Chapter 266 My family is the best (14)

Ever since Wen Lan came back, the laughter in Erfang's yard has not stopped.

This joyful voice fell into the ears of Dafang and Sanfang, and it was extremely harsh, making them feel uncomfortable all over.

Sanfang Wang didn't know how many times she went to the door.

She listened to the movement from the second room for a while, and when she heard a group of people saying "respect to sister-in-law" and "sister-in-law has worked hard", she snorted enviously and dissatisfied.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, if you don't know, you might think it's Yang."

She didn't get the approval, and she said again: "You said that your second brother is really, he is so proud after making a few fortunes, and he is not afraid of being remembered by thieves if he makes such a big commotion. Those who don't know think he is also being fortune-told He approved a chancellor's order."

After a while, Mrs. Wang complained again, "I said a long time ago that we should separate our families. You are working like cattle and horses for this family every day, and our family is doing all the work in the field. In the end, we are divided. The food is the least, but the credit has become the second child, you have not seen the arrogance of the second room today, even the father and the eldest room were frightened."

While talking, he began to mention Wen Hai's incompetence again, the eldest wife had a eccentric couple, the second wife gained power, and in the end it was the third bedroom who humbly pretended to be a grandson.

Wen Hai was not at home when he went out before, and he didn't see the scene when Wen Lan came back. He only heard Wang's words a few times.

At this moment, Mrs. Wang's complaints were mixed with the cheers and laughter from the other side, which made his already angry heart even angrier.

"If you have some skills, then we won't be able to..."

Before Wang could finish his sentence, Wen Hai slapped him with a big slap.

"I'm not capable? If you have the ability to give me a son, can I be ridiculed by the villagers, can I be looked down upon by my father and elder brother?"

Wen Hai scolded and beat her, and Wang's face became swollen within a few strokes.

The big girl who heard the movement hurried to intercede, but Wen Erya grabbed her, "Why are you going?"

Da Ya: "Save mother, you didn't hear..."

"I heard it, but she deserves it, why save her?" Wen Erya said.

Big Ya was stunned, "Er Ya, that's our mother."

Unexpectedly, the corner of Wen Erya's mouth curled up into a sneer, "Mother? Wen Jinyang's mother is the 'mother', what kind of mother is she? She blames us for not being able to give birth to a son, and makes us do this and that all day long. Never help us, you and I are not even a finger of uncle and uncle in her eyes, she even said a few days ago that she would sell me into the city to be a servant of a rich family!"


Wen Daya was silent for a while, and before she could go out, there was the sound of crying from the next room.

She was a little worried, but Wen Erya's face was full of gloating.

After a while, there was a roar from the yard, "Mr. Wang, why are you crying, you little bastard, don't you think it's not bad enough?"

It was Mother Wen's voice.

Wang's miserable sobbing stopped abruptly.

The next door stopped making noise, and Wen Daya was temporarily relieved.

Seeing this, Wen Erya went back to the bed and lay down, covering her ears with the old and worn-out quilt.

You don't need to look at her to imagine how lively the second room is, and how proud Wen Jinyan is at the moment.

But what right does a sick person have to be called "Miss"?

No one can see Wen Erya's psychology.

In the yard, Mother Wen scolded Mrs. Wang again, saying that Mrs. Wang was unfilial and disobedient. Since she married into the Wen family, she had not brought any good things to the Wen family, and she was looking for bad luck every day.

Then he scolded Wen Hai again, saying that when he went to the field, he cheated and played tricks, and he took advantage of everything he got, and didn't think about his parents at all, and he didn't even say hello when he came back.

Everyone knew that Wen's mother was referring to Sang scolding Huai, but no one from Wen's father, Wentan to Yang's, stood up to stop it.

Mother Wen had enjoyed her scolding, and the depression in her heart finally dissipated. Just as she was about to go back to the house, a basin of cold water was poured on her head.

The cold water fell from the sky, and the mother of Wen turned into a drowned rat in an instant.

She was stunned for a while before looking up, but she saw a burly man with beards riding on the wall, holding a wooden basin in his hand.

"You're blind..."

Mother Wen just cursed, and Father Wen immediately covered her mouth when he found out that the situation was wrong, and then said to Shi Dashan with an apologetic smile: "She complained because she was angry with the third child, and disturbed your interest, please Forgive me, forgive me!"

Shi Dashan laughed, "Uncle Wen, don't treat everyone as a fool. Although our brothers are all big and rough, we can still understand what we say. Don't let me hear similar words in the future, otherwise I will The knife in your hand has no eyes."

He sneered, "You don't want to know how much blood is on that knife."

It's just animal blood.

Father Wen was sweating coldly when he heard this, and while apologizing desperately, he pulled Mother Wen into the room desperately.

He didn't let go of his hand until he entered the house.

Mother Wen complained to Father Wen puzzledly.

What's wrong with this man looking fierce?
No matter how powerful he is, he is still the second child's subordinate. Could it be that the second child can tolerate his subordinates bullying his old mother under his nose?

Father Wen quickly closed the door and said cautiously, "He will kill people."

"What's wrong with killing people, who can't..."

Halfway through speaking, Mother Wen suddenly became dumb and looked at Father Wen in horror.

Father Wen gestured casually, "I don't know how many people this man killed, but there was a skinny guy who killed the whole family."

Before Wen's mother could recover, he said Zhang Lin's reason for killing the whole family. After hearing this, Wen's mother almost didn't bring it up.

On the other side, after Shi Dashan went down from the wall, he said to Wen Lan, "Brother, how am I doing?"

Wen Lan: "Enough."

Shi Dashan smiled and sat back on the chair, and said, "This old man has good eyesight, but it's too late."

The eldest brother has long been chilling with his family.

Just finished speaking, someone kicked his ankle.

Zhang Lin said: "Boss, you are not saying that you want to build a big house. I have been a carpenter for several years, so I can help."

Others also began to report their expertise.

"Daddy, are we moving out?" Jin Yan looked at Wen Lan in surprise.

After arriving here, I haven't seen Xie Yan yet, and I don't know where he is. After moving away from here and getting better, she will be able to find Xie Yan.

Wen Lan nodded with a smile, and said, "I want to move out, but I won't live in the village anymore."

Jin Yan was even happier when he heard that, "Then where do we live? The county? Or the state capital, or the capital?"

"Where does Yan Yan want to go?" Wen Lan asked.

Jin Yan's eyes shifted, and his dependent eyes fell on his family members, saying: "As long as my parents and brother are always by my side, then I can go anywhere!"

Both Wen Lanmei Huiniang and Wen Jinyang showed affectionate expressions.

Looking at their family of four, Shi Dashan and the others showed expressions of envy and longing on their faces.

It turned out that this was the home that the eldest brother wanted to return to.

(End of this chapter)

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