Chapter 246 The Age Fu Baowen Control Group (54)

Chu Jiao appeared once and then disappeared again.

As for where she went, whether she was dead or alive, no one in the Chu family cared.

As for her husband and children, they only hoped that she would die as soon as possible, and hoped that her death would resolve the grievances between them and the Chu family.

It's just that this kind of thinking is too naive.

In the more than ten years after Chu Jiao betrayed his brother, they all stood on the same front with Chu Jiao and bullied Chu's family time and time again.

They are not innocent.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, when Jin Yan was still asleep, Su Jianchang brought his children over.

The old father lives in his daughter's house, which is somewhat embarrassing to his son, and outsiders will also scold them for being unfilial.

Su Jianchang tried to persuade Grandpa Su to go home several times, but Qin Meifen disagreed.

She felt that it was nothing to be said a few words, whoever said what they liked, it would not hurt her at all anyway.

As long as Grandpa Su doesn't live with them and doesn't need her to serve him, it doesn't matter how many people scold her.

The husband and wife disagreed, and they couldn't talk about going together every time. Every conversation ended in quarrels, and the matter of taking the old man home was put on hold again and again.

But Qin Meifen still thinks things are too simple.

What she thought were "a few gossips" were actually overwhelming accusations and discussions.

When they lived in the town, the villagers scolded them for being unfilial, scolded her for abusing the elderly, and despised her for stealing money from the Su family to support her elder brother and younger brother, a gambler.

When she arrived in the city, she became the "wife of the factory manager", but the people around her still looked down on her and scolded her.

The difference is that when she was in the village, the Su family belonged to the category with the best conditions. Su Jianchang sent home a lot of money every year.

But when she arrived in Beicheng, she had a new social circle, her network of relationships expanded, and the social etiquette between people was different from when she was in the village.

It is often that she offends someone first, and then someone finds out about her, and soon everyone who is acquainted with them will know her tricks.

Regardless of whether those people are filial to their parents and elders, on the surface everyone will subconsciously attach "good" qualities to themselves, and naturally they must condemn Qin Meifen's immoral behavior.

Don't talk about asking for help, even if she goes to buy some food or something, some people will spurn her behavior and not be willing to sell it to her.

once or twice.

One year or two years.

Year after year, Qin Meifen has become the one who will always be notorious for being isolated and excluded.

When the public opinion around her affected her life and hindered her interests, she realized that "gossip" was so important.

It's so heavy that you can't breathe.

Heavy enough to kill a man with ease.

So when Su Jianchang mentioned that he would go to Chu's house to pay New Year's greetings to his old father during the Chinese New Year, so as to ease the relationship with Chu's family and bring his old father back, Qin Meifen just pretended to be condescending and agreed.

And Jinyan was woken up by Qin Meifen's sharp and piercing laughter.

She muttered something that was so noisy, and after a while, she realized that the voice was somewhat familiar.

When she turned over and got up, she made some noises, and Wen Zhan, who lived next door, knocked on the wall immediately after hearing it.

The two exchanged a few words, and after Jin Yan got dressed, Wen Zhan came over.

"Who is it?" Jin Yan said.

Wen Zhan: "The Su family."

Jin Yan didn't recognize his uncle and aunt, so naturally he wouldn't recognize the identities of the couple and their children.

"Why are they here?" Jin Yan said.

Wen Zhan: "It sounds like I want to take grandpa back..."

Jin Yan said angrily, "They are dreaming!"

The old man didn't treat him as a person when he was in their home. Now that he has lived a peaceful life for a few years, they don't need them to contribute money and effort to provide for the old man, so what's the trouble?

Wen Zhan patted her head, pressed a strand of hair on her head a few times, and put on a down jacket he bought for Jin Yan, "Put on your clothes, don't catch a cold."

Jin Yan was obedient, got dressed and was about to go out.

Wen Zhan held her back, "I haven't washed my face yet, that girl from the Su family is here too, she's dressed up beautifully."

Jin Yan: "Are you still following her?"

Wen Zhan chuckled, "I dare not hide it from you. I was just about to go out when I saw a turkey with all kinds of popular elements and colors embedded in it. It's hard not to pay attention."

"Scared you?" Jin Yan couldn't help laughing.

Wen Zhan moved closer, and put his forehead against Jin Yan's, breathing entangled with each other.

After a few breaths, he said, "I'm really scared, I need you to comfort me."

"It's so pitiful, so pitiful, then I'll give you a hug."

Before Jin Yan gave Wen Zhan a hug, a figure flashed outside the bed.

In the next second, the door was pushed open.

Su Ziyan, who wore all seven colors on her body and a small white flower on her head, stood at the door, looking at Jin Yan and Wen Zhan in astonishment.

Jin Yan and Wen Zhan lowered their faces at the same time.

Only when Jin Yan cursed, "Get out", Su Ziyan screamed.

Her voice startled all the restless people in the living room, and soon everyone came outside Jinyan's room.

Qin Meifen saw Wen Zhan and Jin Yan in the room at a glance.

Obviously she came to ask for peace, but she didn't know how to behave with her tail between her legs. She glanced at Jin Yan and Wen Zhan's hands and taught Su Ziyan, "How many times have I told you not to run around when you go to other people's houses?" Move, won't this disturb your cousin and this..."

"Shut up if you can't speak, my daughter and son-in-law, it's not your turn to judge!" Su Meixian scolded.

Su Jianchang stood at the back, and only after hearing what his wife and sister said did he realize what his daughter had just seen.

He immediately scolded Qin Meifen, "What nonsense are you talking about? Yanyan's partner lives in the room next door. When we came in, I saw him washing up. Don't add your messy thoughts to innocent children body."

Jin Yan sneered, "What do you think? Qin Meifen, you can say what you want, but I want to hear how many stories you can make up this time."

Qin Meifen felt embarrassed, "Jin Yan, how can you miss Auntie so much, I just see you as a girl with a man..."

Jin Yan raised his hand and patted it three times, then said in a cold voice: "With your dirty imagination, it's a shame not to be a writer! Mom does countless jobs to support the three of us, you tell people behind your back I don't know what kind of shady things you have done, you are my mother's sister-in-law, outsiders will naturally believe your words, so they not only called my mother a vixen, but even my two older sisters.

Grandma was knocked down and passed away unexpectedly, and everyone you meet will say that I killed grandma.

Uncle's work is not going well, and you are clamoring to pray to God to worship Buddha to get rid of the plague god.

Mom took me to see my grandfather, you poured blood on me and hit me behind the back with a mahogany branch...

But after so many years, I still live well, but you have become a street rat that everyone avoids like the plague. Haven't you thought about why this is? "

(End of this chapter)

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