After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 177 After being pierced, I take revenge online

Chapter 177 After being pierced, I take revenge online (27)

A few teenagers are eager to try, Tan Sheng naturally will not dampen their enthusiasm.

As for being a master, there is nothing like a master.

Knowing what Jinyan was going to do, Master Wuwang immediately taught her a spell that would bring bad luck to people.

As soon as he started, the pen seemed to come to life, walking on the talisman paper.

Although Master Wudao disagreed somewhat, he didn't stop Wuwang when he thought of what Gu Shang had done.

Although other people can't understand it, they are definitely amazing.

I don't want to talk about whether he has real skills, but with Master Wu Wang's smooth and flowing talisman drawing skills, laymen can also be dumbfounded.

"Master, with this talisman, can Gu Shang be unlucky?" Jin Yan said excitedly, already wanting to try it himself.

Wu Wang nodded, and corrected, "It's not this talisman, it's the talisman you drew yourself."

Jin Yan said very politely: "I understand, I won't let Master compromise my cultivation or merit for this, I will do it myself!"

"Little girl, do you think I'm afraid of this?" Master Wu Wang was not convinced.

Jin Yan immediately comforted him, "Of course master is not afraid, but an apprentice should not think of master. I only worship you as my teacher. I haven't learned a ten-thousandth of your demeanor. I don't want you to make any mistakes."

The old Taoist snorted, "Don't underestimate your master, my skills are great!"

Although his mouth was tough, his heart was touched softly.

After so many years, he, this old thing, has cared about him.

Thinking of this, he looked up at his senior brother again.

Wudao: "..."

He turned to look at the authority certificate.

Quan Jian looked at Jin Yan fondly.

Wudao: "..."

Forget it.

He is not a soft-spoken person.

And the one who can make Quan Jian talk softly is the precious disciple of the younger brother, and they will get a dowry when they get married in the future.

This matter is different from the rivalry between junior and junior.

Anyway, I will definitely lose.

In just this moment, Jin Yan has already completed half of the spell on paper.

Others could not see Jin Yan's leisurely expression, but only saw a suspended pen engraving on the paper what Master Wu Wang had just written.

Master Wuwang himself was too shocked to speak.

"Can you have a photographic memory?" He asked Jin Yan.

Jin Yan's attention was on the talisman. The master said that when drawing a talisman, one must concentrate on it. Only when one pours one's heart and will into drawing a talisman can the power of the talisman be stronger.

Noticing that Jinyan had invested in it, Master Wuwang was even more shocked.

He looked at Jinyan for a while, then looked at Wudao again, and said excitedly: "Senior brother, we have a successor!"

Wudao also looked excited.

Such a talent as Jinyan, if cultivated from an early age...

No, it's fine now.

They cultivated her well, and with time, maybe not too long, she would be able to be on her own.

Wu Dao's gaze suddenly shifted to Quan Jian.

Quan Jian still looked at Jin Yan with proud eyes, as if he was the one who had a photographic memory and outstanding talent.

Wudao: "..."

He seems to understand what it means to be heartbroken.

When Jin Yan finished drawing, Quan Jian immediately supported her, "Are you tired?"

"It's okay." Jin Yan said.

She looked at Wu Wang who was staring at her newly drawn spell, and asked him, "Master, how is it? Can this be used?"

Wu Wang: "Did you really never learn it before?"

Jin Yan shook his head.

Wuwang looked emotional, "Do you know how long it took me to learn to be like you?"

Jin Yan: "How long?"

Listening to the talk between the master and the uncle, the master's talent is good, it shouldn't be long, right?
Wu Wang made a gesture and said, "One year."

Sang Yin and the others couldn't hear Jin Yan's voice, but they understood everything from Wu Wang's words.

"So Yanyan is very powerful?" Sang Yin jumped happily.

Noddle indiscriminately.

It's not just amazing, it's nothing more than the patriarch chasing and feeding him.

At this moment, Quan Jian said: "Yan Yan finished painting, then I will try."

Wu Wang: "..."

He looked at Quanjian, "Are you okay?"

Wang Mao and Bian Yue burst out laughing.

Bian Yue didn't answer, took a step forward, spread out the talisman paper, and began to draw.

Bian Yue whispered: "Is Quan Jian painting backwards?"

Wu Wang and Wu Dao didn't speak, they watched Quan Jian quietly engrave what Jin Yan had drawn just now.

But he came upside down.

The three masters were already dumbfounded, except Guiyuan's face remained normal, as if he had expected all this a long time ago.

Master Wudao also stood up all of a sudden, "Junior brother, my apprentice seems to be superior in skills."

As soon as the words fell, Master Wu Wang was about to refute, and Quan Jian said: "I can remember that it is so familiar because it was painted by Yan Yan."

Master Wuwang laughed.

Master Wudao shook his head and sighed softly.

Sang Yin said leisurely: "So, are they throwing dog food even by drawing a talisman?"

Bian Yue and Wang Mao stepped forward to condemn Quan Jian with her.

Who made them lose sight of Jin Yan?

Tan Sheng's eyes instantly became less friendly.

He only thought that if he brought these children over with a few more human rights records, he would be able to restrain himself, but he forgot that other people could not see Yan Yan at all, and their communication with Yan Yan depended on the authority records to transmit the message.

It is equivalent to increasing the chances of Quan Jian and Yan Yan to get in touch.

Moisturizing is silent.

If this continues, the daughter will be abducted by this kid sooner or later.

Tan Sheng's dislike for Quan Jian was written all over his face, and he added fuel and vinegar to it just by looking at it.

A father is reluctant to part with his daughter, and a master is also reluctant to part with his apprentice.

Even if the opponent is not a pig but jade.

Wudao is no match for two, so he can only wink at Quan Jian and ask him to keep a low profile.


Take care of your home.

Gu Shang severely scolded the weeping Mrs. Gu.

"You say you are stupid or not, then you have an extra woman, and he has a mistress and it doesn't stop you from eating, drinking and having fun. What can't you think about?"

Mrs. Gu was stunned by the scolding, she couldn't believe that this was her own son.

Seeing her expression, Gu Shang scolded again: "Don't look at me with such a pitiful expression, look at how old I am, I am not fifteen or sixteen years old, and I still imitate the posture of a girl, is it evil?" Disgusting? No wonder he cheated!"

Mrs. Gu's heart trembled, her face turned pale and her eyes were about to burst.

But Gu Shang didn't take it seriously.

He looked at the overwhelming news on the Internet with a disdainful expression.

A bunch of stupid people.

Do you think their resistance can shake the huge foundation of the Gu family?

He doesn't care.

For him, the people are loose sand, posing no threat.

He just hates nosy internet users.

Of course, what made him even more dissatisfied was Mrs. Gu who made this matter a big deal.

Family ugliness should not be publicized, but Mrs. Gu brought someone into the clubhouse privately, allowing the paparazzi to take pictures of Gu Chen's ugliness, and spread those photos and videos all over the world, even embarrassing him.

This is a good time, he must start to deal with the affairs of the Gu family, and first hold the power and property in his hands.

The matter of finding Yan'er can only be postponed.

 Ask for a ticket ~ good night ()
(End of this chapter)

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