No one expected that Wen Zhan would hit someone.

Even Jinyan was surprised.

Although Wen Zhan was indifferent to others, at least he had always been a gentleman, but today, in front of so many people, he slapped Su Ziyan hard.

After the snap, Su Ziyan let out a cry like killing a pig.

She tried to act coquettishly as usual, but at this moment neither Qin Meifen nor Su Jianchang paid attention to her, instead Su Zimo scolded her.

Wen Zhan frowned and wiped his hands, walked up to Su Ziyan and said, "Uncle Chu and Aunt Su can't do anything because of Grandpa's face, I'm not, except for Jin Yan, I don't look at anyone's face, and neither do I." Don't care about anyone."

He spoke slowly, Su Ziyan was stunned, there was blood on the corner of her mouth, and she couldn't understand every word of Wen Zhan very clearly.

But Wen Zhan's cold eyes still made her feel scared.

She subconsciously wanted to hide back.

However, Wen Zhan took another step forward. He bent down and looked at Su Ziyan, who was in a panic, and said calmly, "Let me hear another sentence that your mother and daughter said badly about Jinyan, dare to curse her!" , I will make you never speak again, understand?"

Su Ziyan's face turned pale with fright, and she began to nod involuntarily.

After Wen Zhan got up, Su Ziyan's legs became weak and fell to the ground. Su Jianchang glanced at Wen Zhan unexpectedly, with unspeakable regret and sigh flashing in his eyes.

Afterwards, he said, "I have no way to teach girls, I will make amends some other day" and picked up Su Ziyan and left.

After all of them left, the yard became completely quiet.

Excited, Jin Yan jumped up and threw herself on Wen Zhan. Wen Zhan subconsciously stretched out his hand to support her body, which made the heart of Su Meixian and Grandpa Su come true.

"Why are you so handsome today?" Jin Yan said.

Wen Zhan: "Is there?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Xiao coughed in front of him.

Wen Zhan looks sorry and glances at everyone, he doesn't want to make out with Jin Yan in front of the elders, so he should go to a place where the elders can't see.

So he carried Jin Yan into the house.

Chu Xiao: "..."

Su Meixian: "..."

Grandpa Su: "..."

After a moment of silence, grandpa coughed first, "Meixian, is there still meat stewing in your pot?"

Su Meixian froze for a moment, nodded and said yes, and immediately went to the kitchen.

Grandpa said again: "Chu Xiao, come to the living room, we two have a good talk."

Chu Xiao: "..."

What does father-in-law mean?
Are you going to push him away on purpose?
But that was his daughter and son-in-law, and the son-in-law dared to defend his daughter in front of so many people. He was too happy in his heart, so why would he disturb the young man's relationship at this time.

In the room, Jin Yan hugged Wen Zhan and kissed him several times, "You are so handsome that even Dad was dumbfounded, I think Dad will be very satisfied with you in the future, after all, you have done what he wanted to do a long time ago. "

"I just did what I wanted to do," Wen Zhan said.

If I had known that Jinyan would be so happy, he would have stopped carrying Jinyan when he taught Chu Jiao a lesson. Although Jinyan knew what he did, but he didn't see it with his own eyes, it still lacked a sense of imagery. .

Otherwise, he should have been kissed by Jin Yan at that time.

that's too regretful.

Jin Yan smiled and nodded, "Yes, yes, you did what you wanted to do, you protected me and defended me, why are you so good~"

Wen Zhan recalled what happened when he stayed at Chu's house for the first time.

Jin Yan's fair and delicate little face was full of sleepiness, extremely cute, and muttered that he was the best.

But at that time, he did nothing for Jin Yan.

Thinking of this, Wen Zhan smiled, and said confidently: "Yes, I am the best. For the rest of my life, I will treat you better and better, my dear~"

Jin Yan said "Oh", and rubbed his head against Wen Zhan's neck a few times, "Well, you are the best."

The two of them got bored for a while, and Chu Xiao's voice sounded in the courtyard.

Wen Zhan let go of Jin Yan reluctantly, and when the two went out hand in hand, Chu Xiao was still pretending to look up at the sky, as if he wasn't the one who deliberately disturbed them just now.

"Baby, Wen Zhan, come and have breakfast." Grandpa shouted.

Jin Yan gave Wen Zhan a look, and Wen Zhan took the initiative to go to the kitchen to help serve the bowl, while she walked over and took Chu Xiao's arm, "Father, breakfast is ready, grandpa is calling us to have breakfast."

Chu Xiao "hmm" for a while, and couldn't help but said: "There is nothing good about a man, and Wen Zhan is also a man, so don't get too used to him."

What about you?
Jin Yan dare not say this.

She nodded obediently, "I know, I know, dad is the best!"

Only then did Chu Xiao show a satisfied expression.

Wen Zhan who just came out of the kitchen: "..."

Isn't Wen Zhan the best?

Has love shifted again?

After breakfast, the family had relatives one after another, so Jin Yan and Wen Zhan went out to play.

There are not many entertainment facilities these days, and the Chinese New Year people are all at home, so the two went for a walk nearby.

Before I knew it, I came to the riverside.

Seeing the river, Jin Yan felt inexplicably conflicted, and Wen Zhan immediately sensed her emotions, "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

Jin Yan said, "I don't like this river."

Wen Zhan didn't ask why, but just said: "Now the city is being re-planned and rebuilt, maybe this river will disappear soon."

Jin Yan: "Yes."

Just as he was talking, several children rushed over to a woman picking up trash.

The woman ran too fast, didn't pay attention to her footing, and tripped herself as she crossed a step.

That knock was so hard that Jinyan heard the sound several meters away, and then something rolled onto the stone steps with his teeth.

The children didn't care whether the woman was injured or not, and beat and kicked the woman after chasing her.

Seeing this, Jin Yan called the child to stop, "How can you hit someone?"

The tallest child stuck his neck and said, "She stole our money, robbed our snacks, and scolded my sister!"

The woman cursed, "That's my money, that's my home, that's all mine! It's mine!"

"What about your family, your family owed debts and sold the house to our family, signed and pledged in black and white, then it belongs to our family." The boy said.

But the woman looked grim, "Your family took advantage of the fire to rob and deliberately lowered the price, otherwise we could send my brother to the hospital for surgery, my eldest brother would not be disabled, and my second brother would not be beaten to death for revenge, my mother I won't go crazy, and my father won't commit suicide..."

The dispute between the woman and the child continued, but Jin Yan was not interested in listening to it.

They walked a few steps, and Wen Zhan suddenly stopped and shouted towards the opposite mountain, "Wen Zhan will always love Chu Jinyan, and he wants to be with Chu Jinyan forever."

The screams of the woman behind him suddenly stopped.

Jin Yan felt something in his heart, and subconsciously raised his eyes to meet Wen Zhan's.

She memorized the unfamiliar code in her heart, and said to the man who looked at her tenderly and dotingly in front of her, "I agree."

Life after life.

This story is over, let’s write a side story tomorrow, do you want to watch the plot of the little childhood sweetheart~
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