Chapter 264 My family is the best (12)

Wen's father was as usual as usual, but Wen Lan didn't intend to take the trick.

He ignored Father Wen, and approached Wen Tan with sharp eyes, "Brother, people say that at thirty you stand at forty without confusion. You have already passed the age of forty, so you should look like a man, right?"

The cripple immediately echoed, "Even Zhao Agou from the village knows how to take care of his widowed mother and support his family business. Agou is only 14 years old!"

"Some people, in their 40s, hide everything behind the old and weak, women and children. They are even worse than cats and dogs!" said the woodcutter.

Jin Yan glanced at the lame man and the woodcutter, then at his own father who was mighty and domineering, and seriously suspected that these two were Wen Lan's fans.

As far as the tacit understanding of the two cooperates, it is a waste of talents not to talk about it.

Everyone around looked at Wen Tan, laughing one after another, Wen Tan was so embarrassed that he wished he could find a hole in the ground and get in.

He bit the bullet and argued: "Second brother, a gentleman must establish a heart first, and not just look at the surface..."

"Then you should stand up by yourself, don't hide behind the old people, women and children like a turtle, and let others plan everything for you."

Wen Tan smiled, and said sarcastically, "The nephew you call rebellious and hard-to-reach has never escaped behind his mother and sister."

"that is!"

"Hiding behind others all day long, what kind of man is he?"

"With this kind of person, you still expect him to be the master of the people in the future, and it would be good if he doesn't hide behind others, take bribes and pervert the law!"

One sentence at a time directly pierced Wen Tan's hypocritical face.

Wen Tan: "..."

Seeing his precious son being scolded so red-faced and unable to lift his head, Father Wen blew his beard and stared at him angrily, "Get out, get out of here, what are you guys, you don't have anyone at home, are you here to join in the fun, get out of here!"

"The Prime Minister's father got angry and scared me to death. Let's go quickly, lest someone come to us to settle accounts with us!"

Before he left, the lame man still had a strange feeling of yin and yang.

As soon as he left, the woodcutter also said "I can't offend you", and then said to Wen Lan, "Second Master, I hunted two tigers earlier, and the tiger skins were very good. I packed them up as you ordered. I'll bring them to visit some other day."

Wen Lan nodded.

As soon as the lame man and the woodcutter left, the others knew that it was time for the Wen family to handle the housework by themselves, so they all went to work.

After the door was quiet, Father Wen scolded angrily: "Second boy, are you trying to piss me off? Look at what kind of friends you have made. They are rude, vulgar, tricky and mean. There is simply no good thing. You have traveled all over the world for so many years, have you ever seen anyone who colludes with outsiders to bully your brother?"

Wen Lan smiled casually, "How do you know I haven't seen it?"

Father Wen choked, "Sure enough, like attracts like..."

"I have not only seen people who behaved like this, I have also seen a warrior who was bullied by his family for many years, and finally woke up and killed the whole family's wicked people. Do you always want to know him?"

When Wen Lan finished speaking, Father Wen's face twitched fiercely.

Killed the whole family?
Is this a warrior?

What's wrong with being treated like a cow and a horse? It's your honor to be able to contribute to the family. If you are a waste, the family can't rely on you!

These words were held back in Father Wen's mind, which made him very uncomfortable.

But he hasn't forgotten Wen Lan's last sentence. He introduced a murderer to him. Could it be that the murderer is here?

Father Wen wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, Wen Tan's face turned pale for some reason.

But Jinyan was very interested in this, "Daddy, who is this person?"

Wen Lan proudly glanced at her excited daughter who was not frightened, pointed to a person behind her and said, "It's him, Zhang Lin."

Jin Yan immediately looked over curiously, and saw a very thin and silent man standing there.

"He's so cruel." Jin Yan said objectively.

Father Wen immediately glared at Jin Yan, "It's not big or small, I don't know how big the sky is! Are you here to speak?"

I didn't see that it was a murderous maniac, what if they were killed by their natural rage?
Jin Yan was not afraid of Father Wen, but still feigned fear and shrank away from Wen Lan, complaining aggrievedly, "Daddy, Grandpa called me sharp-tongued earlier, and said he would make me speechless forever."

Wen Lan didn't get angry, and the burly man went into a rage, "Grandma, my little niece is so beautiful, someone can say such cruel things to her, brother, just a word, you tell me, I will let that The old man can't speak!"

As he spoke, he turned the knife directly, and the flickering light of the blade almost blinded Father Wen's eyes.


Father Wen spoke in a weak and trembling tone with no deterrent effect, and his legs began to tremble uncontrollably.

He looked at the big man playing with the handle of the knife, and then at the shattered and silent man who killed many people, his eyes of fear gradually fell on Wen Lan.

A murderer, a big man who looks like a bandit, those horses and goods behind him, how did the second child subdue these people, and how did he earn so much money?
Even the murderer worships the old second hand, the old second hand...

Father Wen looked at Wen Lan in disbelief.

Wen Lan looked back at him indifferently.

Looking at Wen Lan's calm eyes like water, father Wen suddenly thought of something.

When Wen Lan was five years old, there was a severe drought and famine in Ning County. All the edible leaves and weeds were eaten up, and even the wild animals in the mountains went down the mountain to look for food.

When they were dying of hunger, a wolf looking for food appeared in the distance.

They were targeted by an extremely vicious wolf.

Everyone wants to eat meat, and no one wants to be eaten, but everyone is terrified to death.

So many people in the same industry dare not go forward.

Only Wen Lan, with a small body, did not know where he got so much courage and courage, he rushed up to bite and fight with the wolf, and in the end he got injured all over himself, and the wolf died in front of him. hand.

After that day, those who had seen how ruthless Wen Lan was would subconsciously show fear, but knew that following Wen Lan would not starve to death.

Outsiders are like this, and Father Wen is no exception.

They were afraid of him and had to depend on him.

Over time, terrible memories were buried in their hearts.

But now, these buried memories have come back to life.

How did he not kill us?

As soon as this terrible thought appeared, Father Wen couldn't help shaking like a sieve.

Wen Tan didn't know why Father Wen suddenly started to tremble, but he could see his fear from Father Wen's aging, slack and wrinkled face.

He couldn't understand why his father was afraid of his younger brother.

So he reprimanded Wen Lan, "Second brother, aren't you just angry because I said Jin Yang, what are you doing to scare father? Jin Yang's behavior is wrong, as his uncle and elder, shouldn't I teach him a lesson? don't teach..."

Father Wen immediately stopped him with panic on his face, "Boss, shut up!"

 Wen Tan: Daddy, you yell at me
  Father Wen: If you don't shut up, you will die
  update and
(End of this chapter)

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