After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 184 After being pierced, I take revenge online

Chapter 184 After being pierced, I take revenge online (34)

After talking to Jin Yan, Tan Sheng arranged for Qin He to pick up Jin Yan.

In the past few days, Jin Yan has been frightened, afraid that the more unreliable she is, the more she will tell about Gu Shang.

Qin He's visit was a great surprise to her.

"Assistant Qin, did Dad ask you to pick me up?" Jin Yan asked happily.

Qin He nodded: "Tan Dong organized an ingenious masquerade ball for you. Your good friend has already arrived, and I'm just waiting for you, the protagonist."

Jin Yan was very excited in her heart, but on the face she said reservedly: "Dad is so busy with work, and he did these things specially to make me happy, I feel very sorry."

Qin He: "Everyone knows that Dong loves his daughter, but it's just a masquerade party, and it won't affect work."

Jin Yan suddenly felt aggrieved.

Tan Jinyan is really lucky to have a father who loves his daughter like Tan Sheng.

After hesitating for a moment, she said, "Then do I need to make up and dress up, and I haven't ordered a dress. I'm afraid I'll lose my father's face if I go like this."

"Don't worry, the dress and makeup artist are all ready." Qin He said.

Jin Yan's eyes lit up, "So Dad is already ready?"

Qin He: "Well, it's getting late, let's go."

Jin Yan smiled, "Then wait a minute, I'll go back to my room and change my clothes before coming down."

After she went upstairs, the butler came over.

"Are you going to do it?" the butler asked.

Qin He: "Yes."

The housekeeper looked upstairs with sharp eyes, and said reminiscently: "Pray for a one-time success and exchange our Yanyan back."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Qin He said.

There are four masters over there.

What's more, Master Wuwang is the master of the young lady, Master Wudao is the uncle of the young lady, and the young Taoist priest named Guiyuan also fell in love with the young lady and Quan Shao at first sight.

With a few of them here, the eldest lady will be fine.

When it was the return banquet, before getting out of the car, Jin Yan was surprised by the people walking around in the villa.

It's just that those people didn't wear fancy clothes, it's weird.

"Assistant Qin, didn't you say that you only invited my friends, why are there so many people? How long has Dad been planning this plan?" Jin Yan's surprise was indescribable.

Qin He: "It's only a few days."

Jin Yan was very surprised, "Is Dad's network so powerful?"

The few people who just walked past her were a three-gold film winner, a three-time film queen, and a few actors who were not as famous as these two, but they were not small.

These people are already successful at the top of the pyramid in the entertainment industry, but they are respectful and keep their attitude low in front of other people.

Obviously, the identities of those people are more important.

As the car drove past, the shock in Jin Yan's heart became more and more serious. When she saw a certain important person who rarely showed up, Jin Yan was so surprised that she almost lost her voice.

Qin He thought to himself what this was.

It won't be grand until the eldest lady's birthday.

When the car stopped, Wang Mao and Bian Yue came over immediately, "Jin Yan, come down quickly."

As soon as Bian Yue made a sound, everyone around looked at the car. While Jin Yan's vanity was greatly satisfied, her legs felt a little weak.

Looking at those big figures with extraordinary temperament and powerful momentum outside, she was actually timid.

Seeing her reaction, Qin He turned cold, Bian Yue and Wang Mao also showed dissatisfaction.

The impostor is still in Jinyan's body, and her every move represents Jinyan's image.

It's Jin Yan who loses face for being so timid.

Letting outsiders see it, wouldn't it be another gossip that girls really can't take on big responsibilities?

"What's the matter? Come down quickly, Uncle Tan is waiting for you inside." Bian Yue urged.

Thinking of Tan Sheng, Jin Yan straightened her back again.

She can't be cowardly.

At least it can't be seen.

After doing some mental work for herself, Jin Yan took a deep breath, and then supported Bian Yue's wrist to get out of the car.

From the parking lot to entering the door, it only took a minute, but Jin Yan, who had attracted much attention, walked extremely hard, and her back was already wet with cold sweat.

Standing at the door, Tan Sheng stared at Jin Yan with cold eyes for a second, and said as if giving orders: "Go take a shower, change into the dress inside, and then do as An Li said."

An Li came up from behind him, smiled and said, "Miss, come with me."

Seeing An Li's smile, Jin Yan felt unspeakable uneasiness again.

When she first came here, she did a few things that were not in line with Tan Jinyan's personality and living habits, and An Li found out right away.

She felt that it would always be troublesome for An Li to stay by her side, so she found an excuse to ask Tan Sheng to transfer An Li away, but Tan Sheng said that An Li was Tan Jinyan's life assistant, and she had to stay by her side to take care of her until she recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

After returning home, she finally found another chance to drive An Li away, but she didn't expect to see her again today.

What kind of person is Tan Sheng?
While asking the big guy to hold a dance to make her happy, he sent An Li, a person she didn't like, back to her side.

"Miss, please." An Li said again.

Jin Yan glanced at Tan Sheng, expressing her grievance and dissatisfaction with her eyes, but Tan Sheng turned a blind eye and didn't say a word.

Helpless, she could only follow An Li.

Arriving at a room on the second floor, Jin Yan was taken aback when she entered, "Is the light in this room broken? Why does it look like a haunted house? And the style is different from other places."

Moreover, the furnishings of this room gave her an inexplicably familiar feeling, as if she had seen it before.

An Li: "Miss, this is what you like."

Jin Yan's back felt cold, but she didn't dare to deny it, for fear that she would say something again, "Yes, is it?"

An Li lied without changing his face, "Yes, you said before that you wanted to hold a unique dance party, and you wanted to experience the Chinese-style horror scene yourself, so Tan Dong specially prepared all these for you."

At this moment, Jin Yan came in through the door.

Seeing the terrified Jin Yan, she smiled and gently moved a curtain in the room.

Like a wind blowing, the curtain suddenly floated up, causing Jin Yan's face to lose all blood in an instant.

She shrank back in fear, but the paper figurine standing behind her fell to the ground again.

When Jin Yan jumped up in fright, another cool wind blew by her ears.

She turned back quickly.

Apart from the scary straw figures with white curtains and some strange spells, nothing can be seen.

Jin Yan: "..."

Her face was pale, her legs were weak, and her heart jumped into her throat.

On the other hand, An Li seemed to have lost consciousness, and did not respond to all this weirdness.

Jin Yan was terrified and didn't want to stay any longer, so she could only say: "Did you misunderstand something? I'm definitely not talking about this style, this is too hellish, it looks a little creepy."

Talk about Jinyan's taste and how he likes such horrible things.

An Li sneered.


Didn't you come from the underworld, you lonely ghost?How can you despise your hometown?
 Is everyone home yet?

  Happy New Years Eve!Happy new year!
(End of this chapter)

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