After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 23 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 23 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (23)

"Your Majesty has agreed, and will announce the good news of your dissolution of engagement with the crown prince in two days."

Gu Yong finished his love conversation with the eldest princess, greeted the eldest princess, and then told Jin Yan the news.

Jin Yan: "Daddy, are you sure these are His Majesty's original words?"

Even if Emperor Jianping hated the prince's stupid behavior, he would not use words like "good news" to bury the prince to outsiders.

However, Gu Yong's face was upright, so no one could find any evidence that he was lying.

He said: "When you enter the palace, you can ask His Majesty yourself."

"Should I also enter the palace?" Jin Yan asked.

Gu Yong slightly raised his eyebrows, "Are you afraid?"

Jin Yan clicked his tongue, and said disdainfully: "What are you afraid of? Being gossiped or being laughed at?"

Gu Yong's cold eyebrows stretched and fluttered, but his tone was gentle: "Since you are not afraid, then go to the banquet and let them all know that the crown prince is just an extremely inconspicuous passer-by in the life of Changning County Master."

Jin Yan understood.

Daddy wants to let go of those gossips in Beijing.

Gu Yong only sat for a while and left.

He is the prime minister, and to a certain extent, the term "every day manages all kinds of opportunities" is more suitable for him than Emperor Jianping.

But Prime Minister Gu like this would always take some time out of his busy schedule to eat and drink tea with his family.

Even if it's just to go to Zhuangzi, which is as far away as Wangshan Bieyuan, to see her daughter.


On the second day, Xun Taijun really came to visit the Princess Dachang's mansion.

When Jin Yan passed by, he felt that the atmosphere was a bit subtle.

The Eldest Princess sits on top.

The first one on the right sat an old woman, her dark clothes almost blended with her serious face.

This is Xun Taijun.

She is Cheng Engong's wife Song and the eldest lady Shen Wan.

Jin Yan glanced casually, then looked away, walked to the eldest princess and said softly, "Greetings to grandma, grandma has a happy life and a healthy life!"

"I woke up so early today, did you sleep well?" The eldest princess touched Jin Yan's arm, and the old woman behind her immediately put a cloak on Jin Yan.

Jin Yan: "It's still Mrs. Zhang who has excellent medical skills. After taking the medicine, I fell asleep very quickly."

The eldest princess nodded in satisfaction, and pulled Jin Yan to sit beside her.

Soon, Song Shi and Shen Wan both got up and wanted to salute Jin Yan.

"No need." Before Jin Yan could say the three words, he felt a light pinch on the palm of his hand.

She tilted her head, and from the corner of her eye, she saw the eldest princess blinking her eyes.

Jin Yan didn't care.

As soon as Song and Shen Wan sat down, Taijun Xun said, "Is the Princess better? I am here to congratulate the Princess!"

Jin Yan smiled, trying to keep her tone from being less eccentric.

But it's still annoying to say it.

She said: "Thanks to the blessings of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Empress, Jinyan was able to be taken care of by the sage old doctor Zhang for so many days. Not to mention the illness that was caused by anger a few days ago, even my infirmity since childhood was almost cured." gone."

After a pause, his eyes were full of joy again, "You also heard the good news that I have broken off the engagement with the crown prince?"

Xun Taijun choked, and his expression was obviously a little ugly.

There were mixed feelings in her heart.

Gu Jinyan was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, and his temper was a little difficult to serve, but he couldn't stand it because he had a strong background to back him up.

Such a jealous and narrow-minded woman is not a good wife or daughter-in-law.

Naturally, she is not a qualified princess.

But apart from Gu Jinyan, the world is so big, where can the prince find a princess with such a strong background who can give him the greatest support and pave his way?

 good night [bixin]
(End of this chapter)

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