Chapter 251 Extra Story 3: Treasure
The fact that Su Meixian couldn't go to work day and night made Wen Zhan a little frustrated, but after a while, he became happy again.

After Chu Jinchen and Chu Jinxing received tutoring at home for a period of time, they were arranged to study in elementary school. Jinyan was too young and weak to go to school, so he could only stay at home.

And Wen Zhan also can not go to school because of his autism.

In this way, Wen Zhan can be with Jin Yan all the time during the day.

On the first day the twins went to school, Wen Zhan and Jin Yan accompanied the nanny to the school gate.

With tears in her eyes, Jin Yan waved goodbye to her two sisters, and said in a childlike voice, "You guys have to be good, it doesn't matter if you don't study, you have to take care of yourself, I'll pick you up after school."

The nannies and other parents who dropped off their children couldn't help laughing, thinking that such an older child was so old-fashioned.

That tone, I can't say it without sending my child to school for more than ten years.

Chu Jinchen and the sisters were worried about their little sister, so they kept telling them some things, the most important thing was not to be abducted by human traffickers.

For this reason, Chu Jinxing also made huge slippers, "Wen Zhan is not good, but he can protect you, baby, you have to follow Wen Zhan closely and don't separate from him!"

After the two sisters Chu Jinchen ran over, they first greeted the nanny and auntie, saying that it was hard work, and then hugged Jinyan.

Afterwards, she mentioned it to Professor Jiang. After hearing this, Professor Jiang was silent for a while, "You don't know Chu Xiao well, you don't know how high his vision and requirements are. He personally looked for a wife to marry. Could it be that his vision Can it be low? A child raised by such two characters is naturally extraordinary."

The elementary school is not far from the compound, and it doesn't take much time to walk there.

"Auntie doesn't need it, I don't wear his clothes." Jin Yan said.

Wen Zhan nodded heavily, "You're right, a good boy will never disturb other people's study, especially when your sister and the others just arrived here, the content taught by the teacher and the progress of the study are different, and the final exam is coming soon, they They must also want to get good grades in the exam, we must not disturb them."

Don't even ask if Guaibao would like to wear the same clothes as you every day!

This was with Jin Yan present.

Along the way, the three sisters were talking happily, Xu Jing was chattering, only Wen Zhan was as silent as a stone.

Before Jin Yan could speak, Wen Zhan became anxious, "No, Jin Yan is her parents' treasure, and mine, so you can't take it away."

After finishing speaking, Jin Yan grabbed her skirt and whispered, "Auntie, my eldest sister is going to study, and she is going to be a diplomat, not a daughter-in-law for your family."

Wen Zhan pushed him away in disgust, and said to Jin Yan: "He is a bad person, ignore him."

Xu Jing didn't care, he showed Jin Yan a simple and honest smile, "My name is Xu Jing, I'm Wen Zhan's friend, little sister, what's your name?"

Wen Zhan still doesn't want to talk to others.

Wen Zhan didn't even look at the nanny, he just took Jinyan's little hand to warm her up, and said in a discussing tone like an adult: "Don't be sad, I'll ask the teacher to bring your sister back, okay baby?" ?”

In the end, Jin Yan changed out of his padded coat and put on Wen Zhan's down jacket.

After meeting Jinyan's two older sisters, she even said to the nanny, "Whoever said my son is useless? He didn't graduate from primary school, so he found my daughter-in-law."


Auntie: "..."

As soon as she stepped out, Wen Zhan grabbed her.

Wen Zhan didn't know what Chu Jinxing was thinking, but felt extremely happy.

"No!" Jin Yan and Wen Zhan said at the same time.

Before, Wen Zhan would at most just say "um" when he was annoyed by him, but he had never said so many words.

"My down jacket, Guaibao, is the most beautiful."

Wen Zhan: "Jin Yan will be sad if he doesn't see them after school."

Jinyan blinked her big eyes, and smiled sweetly, "Brother Xu, my name is Jinyan, and I'm my brother's younger sister."

Basically, after Xu Jing said dozens of words, Wen Zhan would only respond.

In Chu Jinxing's world, Wen Zhan has a different identity from them. Even if she was abducted by human traffickers, there would be people trying to rescue her, so her sister would definitely be fine.

She said: "It's okay, Wen Zhan has a lot of thick clothes, if you don't wear them, he will cry in a while."

"No, my parents will confess, thank you, Auntie." Jin Yan said.

The upbringing of the three sisters of Jinyan and the others are all in their eyes, so they are naturally relieved, but these are priceless treasures after all, and if two children play with them, it will be troublesome to find someone to restore them if they break.

In order to occupy Xiao Jinyan, Wen Zhan can be said to do everything he can.

"Nonsense! We are brothers who grew up wearing crotch pants!"

"Wen Zhan, are you still my brother? How can you tell others about my bedwetting?" Xu Jing yelled angrily.

"Wen Zhan..."

The nanny had expected this outcome a long time ago, she smiled, "I'll get you another cotton padded coat, baby can't catch a cold, and neither can you."

"Baby, I'll take you back to school and pick up your sister. We won't study anymore." Wen Zhan coaxed.

Every day after that, after school, Xu Jing and Chu Jinchen would come out at the same time, and they would always walk by Chu Jinchen's side.

Mother Xu liked her even more when she heard that, "Auntie wants you to be my daughter, do you think it's okay?"

Xu Jing continued to sell his aunt hard, but Jin Yan and Wen Zhan were unmoved. When Chu Jinchen and Chu Jinxing came out after finishing their homework, he immediately went to strike up a conversation with them.

Wen Zhan said softly, "Baby, it's going to snow at night. It's too cold. If you go out, you'll catch a cold, and your mother will be worried, so we won't go out. Let auntie bring your sister back, okay?"

After the twins were led to the class by the teacher, they left the school.

Jin Yan: "It's not a good relationship to go away, and I can't cause trouble for Grandma Jiang."

"Wen Zhan, we are good brothers, can my sister share one with me?"

"Baby, this is for you."

Wen Zhan: "Grandma is not troublesome, but others are troublesome."

Xu's mother took a look at Wen Zhan, who was protecting her shortcomings, and said in a tone that saw through everything: "This is not necessarily true. Things in this world are always uncertain."

When Jin Yan felt that the child was really not very smart, there were some laughter around him.

You are such a clever little devil!
Just like that, Wen Zhan coaxed them all the way, and before they knew it, they had already returned home.

The nanny twitched her mouth and reminded him, "Wen Zhan, have you forgotten what you said yesterday?"

At this time, Xu Jing said to himself again, "No, sister Jinyan is not someone else, but you can't tell me about my embarrassment!"

The twins not far away also looked at Jinyan worriedly, and Chu Jinchen shouted: "Baby, stand still, you follow Auntie obediently, we will be here soon."

Wen Zhan immediately rushed to say: "It's going to snow, my clothes are warm, not cold."

At this time, Jin Yan was not so sad anymore.

"No, I promised my sister." Jin Yan looked at Wen Zhan with cute eyes.

The matter is about innocence, Wen Zhan immediately retorted, "I won't cry!"

Wen Zhan said again: "Just wear my down jacket, okay?"

"Wen Zhan, what is the name of sister Jinyan's sister?"

If the younger sister was abducted alone, the situation would be quite different.

After waiting at the school gate for less than 5 minutes, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the black and white students rushed out like birds.

"Baby, come to Auntie and stop stepping on you."

Xu Jing just reflexively followed Jin Yan's gaze, and couldn't look away after that.

Chu Jinchen wanted to say that he couldn't wear other people's clothes, but thinking that they were all being helped by the Li family, he fell silent again.

Wen Zhan gave Xu Jing a hard look, "No, Jinyan is my baby, you can't take her away."

When Xu Jing came out to protect the two sisters and saw Xu's mother holding Jinyan, she was overjoyed, "Mom, let's take Jinyan home and ask my aunt to make up lessons for Chenchen and the others, okay?"

I was a little worried when I started babysitting.

Every time the nanny is called "auntie", her heart softens.

Xu's mother looked at the two equally beautiful and delicate girls in front of her, shook her head and said, "No, their mothers will be worried."


He asked why.

Hearing that Jin Yan called himself different from Xu Jing, Wen Zhan immediately became happy again.

The whole family remembers the kindness of the Li family. When she grows up and is capable, she will definitely repay the Li family well.

Jin Yan: "..."

When they got home, the nanny was cooking, the twins were doing their homework, Jin Yan was on orders, and Wen Zhan was happy again.

Later, when I found out that Jinyan didn't touch anything that was expensive, and instead picked up ordinary things that were resistant to falling to play with, the nanny was really emotional.

She heard her mother and auntie nanny say that this kind of clothes has just entered the country, and the supply is not very large, and some people can't buy them even if they have money.

Xiao Jinyan, who hadn't been separated from her sister for a long time since she was a child, turned into a little crying bag, her little face was red from crying, and Wen Zhan was heartbroken after coaxing her for a while.

Jin Yan saw her sister at a glance, and was about to run over happily, "Big sister and second sister, I'm here! I'm here to pick you up!"

He pushed Xu Jing not to let him get close to Jin Yan, and said to Jin Yan, "Don't play with him, he is stupid, afraid of ghosts and timid, and still wets the bed at such an age..."

Xu Jing said again: "Then let them live in our house? Our yard is big!"


Before the twin sisters came out, a fat boy jumped on Wen Zhan first, "Wen Zhan, Wen Zhan, you don't come to school, do you know how lonely I am alone? No, where did you come from so beautiful younger sister?"

What kind of bastard is this, so filial?

Jin Yan: "..."

After a few seconds of silence, Wen Zhan took his down jacket and put it on Jin Yan, and said helplessly, "Then let's go."

Mother Xu was overjoyed, and after laughing for a long time, she hugged Jin Yan and coaxed her, "Good baby, don't worry, Auntie will help your sister go to college."

"Wen Zhan, where did you find so many younger sisters?" Xu Jing asked in a low voice.

After a while, I said to the nanny: "Auntie, remember to tell grandma that my clothes will be the same as those of my baby."

As a result, Xiao Jinyan disregarded all principles after a few drops of Jindoudou.

But Wen Zhan insisted on saying, "Baby is so pretty!"

Wen Zhan took a jade seal for a while, a string of agate beads for a while, and tanks and other models made of bullet casings for a while, trying to make Jinyan happy in different ways.

Turning his head and looking at Jin Yan eagerly, "Baby, my clothes are very fragrant, can you wear them?"

Wen Zhan never mentioned the matter of bringing the twins back from school, nor allowed others to mention it.

Jin Yan got up from the ground, found his little padded jacket and put it on, took Wen Zhan's hand and said, "Brother, we are going to pick up my sister from school."

Then Jin Yan said: "I'm sorry, Auntie, I already have parents who love me very much, and I can't have another mother."

"Baby, why don't you play with your sister?" Wen Zhan asked intentionally.

Jin Yan: "..."

On the way back to Li's house, the three sisters walked together. The twins told Jin Yan about the school, and Jin Yan listened obediently.

"Good boy, I'll give you this too."

As soon as the nanny opened her mouth, Wen Zhan immediately pulled Jin Yan aside with a worried expression on her face, "Be good, baby, it's the same if we stand here and wait."

Why is there such a thing as leaving school?
Can't students stay in school all the time?
The nanny also came up on time to look for the two children. Seeing Wen Zhan's life-doubting expression, he understood everything.

Jin Yan was amused by him, "Can you still command the teacher?"

Xu Jing: "..."

Jin Yan said softly: "Mom said, my sister and I can't go anywhere."

Wen Zhan was dumbfounded.

You can really arrange!

Wen Zhan: "..."

Once Xu Jing's mother went to pick him up, and after seeing Jin Yan at the school gate, she almost didn't even want her son anymore.

"Baby, where are your clothes? Why are you wearing Wen Zhan's clothes?" Chu Jinchen asked.

Xu Jing, who was also on the order, said immediately after hearing this: "My aunt is a teacher, she knows how to let them go to my house, and I will ask my aunt to make up lessons for them!"

After a while, the twins came out from the school gate.

"Baby looks good in anything."

Wen Zhan was a little behind. After him, there was Xu Jing, who was going to have a meal, and the nanny who was watching the children.

Wen Zhan: "I know that teacher, and he is also a student of grandma."

Mother Xu still shook her head.

In the afternoon, Jin Yan, who was having fun, suddenly stopped, and Wen Zhan asked her what was wrong.

Jin Yan glanced at him, "My sister wants to study, so don't disturb my sister's study!"

The nanny was very tight-lipped, accepting all the praises of Jinyan from others, and never answering other people's questions.

Last night, Wen Zhan pulled Professor Jiang and said, "Can you keep the school in session? The kind that doesn't go home at night."

The fat boy glared at Wen Zhan unhappily, then looked at Wen Zhan in surprise when he thought of something, "You can talk now?"

Wen Zhan: "..."

Xu Jing immediately said again: "Then I'll let my aunt come over, she is also idle when she is idle."

When they arrived at the school gate, there were already several adults who were also waiting to pick up their children. When they saw Li's nanny, they all asked about Jinyan's background.

Both are children, but Wen Zhan is two years older than Jin Yan, and his clothes are much longer. Wearing Wen Zhan's clothes on Jin Yan is like wearing an ill-fitting coat.

The twins were unhappy when they heard that, "No, Guaibao is our baby, and none of you can take her away!"

Xiao Jinyan was protected by her sister, Wen Zhan, and Xu's mother, and Xu Jing stood opposite him like a big villain.

Xu Jing was very sad.

But no one cares about his sadness.

 Ask for a ticket ~ good night and sweet dreams
(End of this chapter)

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