After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 189 After being pierced, I take revenge online

Chapter 189 After being pierced, I take revenge online (39)

After Jin Yan and Quan Jian went upstairs, Ning Lin fidgeted and looked at Tan Sheng.

She thought of their several quarrels in the first month or so, which seemed to revolve around their daughter.

To be precise, it was their biological daughter and another daughter named "Jin Yan".

She has never understood why Tan Sheng said that she would not interfere with her daughter's choice, but when her daughter chose to accept her arrangement, she would lose her temper.

It turned out that he already knew everything.


Before he could finish saying "husband", Tan Sheng looked over with his cold eyes.

Ning Lin was so frightened that she couldn't say what she had drafted before she came.

Tan Sheng looked disgusted, as if he was looking at someone he hated extremely, "Yan Yan's words are my attitude, you go, don't come here again."

Ning Lin felt unwilling, she said timidly, "I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, I will never admit my daughter wrong again, can I change it?"

If she had known that her daughter would come back, she would definitely not have done so.


She certainly dare not.

Tan Sheng sneered, "Admitting your mistake now? It's too late!"

"However, you can't ask a person whose IQ is not as good as yours to be consistent with you in everything. I am not as smart as you, and I am not as meticulous as you. I just figured out the truth later." Ning Lin said .

Tan Sheng's face suddenly became gloomy and terrifying, and he said in a cold voice: "Did you just want to understand? We all know it well, not to mention, the insignificant 'later' in your mouth may make Yan Yan feel disheartened." The last straw, don't you know?"

Ning Lin was thrilled, thinking of the situation Tan Sheng said, she would inevitably feel uncomfortable and afraid.

But he was still quibbling for himself, "But I really can't blame me, I'm also thinking about the overall situation, in case, in case Yan Yan really can't come back, then keep the fake one, at least we miss her Sometimes you can see the real through the fake..."

"You are courting death!" Tan was furious.

He was so angry that he stepped forward and kicked Ning Lin on the shoulder, and his cold and decisive Chinese broke Ning Lin's last illusion.

He scolded sharply: "Stop daydreaming, if something happens to Yanyan, then I will never keep a counterfeit."

"I'll let you all go to be buried with Yan Yan!"

Ning Lin was almost suffocated by the viciousness and ferocity in his eyes.

She never doubted Tan Sheng's cruelty and determination. If he hadn't been ruthless and strong enough, the Tan family would not have been able to gain a foothold in Ancheng, and the Tan family group would have been gnawed to the bone.

He's always been like that.

Therefore, she is also more aware that she was really wrong this time, and now there is no room for turning around.

This time, Ning Lin left Tan's house by herself.

She was unwilling, but helpless.

After all, no matter how narrow and dark the road is, she chose it herself, and now she can't turn back.

As soon as Ning Lin left, Tan Sheng ordered the housekeeper not to allow Ning Lin to appear in Tan's house again, so as not to talk nonsense in front of Jin Yan again.

Not long after, Quan Jian, who was supposed to play games with Jin Yan and the others, came down.

"Uncle Tan, I found it." Quan Jian said.

Tan Sheng looked a little surprised, he didn't expect Quan Jian to find out the other party's whereabouts earlier than him.

Quan Jian: "In Northern Europe, he is the son of a mafia boss, of mixed Central European blood, and he is fighting for power with other illegitimate brothers and sisters and people inside the gang."

"If it's the same person, then he should be able to notice that the formation he set up was broken, right?" Tan Sheng said.

Quan Jian: "Yes, before that, he was shot in the brain and fell into a coma. After the doctor pronounced him dead, he miraculously came back to life."

Tan Sheng heard that he only felt it was ridiculous and hateful, "Like those trash, he also chose the power and status at his fingertips instead of that woman."

Authority: "Yes."

Tan Sheng was so angry that his face was livid.

I thought why the national teacher might be different from those three wastes, but the result is no different.

But it's just these rubbish who keep saying they are in love with each other, who can easily gamble the fate of the country for a woman, and regard the life and death of the people like dirt, but they almost caused his precious daughter to have an accident.

Damn it!

Quan Jian can empathize with Tan Sheng's anger at the moment.

He said, "Uncle Tan, I have a plan."

If possible, he hopes that he can kill the person behind him.

Tan Sheng glanced at him and nodded.


In a flash, the school started again.

Jin Yan went back to high school, while Quan Jian went to Ann University to report.

This time, Jin Yan accompanied him through the registration process, and then went to the laboratory of the Chemical Engineering Institute to meet Professor Xun.

Professor Xun had just finished class, and there were several doctoral students behind him. She was very happy to see Quan Jian and Jin Yan, and she took Jin Yan to give everyone a good introduction.

Everyone can see that the little genius that Professor Xun often talks about is childhood sweetheart with Professor Xun's genius son.

Therefore, many people praised them face to face, and said that the two were a good match.

Professor Xun was even happier.

After the students left, he took Jin Yanzai to look carefully.

Recalling the last time Quanjian came, she hugged Jinyan comfortingly, "From now on, I will come to school to play when I have time on weekends. Auntie welcomes you here anytime."

When the words fell, a young teacher came out from behind, saw that it was Jin Yan, and joked: "Professor Xun, sister Jin Yan is a student who has been booked by Professor Qi in our mathematics department. If you poach corners like this, I am afraid that Professor Qi will marry you." Desperate."

Professor Xun snorted, "When I was in school, I had to compete with me for everything, but I couldn't pass the exam. Now he wants to compete with me for students. I don't think he can compete with me!"

The young teacher chuckled, "I dare not tell Professor Qi that."

Then he said to Jin Yan: "Little sister Jin Yan, I didn't know you were coming to school before, and I didn't pick you up. Now that you are here, do you want to go to the mathematics department?"

Professor Xun immediately pulled Jin Yan into his arms, and she said, "Not today, this kid came to see me specially today, not for exchange and study, he wants to see Yan Yan, let's try another day."

"Thank you sister Xueying, I came here in a hurry today and didn't bring a gift. Next time I come to school, I will definitely visit you in the mathematics department." Jin Yan said.

The young teacher smiled, "Okay, that's the deal."

As soon as she left, Professor Xun said: "You are young and easy to be deceived. The mathematics department is not a good place to go, especially theirs!"

As he spoke, he pulled Jin Yan to ask her what she wanted to eat, and where to eat it, Jin Yan decided.

Quan Jian silently followed behind.

After walking for a while, Professor Xun and Jin Yan, who remembered something, both turned their heads.

Authorization certificate: "..."

The familiar scene in front of him instantly reminded Quan Jian of the scene that happened at the door the day Jin Yan came back.

Being forgotten is not very harmful, but it is extremely insulting.

No wonder my father looked at me at that time.

 Papa Kwon: Harm Shifting

(End of this chapter)

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