Chapter 254 My family is the best (2)

Wen Quxing's reincarnated future prime minister's father, Wen Tan, is on the top; Wen Hu, the clever nephew who clings to his book while grasping Zhou, is on the bottom; and in the middle is Wen Zimo, the elder brother who is the heir of the Wen family.

Wen Ziran's daughter is caught in the middle, but she is not actually favored.

The heroine had a wealthy family before time travel, spoiled by her parents, tolerant by her elder sister, and unconditionally favored by her fiancé and others. Except for her heart disease, she was very dissatisfied with her body, and she never suffered any grievances since she was a child.

But in Wen's house, let alone eating meat and eggs, she had to look at the faces of her grandparents, even her parents, brothers and sisters-in-law even for an extra bite of food, which made her simply unbearable.

The only fortunate thing is that she has a healthy body now, and she no longer has to endure the pain of heartache, and she doesn't have to be afraid that she will die at any time.

Under such circumstances, when Wen Ziran learned that Erfang had money but was unwilling to give it to the public, and that the life of Erfang was comparable to that of the rest of the Wen family, she would encounter unfair treatment after time travel. The grievances were written down on everyone in the second room.

In the plot, with the help of the system, Wen Ziran slapped Erfang several times in the face, exposing the true colors of Erfang's family of four, and made them to the point where everyone screamed for beatings.

Later, after she got acquainted with the prince, with the help of the prince, she arranged for someone to frame Mei Huiniang for having an affair with someone, and then brought someone to catch her in bed.

After discussion, the Wen family members decided to throw Mei Huiniang into the pond, and Jin Yan was trampled to death by the emotional clansmen in order to save her mother.

This Wen Ziran is even more disgusting than Shen Bei.

The elder sister donated both the kidney and the bone marrow. When Wen Ziran's heart was failing day by day, she would not have been unaware that she might become her younger sister's "heart donor".

Someone is bullying Tongzi here!

288 tried to reason, "Host, in the previous world, I also provided you with golden fingers..."

288: "Host, I am the strongest system."

But if the elder sister is already dead at this time, why would the lively, sunny, optimistic, confident, kind and generous elder sister die?
What is the way to die so that her heart will not be hurt in the slightest?
Don't mention what happened before her time travel, but only talk about it after time travel, why did the second room feel sorry for the Wen family and Wen Ziran?
Before getting married, Wen Lan raised the entire Wen family by himself, needless to say his credit.

After Jin Yan said these opinions, 288 Dou was surprised, "Host, how do you know that the 'Prime Minister's order' is a lie?"

At the same time, Wen Jinyang was caught cheating in the examination room and was arrested, and his tendons were broken in prison.



Although Wen Ziran is time-traveled, her temperament and morals are exactly the same as the others in Dafang, it can be said to be in the same line.

"Host, then you can abuse her well." 288 said.


There was another longer silence.

This is too scary.

It asked again: "What does the host mean, that Wen Ziran before the time-traveling was actually a twin sister in the CPU with her parents, and the last sister actually committed suicide?"

Jin Yan: "Really? I don't believe it without evidence or proof?"

288 reminded her: "Virtual body."

Jin Yan: "For example, my sister was alive at that time, and they forcibly took the heart from her to save Wen Ziran."

The air was silent for a few seconds.

Jin Yan sneered: "Don't be kidding, I traded the plot for that."

If Wen's parents and Wen Ziran really love this sister, how can they make her sacrifice everything to save her sister?

In the end, she replaced her sister's healthy heart.

But under what circumstances would a person be alive and have his heart removed?

Wen Ziran kept saying that he didn't blame his sister, but in his heart he held the greatest malice towards her.

288: "Is this okay?"


Jin Yan: "That's not bad."

"Is there?" Jin Yan asked back.

"Isn't this the lice on the monk's head? It's obvious." Jin Yan said.

Why do some people have such a good memory?

"Little Ba, you've learned badly! If you report it to the higher authorities, how long will it take for your superior to reply? How long will it take for you to reply to me? Do you want to set up another 'Ding Yi Clinic' window for me, and give me a warning? Woolen cloth?"

There was another eerie silence.

After watching the plot, Jin Yan sat up from the bed angrily.

Regardless of whether the heart was taken out of her body when she was alive or dead, it represented the final outcome of her sister.

When Wen Lan got the news and hurried home, what awaited him were two desolate solitary graves and his bullied son with a broken tendon.

She said: "I don't blame my sister, I don't blame my sister at all, it's not my sister who made me sick, it's my fate, but whenever I see my sister and friends chasing in the park, going out with friends , When I fell in love with my boyfriend and kissed these scenes passionately, I always couldn’t control my heart, and I always thought uncontrollably, why is my sister not the one who is sick? Why is my sister healthy, but I have to be sick? "

Her father is Wen Tan, not Wen Lan, so why should she ask Wen Lan to treat her niece and her biological daughter equally?

How can such a small thing be remembered so firmly?

Apparently it was because she knew that Wen Tan would not be able to pass the imperial examination, and that the so-called "prime minister" was just a lie carefully fabricated by Wen Tan in order to evade responsibility. Aim at Erfang, take money from Erfang!

There is not much description of Wen Ziran's twin sister in the plot, but through the important plot points of "donating kidney, bone marrow and heart replacement", it can be seen that this sister's life in Wen's family is not easy.



Not so obvious okay!

Just like Wen Ziran's self-report in a certain part of the plot.

In the end, 288 said: "Host, the system forgot to explain. If you want to exchange some items, you can also apply to the system, and I will report to the above..."

Jin Yan was amused, "But Wen Ziran has a system, it seems that the system is quite capable, and you can use the points she gets from slapping the face and abuse the scum to exchange for gold fingers for her!"

Wen Ziran, why is she angry, what right does she have to be angry!

How panicked and helpless should she be at this moment?
288 thought about it from the perspective of his sister, and the fear from the inside out triggered the program in his body, making him shiver like a human being.

After getting married, he had someone he wanted to protect, and left his hard-earned money to his wife and children. What's wrong with that?

Even though he is so vicious, he still pretends to be kind and innocent.

288 was stunned by Jin Yan's words, and was immediately speechless.

After a while, 288 suddenly had an idea and said, "Host, the heroine needs cheats to use cheats, but you never need cheats."

Jin Yan guessed 288's intention in no time.

Where did this little thing go to study?They even learned to compliment people sincerely.

 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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