After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 179 After being pierced, I take revenge online

Chapter 179 After being pierced, I take revenge online (29)

"Ah, I can't eat melons and watch the excitement. If this continues, I will die suddenly!"

Sang Yin looked up to the sky and sighed.

She thought that beating the dog in the water would be very exciting, but Gu Shang made her so busy that she lost her interest.

After all, Gu Shang is too capable of killing, and there are two more rivals in love who are secretly waiting to make trouble.

Jin Yan shook his head helplessly, and said to Quan Jian: "I told Yin Yin not to pay attention, and let those three people bite dogs, and sooner or later they will die together."

"Well, let's not talk about them, it's time for us to go." Quan Jian said.

Today is the [-]th birthday of the old man of the Lin family in Ancheng. The Lin family has been preparing for the big day for a long time. The Tan family and the Quan family were the first to be invited.

"You two take the same car, let's go to the car behind." Sang Yin said.

She can ride with Yan Yan or Quan Jian, but she doesn't want to ride with both of them at the same time.

After all, she has tasted enough of dog food.

After getting into the car, Jin Yan thought of something, "Is Jin Yan going too?"

Quan Jian: "She won't go."

"Then what did father say to the outside world?" Jin Yan asked.

Quan Jian: "I don't know, but Uncle Tan will definitely not let her attend such an important occasion instead of you."

Not to mention, Long Jue and Gu Shang might appear at Mr. Lin's birthday banquet. If Jin Yan were to recognize them, it would inevitably bring Jin Yan another reputation crisis.

Jin Yan, who was strictly prohibited from going out by Tan Sheng, only found out the news after the birthday banquet started, and she kept calling Tan Sheng.

No one hangs up immediately after receiving the call, and the connection fails immediately.

After that, she called Qin He again. Qin He was still the same as before, with a very polite tone, but there was no doubt about it.

In the end, she had no choice but to call Ms. Ning.


"I'm not your mother!" Ms. Ning roared.

She sat on the ground with disheveled hair, her mind was full of Tan Sheng's cold eyes and what he said when they met in the morning.

Ever since she divorced Tan Sheng, her situation has taken a 180-degree turn. Those people who used to flatter her and admire her all turned away from her.

He also called her an artist, at best she was a ridiculous work of art without any connotation.

A scrap.

If her status as "Tan Sheng's wife" hadn't given her a layer of gold, she would be nothing!

In just a few days after the divorce, she had tasted the warmth and coldness of human relationships and the coldness of the world that she had never experienced since she was born.

She told everyone that it wasn't like that, that Tan Sheng loved her.

But no one believed it.

She hoped that Tan Sheng could take her to Elder Lin's birthday banquet, as long as she appeared at the birthday banquet holding Tan Sheng's arm, those contempt and disdain about her would disappear without a trace in an instant.

Furthermore, if she didn't show up, outsiders would probably talk about her daughter behind her back. She did this for her daughter's benefit.

But this sentence angered Tan Sheng.

With a sullen face and angry eyes, he slapped Ning Lin so hard that half of her face swelled up.

Ning Lin didn't know why she was being sarcastic, and made trouble with Tan Sheng.

Anyway, Tan Sheng didn't plan to get married, so what's wrong with her continuing to occupy the identity of Mrs. Tan?

More importantly, no matter whether they remarried or not, as long as they have a good relationship and get along well in private, outsiders will not point fingers at Jin Yan.

In this way, Ms. Ning jumped repeatedly on Tan Sheng's thunder point, constantly trying to die.

It's just that Tan Sheng didn't do anything this time.

He looked at the ambitious Ms. Tan and said, "Don't call next time. If you really want to die, I will help you."

His tone of voice was as gentle as if he was treating his daughter, but his eyes made her shudder.

Tan Sheng wanted to kill her.

This thought clearly appeared in Ning Lin's mind.

She suddenly understood.

What Tan Sheng meant was that as long as she dared to use her daughter as a shield to act in the name of doing Jinyan's good, he would kill her.

So when Jin Yan called, Ms. Ning's full of resentment vented on her.

Jin Yan was taken aback by the yelling, but soon got used to it.

After all, the Ning Lin she met after she became Tan Jinyan was an emotionally unstable person, and it was normal to go crazy occasionally.

She said: "Mom, I saw someone took photos of the Lin family's birthday party, Quan Jian and the others all went, and even Sang Yin was there..."

"What's wrong with Sang Yin? Her grandfather is an expert in Chinese medicine. Many powerful people have tried their best to make friends with the Sang family. Do you think they are fools? They are leaving a way out for themselves!" Ning Lin scolded .

Jin Yan: "...But now western medicine is the mainstream, Chinese medicine has long been..."

"What happened a long time ago? Has it fallen? Then I will tell you that Chinese medicine has cured many diseases that Western medicine can't solve. You say it was a mistake or everything is good. Patients need It doesn’t matter if the way to save him is advanced or backward, or even stupid superstition, understand?”

Without waiting for Jin Yan to speak, she said like a machine gun: "A powerful person, who would spare his life, makes a connection is to leave a way out for himself, let alone a person as powerful as Mr. Sang, who has In other words, if you have a good relationship with the Sang family, even the King of Hades has to avoid it, you and Sang Yin are good friends, don't you know?"

Jin Yan: "..."

Ning Lin: "Smart people will leave room for themselves, and fools will not leave a little room for themselves when they do things..."

Before she finished speaking, she froze by herself.

She's the one who doesn't leave any room for fools.



When Quan Jian and Jin Yan came to a corner of the hall, Gu Shang and Long Jue were looking at each other.

They just stood there without doing anything or saying anything, but they couldn't hide the tension between each other.

If this is a place where they can be allowed to act recklessly, then the two of them will definitely be fighting to the death at this moment.

Quan Jian stood not far away, pretending to casually look at the beauty of the Chinese-style courtyard outside, and asked Jin Yan, "Do you want to use it on the two of them?"

He was talking about the two talismans drawn by him and Jin Yan.

Jin Yan: "Murong Jin's shrunken tortoise sits on the mountain and watches the tigers fight and hides in the ICU. We don't need to go to the hospital to look for him. Anyway, we only have two talismans in hand, so we have to take advantage of these two."

Quan Jian smiled dotingly, "It's for them."

Jin Yan walked up to Gu Shang and Long Jue, imitating the method taught by Master Wu Wang, and pasted the talisman paper on the two of them.

Neither Gu Shang nor Long Jue noticed anything, but the smell of gunpowder between the two became stronger.

As soon as Jin Yan had pasted it, Gu Shang punched Long Jue.

Long Jue smiled wantonly, his eyes were full of contempt and disdain, and he didn't take Gu Shang seriously at all.

But in the next second, Gu Shang's fist greeted his face.

Long Jue was stunned for a moment.

He could obviously avoid this punch easily, what's going on?

In doubt, knowing that Long Jue was plotting against him behind his back, Gu Shang quickly punched him a second time and a third time, until Long Jue's face turned into a pig's head that even his own mother couldn't recognize.

 Ask for a ticket [Bixin]
(End of this chapter)

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