After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 182 After being pierced, I take revenge online

Chapter 182 After being pierced, I take revenge online (32)

After some awkward greetings, Jin Yan asked Bian Yue where he was, and Bian Yue said he was returning to the banquet.

Jin Yan was very surprised, "Are you also learning from Dad?"

Bian Yue nonsense, "No, I'm following Uncle Tan to learn how to behave."

Jin Yan felt strange, but couldn't tell what was wrong specifically.

She asked Bian Yue again if she saw anything on the Internet.

Bian Yue pretended to be puzzled, "I was too busy during the day to check my phone, is there anything new on the Internet?"

Jin Yan suddenly sighed, and her tone sounded troubled, "I see that many people on the Internet say they envy me, and they also want to be my father's daughter. Do you think my father will have a new child? Like me?"

Bian Yue: "..."

Ha ha.

Uncle Tan has never liked you, so there is no possibility that he won't like you when he has a newcomer.

They couldn't bear to say harsh words to Jin Yan, but now that Jin Yan was on the other side of the phone, it didn't matter.

Therefore, Bian Yue deliberately said: "This question is hard to say. Uncle Tan has absolutely no patriarchal thoughts, but you said before that you have no intention of doing business, and Uncle Tan will not force you, but a company as big as Tan's always needs someone. inherit."

Jin Yan froze for a moment.

She deliberately said that in order to listen to her more like people on the Internet who praised her and envied her, instead of saying these heart-wrenching words.

She coughed and explained: "There is no absolute answer to anything. I used to say that I don't want to do business, but I can't bear the pain of no one inheriting my father's hard work."

"So you've changed your mind?" Bian Yue said.

Jin Yan pretended to hesitate, "Well, if Dad needs it, then I will give up my hobbies, as long as I can help Dad keep his hard work."

Bian Yue couldn't help laughing.

To be greedy means to be greedy, and you insist on pulling up the banner to cover your behavior with a bright and beautiful fig leaf.

If it was Yan Yan, she would use the shortest time to learn business-related professional knowledge, and then spend some time in the company to practice and personally follow the project.

Once she has mastered the method of running the company, she will hire a reliable professional manager to help manage the family business, and she will sit in the rear, so that she can allocate enough energy and time to pursue her dream.

This is the difference between counterfeit goods and Yanyan.

It's a pity that Jin Yan will never be able to realize this.

After a short silence, Jin Yan said again: "Bian Yue, do you think you want Dad to remove the trending search?"

Bian Yue glanced at Quan Jian and the others, and asked, "Why?"

Jin Yan sighed again, "I also want the whole world to know how much my father dotes on me, but in this way, will it arouse the jealousy of others? Will criminal groups target me and kidnap me, so that What about making money?"

Bian Yue: "..."

other people:"……"

Jin Yan immediately laughed and fell on Quan Jian, "She is so smart, she can consider such an important issue."

Quan Jian supported her with one hand, and smiled dotingly.

If Yanyan's personal safety needs to be reminded by others, then she doesn't know how many times she has been kidnapped since she was a child.

Bian Yue held back his laughter for a long time before he finally restrained his smile and said, "Then what should we do? Now everyone knows how much Uncle Tan loves his precious daughter."

He said "How much Uncle Tan loves his precious daughter", instead of directly replying "How much Uncle Tan loves you", the difference is already obvious.

Not only Bian Yue, but also Sang Yin, Wang Mao, Qin He, Xie Jun, they all use the same address when they speak, but Jin Yan never noticed anything wrong.

She also said with a troubled look: "Hey, it turns out that being overly loved is also a kind of pressure."

Bian Yue Sang Yin Wang Mao: "..."

Ha ha.

Bian Yue deliberately said: "Then you call Uncle Tan and ask him to arrange for someone to remove the trending searches. The related topics will go crazy, and don't let anyone mention the word Tan Jinyan. As time goes by, everyone will Forget about it."

"No!" Jin Yan said.

"Why?" Bian Yue asked, "If you're embarrassed to tell, I can tell Uncle Tan for you."

But Jin Yan said eagerly: "No, in that case, no one will know about my father's deep love for me?"

A few people from Bianyue: "..."


Never seen such a big idiot.

No, they have seen it before, such as Gu Shang, such as Long Jue.

"Then what to do, if you don't cancel the trending search, what if someone kidnaps you? If you are torn apart, there will be no one to inherit the Tan family business, and Uncle Tan will definitely have another child." Bian Yue said.

Jin Yan suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

Bian Yue deliberately gave her some advice, "Nowadays, the news on the Internet is updated very quickly, so don't be afraid, Tan's house is safe, you stay at home for a while, and when the limelight passes, no one will pay attention to you."

Jin Yan was not happy, "In this way, I won't be able to go out."

Bian Yue: "Then do you want to go out or die?"

Jin Yan: "..."

Originally, she deliberately called to inquire about Tan Sheng's whereabouts with Bian Yue, so as to find a chance to please Tan Sheng and let him allow her to go out.

But she was trapped at home and couldn't get out.

Forget it, it's still important to get down to business.

Thinking of Gu Shang mentioned on the Internet, Jin Yan cautiously inquired, "You all went to the Lin family's birthday banquet, have you seen Gu Shang, is he as bad as the Internet said?"

Bian Yue: "..."

It turned out to be waiting for him here.

Bian Yue snorted and said with disgust, "It's not just bad, it's like maggots in a cesspit, smelly and disgusting, it's hard to imagine that there are people as disgusting as him in the world today."

Jin Yan: "..."

"You don't know, that kind of person has no direct interests with me, otherwise I would definitely beat him every time I see him, it's disgusting."

"I saw on the Internet that Gu Shang was too hot-tempered and wanted to marry him as a concubine. When did you say they were blind? It's too miserable. There are men all over the world, and she insists on picking a trash. "

Jin Yan: "..."

Gu Shang, is it that bad?
"Why don't you speak?" Bian Yue asked intentionally.

Jin Yan's throat was a little dry, and she felt speechless, "I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in my throat, so I drank some water."

Bian Yue said "Oh", "I thought you were angry with me."

"Why am I angry with you?" Jin Yan was puzzled.

Bian Yue: "Of course it's because you like Gu Shang."

Jin Yan quickly shook her head in denial, "No, I don't like him, I don't even know him, I just said something out of curiosity when I saw people scolding him on the Internet."

Bian Yue said in a tone of "it's best to be like this", "That's good, otherwise I really don't know how to continue to be friends with you. They all say that there are two kinds of people who can't sleep in the same bed. Family, if you like Gu Shang, it means that your taste and thinking are not very good, let alone me, I am afraid that even Uncle Tan will be disappointed in you."

Jin Yan's heart sank instantly, "Is it so serious?"

(End of this chapter)

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