The headmaster had a lot of calculations, but the moment he spoke, Chu Xiao and Jin Yan saw through his thoughts.

Jin Yan said: "The principal means that all this is Lin Hao's fault?"

The principal choked, and said without confidence: "Of course, the school is also at fault for failing to discipline the students well..."

"Negligence? Isn't it indulgence?" Jin Yan said.


Jin Yan: "If you took measures from the day the rumors spread to the school, expressly stipulating that students should not spread rumors and create rumors, and punish those who spread rumors accordingly, would Lin Hao still be so unscrupulous?"

Principal: "Yes, the school has failed to supervise and will make corresponding corrections."

"Then you guys can rectify it slowly." Jin Yan said.

She has no time to spend here.

After finishing speaking, Jin Yan looked at Chu Xiao, "Father, hurry up and finish the formalities, let's leave quickly."

Chu Xiao looked at the simple and old house, at the obvious patches on the neatly stacked clothes at the head of the bed, and his mind was filled with the image of his wife desperately defending him when he was criticized.

The aunt was the one who patronized their wonton stall every day. Hearing Jin Yan's words, she was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed sincerely.

"Where's your mother?" Chu Xiao asked.

The topic changed, and Wen Zhan, who was wandering in the sky, was brought back to reality.

But others believed it.

Chu Xiao didn't delay, went home and went out again.

When Jin Yan and Chu Xiao got into the car, they could hear the aunt telling others what happened just now from a distance.

He just couldn't forget the dream.

Once Chu Xiao revealed the slightest bit of what happened to Chu Jinyan in school in front of the media, the spittle from the public could drown them without legal action.

He glanced over, and those who blatantly gossiped were scared to shut up.

He naturally understood the meaning of Jin Yan's words.

Thinking of the information he obtained through investigation, Wen Zhan sighed almost inaudibly.

Jin Yan: "Of course, my mother is the best!"

The aunt laughed and said, "Your father did the right thing. Don't be jealous with your sisters. Your mother deserves it."

"Don't be angry, Mr. Chu, there is something to discuss, isn't it just to go through the transfer procedures, just wait a moment, it will be completed soon." The principal said.

Chu Xiao glanced at Jin Yan who was pretending to be ignorant and innocent, feeling sad and blamed himself.

As soon as he returned to Beicheng, he went to school first, wanting to make sure that something really happened.

Chu Xiao from the Chu family, Su Meixian's husband, and the father of Chu Jinyan's three sisters, came back in style!
As soon as the car left, Wen Zhan and Xu Jing appeared on the streets of Xinghua Lane.

Chu Xiao shook his head, "I haven't seen your mother yet."

Xu Jing touched Wen Zhan's arm and asked uncertainly, "What are these people talking about? Sister Jinyan's father is back?"

But he will shut up all these people.

A talent like Chu Xiao has been wronged for more than ten years, and now he appears strangely in Beicheng. There must be many media who want to interview him and dig out everything that Chu Xiao has experienced in the past ten years.

When they're gone, the rumors will surge like ocean waves.

Half an hour later, Chu Xiao and Jin Yan left the school.

Before that, Jin Yan had asked him to inquire about Chu Xiao's whereabouts.

Jin Yan said this because he wanted Chu Xiao to know his mother's love and devotion to him and the family, so that he could love his mother more.

He said: "Don't tell me your boring nonsense of shirking responsibility. I'm not here to listen to nonsense. I either go through the formalities immediately, or I go out to find a lawyer or the media..."

Jin Yan didn't ask him how he knew she was studying in No. [-] Middle School.

But how could he abandon his wife who never left him?
"Father, go there at this time, just in time for Mom and the others to have lunch, and we will be able to see Mom." Jin Yan said.

He asked with some difficulty, "Where does your mother work now?"

Jin Yan said: "Mom sells breakfast in the morning, sometimes wontons, sometimes sugar cakes and jujube cakes; during the day, she does odd jobs in textile factories and garment factories. If she gets off work early, she will go to a street stall at night to sell clothes or toys. .”

It was rare for Chu Xiao to feel nervous.

In the car, Jin Yan was still a little uncomfortable looking at the cramped car, Chu Xiao thought she was motion sick, so he opened the window a little.

This father-in-law is not easy to mess with!
Xu Jing didn't know what he was thinking, and he said while listening to the gossip: "It sounds like Chu Xiao is very powerful. It's a pity that such an important talent has been delayed for so many years. You said that Chu Xiao is so smart and capable. Qiang, after going through so much, he can be reborn from Nirvana, so will he accept a son-in-law who is not very smart?"

There was a look of surprise on Chu Xiao's face.

Jin Yan: "Go to see my mother. My father immediately asks where my mother is when he comes back. He doesn't even ask me and my sisters!"

When meeting acquaintances on the road, Jin Yan happily introduced them, "Ma'am, this is my father, my father is back!"

Chu Xiao covered Jin Yan's ears.

"Your mother sleeps in this room?"

"Okay, it's good to be back, and your mother will be able to relax when you come back." The aunt said.

In her eyes, Dad has always been omnipotent, and it is not surprising to know where she is studying.

Seeing that there seemed to be tears in Chu Xiao's eyes, Jin Yan grabbed his hand, "Dad, let's go find Mom."

What sounds messy and inconspicuous works, but supports their family.

The aunt smiled lovingly and asked where they were going.

Jin Yan: "At the textile factory."

Obviously, the news of Grandpa and the others was still a step behind.

Wen Zhan nodded.

After he called his grandfather and grandfather, he got the news that Chu Xiao was safe and sound, but he didn't expect to come back so soon.

The car stopped at Xinghua Lane, and when Jin Yan and Chu Xiao got out of the car, many people were sizing up their father and daughter, and there were vaguely unpleasant comments.

Chu Xiao nodded and followed Jinyan into the alley.

The aunt laughed again, saying that she was rare for a little girl like Jinyan.

Chu Xiao knew that this was only temporary.

Wen Zhan: "..."

Although he knew that his family would have a hard time after he was charged with the crime, Chu Xiao still felt heartbroken when he saw the small courtyard in front of him.

Chu Xiao patted her head and said yes gently.

The corner of Chu Xiao's mouth twitched, he knew the little girl's ability to open her eyes and tell nonsense.

"Father, leave them alone, let's go home first." Jin Yan said.

Jin Yan: "I thought you had already seen your mother, you came to school to find me."

When he looked up at other people, he had an aura that made people afraid to approach.

Jin Yan: "Well, my mother leaves early and returns late, and she spends little time at home during the day, so she gave me and my sisters the two bright rooms."

Within half a day, everyone in Xinghua Lane with a radius of a hundred miles will know that Chu Xiao is back.

Jin Yan laughed, "Well, my father is amazing!"

He took a look at the "not very smart" Xu Jing, and said, "It's not dark yet."

Xu Jing: "..."


It's not dark yet and people are not allowed to dream?
Jin Yan: The love of parents is good

Wen Zhan: How can I get your approval, my father-in-law?
Xu Jing: Does the law stipulate that I cannot daydream?

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