"What on purpose?"

Jin Yan asked her.

deliberately misunderstood me!

Let me think that Wen Zhan doesn't like you, is lying to you, laughing at you like a clown in front of you!

When the words came to her lips, Gu Pingping swallowed them back abruptly.

Although she told Jin Yan behind his back that Wen Zhan might be cheating on Jin Yan, but she didn't want Wen Zhan to know what she said to Jin Yan.

So, when the subject changed, she suddenly said, "Chu Jinyan, where's your sister? Did you go home? Does she know that you don't come home at night?"

"What does this have to do with you?" Wen Zhan said.

Gu Pingping froze for a moment, then looked at Wen Zhan in astonishment.

She also met Wen Zhan a few times before, but only saw the interaction between Wen Zhan and Chu Jinyan, and Wen Zhan never spoke to anyone again.

Chu Jinchen: "..."

Su Meixian said empathetically: "I am also a mother. Seeing that you leave your hometown to study here, and you can't go home to reunite with your family after the Mid-Autumn Festival, I will think of my daughter. These mooncakes are just a little auntie. Just take it."

She couldn't understand why people like Wen Zhan existed in the world.

"Is there anything?" Chu Jinxing sneezed as soon as he came out of the kitchen, obviously choking on the pepper.

Chu Jinxing threw a melon seed rind into the trash can with precision, and looked at Jinyan suspiciously, "I don't think it looks like it."

It can be seen that there seems to be no such unspoken rules in Wen Zhan's world.

"Okay, I've been laughing for too long, I should cough soon." Wen Zhan said and patted Jin Yan's back lightly.

At any time before, Gu Pingping might have been flattered, but at this moment she just feels embarrassed.

Wen Zhan said coldly: "Yanyan's matter has nothing to do with you, I hope you don't bother her under the so-called 'helpful' guise, otherwise I will let you taste the price you can't afford!"

Wen Zhan thought again, even Yan Yan was teasing him, it seemed that he could not kill fish.

But the problem is, he can't kill fish either!
Jinyan looked at Chu Jinxing, who kept eating melon seeds, and said jokingly, "Second sister, you are indeed the one who gave your soul to music and wants to spend your life with music."

He looks so handsome, but his eyes are so indifferent.

After the three Jinyan sisters and Wen Zhan helped prepare the dishes, they handed them over to the chef Su Meixian. As soon as Su Meixian entered the kitchen, Chu Xiao followed to help.

Wen Zhan: "Yes, it's all my fault. I'll be lighter next time."

Chu Jinxing couldn't figure it out, so he just slipped away.

Su Meixian bought some mooncakes from Yancheng, and originally wanted to take them back to taste. After meeting someone who greeted Jinyan at school, she distributed the mooncakes to those students.

Obviously, even if the boys she met before didn't like her, they still knew how to be sympathetic and sympathetic to girls, and knew how to tolerate girls.

Hearing this sentence, the two students were even more astonished.

Wen Zhan looked innocent, "Is there?"

Jin Yan and Wen Zhan took their mother and eldest sister to the school for a while, and met some students in the class on the way.

Chu Jinxing sat with Jin Yan and Wen Zhan for a while, and suddenly said: "It's strange, why do I feel uncomfortable everywhere today!"

It's not enough to gloat, he just sympathizes with those people inexplicably.

"I'm a little older, but I don't have a brain, right?" Wen Zhan interrupted her impatiently.

Gu Pingping: "..."

On the other side, Jin Yan and Wen Zhan returned to the community immediately after shopping.

She suddenly remembered Wen Zhan's cold eyes when he said the word "price", and her back felt a chill.

But thinking that Wen Zhan threatened her like this because of Chu Jinyan, she felt a little resentful.

Gu Pingping was startled, and when she came back to her senses, Jin Yan and Wen Zhan had already left.

Chu Jinxing: "What do you mean?"

Seeing Jinyan's sly expression, Chu Jinchen and Wen Zhan, who knew she was talking nonsense, had a hard time holding back their laughter.

So what?

Jin Yan stared into his eyes, "Yes... or not?"

Jin Yan looked up and smiled again, "Did you know that the second elder sister has had many boys like her since she was a child, but she made all the people she likes into good brothers, and last year there was a handsome guy who gave me gifts to bribe her I came here and asked me how to enlighten her, but I didn't dare to accept his gift."

Even my father didn't understand why he went into the kitchen even though he knew it was causing trouble. When he met this kind of steel straight girl, one can imagine how hard it is for those handsome guys around the second sister.

Sure enough, Jin Yan coughed twice, and she said displeasedly, "It was all good, but you took the picture."

As soon as she left, Jin Yan burst out laughing.

A few seconds later, Chu Jinchen excused himself to go to the kitchen.

Jin Yan: "Really, I'm complimenting you."

When Chu Jinxing entered the kitchen, Jinyan continued to laugh.

"Really? But why do I only see 'schadenfreude' on your face?" Jin Yan said.

Chu Jinxing complained in a low voice, "Dad can't even kill fish, why do you think he followed him? He can't help with anything, and Mom has to be careful not to let the oil splash on his expensive clothes. Isn't this adding trouble? What is it? "

You have no proof anyway.

When Chu Jinxing turned her head, she sat upright again, pretending to be talking to Jinyan.

The two students subconsciously glanced at Jin Yan, who took Su Meixian's arm and said sweetly, "Mom, let's go back quickly, Dad will pick him up in a car later."

After Su Meixian finished speaking, two students lowered their heads in embarrassment, not even daring to take the mooncakes.

After a sumptuous dinner, Chu Jinxing was going to meet her at the bar that she had agreed with someone else. Chu Xiao was worried that his daughter would be alone, so he sent her there himself.

Wen Zhan thought silently in his heart, it turns out that his father-in-law also has things he is not good at.

He has to do it!

Wen Zhan: "..."

Jin Yan smiled, "I praise you for being different!"

"It turned out to be Yan Yan's classmate. Yan Yan was young and caused you trouble in class. Auntie thank you for taking care of our family Yan Yan."

Jin Yan said casually, "It's nothing, we're talking about the school."

Chu Jinxing didn't take it seriously, sat down and continued eating melon seeds.

Wen Zhan couldn't help laughing when he heard it, "I really feel sorry for this man, he missed the future music superstar."

Gu Pingping looked at Wen Zhan, her expression changed from smug to flustered, she muttered, "You misunderstood, I didn't mean any harm, it's just that I'm older than her, I want to remind her..."

Jin Yan: "..."

Obviously the younger sister is still that younger sister, and Wen Zhan is still Wen Zhan, but why are the eyes of these two people so sticky?

The family has a car, the mother takes good care of it, and the friend who is suspected to be the target is a genius student with an extraordinary family background in the Department of Political Science and Law next door, so Chu Jinyan's family background must not be much worse.

Thinking that they had listened to the rumors and said behind their backs that Chu Jinyan's clothes and jewelry came from wrong sources, they were ashamed.

Su Meixian was a little puzzled, so she had to give the mooncakes to other people to help them hold them.

After they walked a few steps, two "sorry" came from behind.

This world is coming to an end~ Please vote ()
good night

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