin someone's child? With my talent and the little girl's intelligence, I don't believe I can ruin her!"

Jin Yan immediately said: "Master, I will serve you tea later."

Master Wuwang: "..."

Even if there is no talent, this cleverness is not far behind.

He patted Jinyan on the head with a smile, and reminded her, "There is no rush to learn from the teacher. Before that, let me tell you about the hardships I learned when I was young, and you can decide whether to learn it or not."

"Yes, master." Jin Yan said.

Master Wuwang couldn't help covering his heart.

This "master" is really nice.

After so many years, finally someone has discerning eyes, and is eager to make him a master.

So moved.

In the next second, he had to look at Master Wudao in trepidation, "It's a pity, senior brother, we made a bet earlier on whether we could find a successor, now there is no need to bet anymore, I have an apprentice!"

Master Wudao's face darkened, and he was about to refute, when Quan Jian said: "Master, if you don't dislike me, I want to worship you as a teacher and learn some real skills from him."

He understands Yan Yan's original intention to learn these things, so he has to learn even more.

Master Wudao was stunned, "Are you serious? Or is it just to have a common topic with this little girl?"

Tan Sheng looked at Quanjian.

Quan Jian said honestly: "I dare not hide it from you, I have both."

Master Wudao stared into his eyes for a long while, and said, "In that case, then you two should apprentice together."

As soon as he turned his head, he said to Master Wuwang: "Brother is right, there is really no need to bet, brother, I have a disciple too."

Master Wuwang: "..."

Can't you just let him be dazed for a while?

He looked at Quan Jian displeasedly, he was too blind to see, so I don't know how to talk about it later?
When he thought that this sightless thing was still thinking about his good apprentice, the old man suddenly became even more unhappy.

After they finished speaking, they congratulated Wu Wang and Wu Dao with a smile.

If he hadn't already had direct disciples, he might have to compete with these two at this moment.

If I miss these two, I'm afraid I won't be able to find disciples who have the great merit of great luck like them.

 Chinese New Year is almost here, are you all on vacation, have you gone home?

  good night good night ^-^
(End of this chapter)

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