Chapter 221 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (29)

As soon as Jin Yan finished speaking, Grandpa and Chu Jinchen also came out.

Chu Xiao's face was gloomy, and his cold eyes fell on Su Ziyan's face like a knife.

Grandpa Su who came out from behind was also full of anger. He was so angry that he hit the ground with a cane, "Ziyan, did you really say that?"

Su Ziyan quickly denied it, "I didn't say that..."

"Then what did you say?" Su Meixian asked.

Although she didn't like this niece, she didn't treat her badly, but how did they do it?

Su Ziyan: "..."

She hesitated for a few seconds, and then said, "I didn't say those words. Everyone is saying that you got into a car with a rich man, and that your daughter is a short-lived ghost..."

Su Meixian would suddenly hit Su Ziyan, which no one expected.

One more person, on the surface, seems to be just an extra pair of chopsticks.

When it gets bigger, if you have a headache, you have to worry about getting angry.

It is not easy for his daughter to take care of three daughters alone. He thinks he is still healthy and can do many things by himself, so why bother his daughter.

Qin Meifen: "..."

This is exactly Grandpa's heart disease.

Qin Meifen ran out when she heard the movement, and heard Chu Xiao say softly: "Does your hand hurt? Why beat her, dirty your hands."

She scolded angrily: "The relationship between me and your mother is our adult's business. I have never angered you because of her evil towards me. Why do you curse my daughter? Do you have to kill her?"

Seeing that Grandpa still disagreed, Jinyan used his trump card again, "I stayed in the previous school for three years, and my classmates didn't like me. Now that I changed to a new school, they didn't get along very well. Maybe they don't like me even more. I have to study by myself at night, if someone bullies me after school, and my parents and sisters are busy with work, hey, I will be bullied."

Chu Xiao immediately went up to stop Su Meixian.

Su Ziyan: "..."

other people:"……"

Knowing that Su Meixian remembered the past, Qin Meifen also became afraid.

Jinyan and Chu Jinxing also pushed Su Ziyan, whose face was already swollen, to Qin Meifen.

It's not that she didn't expect to fight back with the same method.

Especially this resentment has been suppressed in her heart for ten years, and she still can't swallow it and forget it. As long as she thinks of the scene when she found Guaibao, her heart will be pierced like a knife, and she can't wait to kill someone.

Su Meixian gritted her teeth, Chu Xiao looked at the people watching the fun, and immediately coaxed Su Meixian back to the old man's room.

I don't know where she got the courage from.

Chu Jinxing pursed her lips and suppressed a smile. The younger sister has used her trump card, and she is not afraid that her grandfather will not agree.

In the end, Jin Yan said coquettishly: "Grandpa, why don't you go back with us, just treat it as a place to relax, okay? Otherwise, if you don't leave, then I won't go to school. Anyway, no one likes me at school. Treat me as a god of plague, if you don’t dislike me, I’ll stay here with you to gnaw on the dry cornbread that you can’t chew.”

Grandpa Su: "..."

Jin Yan continued to act coquettishly, "Grandpa, you can go back with us. I have transferred to No. [-] Middle School, and Dad will buy a new big house there. We will leave you the best one!"

Chu Xiao's expression changed suddenly, "When did this happen?"

He knew that he would be beaten if he said such a thing, but he still said it.

He reassured: "Don't worry, I didn't intend to do anything illegal or criminal."

But Su Meixian believed it.

Grandpa was amused, "It's not your house, you're still in control."

Thinking of Jin Yan's appearance at that time, Chu Xiao was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

Sure enough, the grandfather felt distressed when he heard it: "How can there be such a bad child who bullies other people's treasures by hearing rumors that are unnecessary!"

What he cares most about is the death of his grandmother.

Chu Xiao rubbed the palms of Su Meixian's hands as if there was no one else around. Su Meixian's anger subsided a little, but she was still very angry.

She knows Dad best.

But I'm also worried that if she goes to jail, what will happen to the child?What about dad?What should Brother Xiao do when he comes back?
After thinking about it, she can only teach some lessons, ask for some compensation, and continue to take her daughter to live a good life.

"What happened ten years ago? You even remember such trivial things as my dad eating an extra piece of dim sum for Guaibao. You won't forget that your nephew almost killed my Guaibao, right?" Su Meixian said .

She didn't want to say these things in front of her father, she didn't want to make it difficult for the old man to be caught in the middle, and she didn't want to make the situation of the old man more difficult.

"I'm not a baby, you don't care about me, and you don't listen to me." Jin Yan said.

Back in the house, she immediately helped Grandpa Su pack some clothes, but the old man stopped him for a long time.

Worried that if something happened to me, my granddaughter would have to bear another life.

Su Meixian said that he would take him back to the establishment, but the old man refused to say anything.

But it's actually not that simple.

It is precisely because he loves his daughter and granddaughter that he is unwilling to go to the city to cause trouble for them.

But she couldn't bear others to curse her daughter.

She believed everything Chu Xiao said.

He stood up suddenly, startling everyone in the room, Su Meixian quickly persuaded him, "Brother Xiao, don't be impulsive, our family was finally reunited, don't do anything stupid."

Just like Jin Yan doesn't understand what Su Ziyan's brain is made of.

Seeing his wife's worried expression, Chu Xiao's anger dissipated a little.

Dad's promise to "not do illegal and criminal things" does not mean that he will not do those things, but that he will not leave any traces after doing them, and will not be held accountable by others.

Chu Xiao's scrutiny eyes fell on Qin Meifen.

Jin Yan: "..."

At noon, after a big noise came from the kitchen, Su Meixian went out and told Qin Meifen not to cook for them.

Back in the house, Su Meixian reluctantly told Chu Xiao what happened on Qingming Festival that year. After so many years, this was the first time she talked about it.

But in the subsequent chat, Chu Xiao kept asking about the current whereabouts of Qin Meifen's nephew.

She hurriedly stood up and said, "Meixian, what are you talking about, we are all one family, even if a bone is broken, the tendon is still connected, no one will harm Jinyan..."

Jin Yan snorted nonchalantly, "It's not just a yard. Dad can afford it, and I will certainly be able to afford it in the future. I'll give you as much as you want."

Behind a pair of chopsticks, there is a room, a bed, a set of bedding, a pillow, three meals a day...

As if seeing what grandpa was thinking, Jin Yan deliberately said: "They all say that I am a mourner, an evil god, and that I killed grandma..."

"Don't listen to those people's nonsense, we are not what they say!" Grandpa said angrily.

Jin Yan: "Then you go back with us and prove to them that your little granddaughter is not an evil spirit, but a lucky star."

Having said that, Grandpa couldn't refuse no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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