In the office, after Chu Xiao asked to deal with the first rumour-monger, he immediately stumped the school leaders.

It is not difficult to find the perpetrator.

As long as the person is a student of the school, if you spend some time, you can always find them out.

But the problem is that if they did this, it would be tantamount to acknowledging the school's mistakes in their work. At that time, the school's reputation will inevitably be damaged.

They thought a lot, but Chu Xiao didn't care about it.

He patiently finished speaking to the other party, and then said casually: "If you have time, you can look at my daughter's file. I transferred her to another school when she was in the third year of junior high school. Afterwards, we were worried that she would be too young. She was bullied in college and forced her to play in high school for another year before she came to your school. If your school can't give us a fair and just statement on this matter, then I will immediately withdraw my daughter from school."

Academy leader: "..."

How high is Chu Jinyan's IQ and talent? Those tests can give answers. Once such a student drops out of school and retakes the exam, I believe that no school in China will reject her application for admission.

She might even be admitted without a test.

Letting Chu Jinyan drop out of school is a loss to the school!
At this moment, Wen Zhan said, "After the expulsion process, we will sue some students of your school for slander and defamation, and protect Jinyan's legitimate rights and interests through formal legal procedures. I hope that your school will give relevant departments Some help to facilitate their investigation and evidence collection."

While the students were guessing why Chu Xiao and his wife came to school, all the class teachers in the physics department were called to a meeting.

Obviously this incident had no impact on Chu Jinyan at all, and she was still coming and going like the wind as usual, aloof and domineering!

In order to put an end to this kind of problem of slandering classmates without any basis, we must thoroughly investigate this time!

Ten minutes later, the college leaders and teachers politely sent Chu Xiao, his wife and Wen Zhan out of the school.

Others pay attention to a red face and a white face when they do things, and they give a candy after a stick.

Where does he seem to be troubled by slander and rumors?
She doesn't look like a victim at all!
When the teacher asked insiders to provide clues, some people expressed dissatisfaction, such as "she didn't suffer any harm, why should others pay the price" and "someone apologized".

They couldn't believe that the school really wanted to investigate this matter thoroughly.

"In your eyes, what is a victim? Someone injured? Someone damaged? Or someone who lost their life?"

Hearing the sophistry of the students, they realized the seriousness of the problem.

After the news reached the class, all the students were stunned.

"Who stipulated that a victim must have all the characteristics of a 'victim' and meet all the labels of a victim?"

Even if Chu Jinyan won't sue the school after dropping out, will the school be safe?

Almost without thinking, the hospital leaders agreed to Chu Xiao's initial request.

"You are not Chu Jinyan's classmate, how can you assume that she has not suffered any harm?"

Academy leader: "..."

After these two people, rumors spread throughout the school.

After the school investigated and collected evidence, and the parties admitted what they had done, the school gave Gu Pingping and Cheng Zhonghai the punishment of staying at the school for probation, and the remaining serious cases were given serious warnings and demerits.

"Does the victim have to forgive after apologizing?"

Seeing is believing, the things that Gu Pingping said about Jin Yan were probably true, so they scrambled to spread the word.

The student who was so proud of himself and thought he had succeeded in his sophistry was rendered speechless by the teacher.

On the girl's side is Jinyan's roommate, Gu Pingping.

And Cheng Zhonghai is Gu Pingping's high school classmate, and also likes Gu Pingping, but Gu Pingping doesn't like him, he has been trying to curry favor with Gu Pingping.

The teacher thought it was not a big problem at first, but it was because the Chu family spoiled their children so much that they didn't let go of even the slightest trouble.

After a pause, he said, "I'm a law student. When I came to your school, I collected some criminal records. I will hand them over to the police. I will also participate in the investigation."

In just two days, the school has found out the person behind it and made it public.

"A person was framed and slandered. Everyone around her wronged her and slandered her. Everyone isolated her and excluded her, but she had a strong psychological quality. She didn't cry, make trouble, or seek death. Can you say she wasn't hurt at all? "

Although they still did not agree with the school's handling plan, they had to confess when other students confessed them anonymously.

Now that they have given a solution, if the final result cannot satisfy them, I'm afraid they still won't let it go.

Chu Jinyan's father and friends are obviously not the school's target.

"Then someone slapped you and stabbed you, but she apologized to you in time. Will you forgive her and act as if nothing happened?"


Living in the same dormitory, seeing each other without looking up, they tacitly agreed that Gu Pingping knew more about Jinyan than anyone else, and what she said was also what she saw with her own eyes.

What else to choose?
Do you agree with Chu Jinyan dropping out of school and letting the Chu family sue the students to sue the school?
That will only magnify the situation, and will only cause a more serious and worse negative impact on the school's reputation.

When Chu Jinyan becomes the top scorer in the college entrance examination again next year, she will be interviewed and said that she dropped out of school because she was bullied at school and the school did not uphold justice. The impact on the school's reputation will be more serious than the prosecution.

The teachers understood as soon as they heard it, that the Chu family had controlled the school to death.

Yanda's approach has won wide acclaim.

"If you can't do this yourself, don't hold others to the same standard."

Gu Pingping, Cheng Zhonghai.

Chu Jinyan's parents and friends came up to the point of tearing their faces apart, and they didn't leave anyone with a way out!
It seems that they have given the school two choices, but in fact they are one after the other, and one plan is more ruthless than the other, directly cutting off the school's back road.

After knowing the key points, the teachers quickly conveyed the spirit of the meeting.

It is worth mentioning that during the investigation of this matter, the school also found one who plagiarized other people's papers and two who committed hooliganism, and they were directly expelled from school and handed over to the police.

The boy's investigation showed that some of the people who spread the rumor knew or had direct or indirect contact with Cheng Zhonghai.

After this incident, Jin Yan became an existence that no one in the school would dare to mess with.

Due to various considerations, the school transferred Gu Pingping and several other girls with serious behaviors to a dormitory.

On Sunday night, when Wen Zhan was sending Jinyan back to school, he bumped into Gu Pingping and the others who were changing dormitories.

When they passed by this time, Gu Pingping didn't say anything, she didn't even dare to look at Jinyan, and walked away in desperation.

good night

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