Chapter 268 My family is the best (16)

Wen Ziran did not take Yang's warning seriously.

She coaxed those children to push Wen Jinyan, but who saw it, could they convict her without evidence?
But Wen Jinyan's green tea dress was so weak that Wen Jinyang hurt her, and Mei Huiniang cursed him to buy her a coffin. The relationship between Erfang and her was completely closed.

Second room.

Jinyan sneezed suddenly, and Mei Huiniang immediately became nervous, "What's wrong? Is it cold?"

"It's not cold, I'm fine, maybe someone is secretly scolding me behind my back." Jin Yan said.

Mei Huiniang laughed and said, "Your father is back, who would dare to scold you?"

Jin Yan: "That's not necessarily the case. I'm so beautiful. I have beautiful, capable and loving parents like you and my father. I also have a brother who treats me very well. Outsiders don't know how to envy me. I still think about it." Replace me!"

Wen Jinyang said without a trace of hesitation: "That's impossible, you are you, and no one can replace you."

"Your brother is right. No one can be you except you. Mother will not recognize anyone else as her daughter." Mei Huiniang also said solemnly.

Wen Lan didn't speak, but the knife in his hand gave off a cold light.

Dare to replace his daughter?
Then you have to ask the knife in his hand if he will answer.

Ordinary people have two meals a day, but Wen Lan and Mei Huiniang have a lot of savings and dote on their children. The family has always maintained the habit of three meals.

After taking a few mouthfuls of breakfast, Mei Huiniang urged Jinyan to pack up and go out.

Jinyan changed into new clothes, dressed up, and ran to Wen Jinyang, "Daddy said he wants to buy a house, brother, don't you really want to go and see it?"

Wen Jinyang shook the book in his hand, and said with a smile: "If I don't go, won't you leave me a room?"

"That's for sure - no! You are my elder brother, even if my parents forget to reserve a house for you, I will remember." Jin Yan said.

Wen Jinyang: "..."

He got up and bowed to Jin Yan, "Then I'll thank my sister again for being a brother. It's hard for my sister to remember me as a brother."

Jin Yan burst out laughing, "Okay, okay, Mr. Wen, read your book well, we're leaving, and I'll bring you something delicious and fun when I come back!"

She was about to leave, but was stopped by Wen Jinyang, "stretch out your hand."

Jin Yan stretched out her palm subconsciously, and then put a heavy purse into her palm, "Buy whatever you like."


"Brother, can't you see that I have a purse heavier than yours?" Jin Yan said.

Wen Jinyang raised his face and poked Jinyan's forehead, "I see, but I earned it myself."

Jin Yan followed his words and said: "I see, this is given to me by my brother, it means a lot, thank you brother!"

She rushed forward and hugged Wen Jinyang, then quickly retreated to the door, "Brother Wen Shu also remember to combine work and rest, wait for us to come back!"

When the family went out, they happened to run into the eldest and third bedrooms who were also going out.

Seeing the imposing carriage outside the door, the people in the first room and the third room all looked straight at the same time.

Wen Hai muttered, "Second brother, is this carriage yours?"


Wen Lan responded casually, then put the footstool aside, and Jin Yan stepped on it first, "Daddy, I'll go up first, and then help mother up."

"Well, be careful."

After Wen Lan escorted Jinyan up, she had to help Mei Huiniang again.

Mei Huiniang was a little embarrassed in front of everyone, but when she thought of the gossip she and her children heard when Wen Lan was away, and the grievances, she straightened her back and raised her head.

Seeing Mei Huiniang wearing a new dress embroidered and prettier than the bride who just passed the door, and Wen Lan being so considerate and gentle to her, Yang Shi and Wang Shi felt as uncomfortable as knocking over a five-flavored bottle .

The pig butcher's daughter, whom no one was optimistic about at the beginning, will live a happier life than them.

Mrs. Yang just looked at Mei Huiniang with a complicated expression, but Mrs. Wang couldn't hold back, and said immediately: "It's the first time I've seen such a good carriage, but my second sister-in-law and second brother bought this carriage home, and even my parents bought it back." I haven't sat down before, so you and Jin Yan are going to sit first, isn't it a little bad?"

"What's wrong?" Mei Huiniang replied.

Mrs. Wang: "Enjoy what the elders didn't enjoy first. If outsiders know about it, they will say that you are not filial..."

Jinyan's laughter came from the carriage, she lifted the curtains, and said seriously: "Then why doesn't the third aunt give half of her life to her grandparents, they are all old and dead, you are still alive, how unfilial is that .”

The corner of Wen Lan's mouth twitched, and Mei Huiniang gave Jin Yan an angry look.

Wang was choked for a long time without speaking.

After a long while, she stammered: "You child, how can you talk like that, how unlucky you are when you open your mouth and shut it up..."

"Yeah, how unlucky you are, you ran into the God of Plague when you went out early in the morning, no one will treat you as dumb if you can't speak," Jin Yan said.


Wang was stunned for a moment, and when she realized that the "God of Plague" in Jin Yan's mouth was herself, she was ashamed and annoyed, "Jin Yan, what are you talking about, I am your elder!"

"Then my mother is your junior? What right do you have to gossip about her?" Jin Yan asked.

Wang: "..."

After being stunned one after another, Wang swears angrily: "Jinyan, it's not the third aunt who is talking about you, you are a girl with such a sharp mouth, it will be difficult to find a husband's family in the future..."

"It's your turn to worry about my daughter's future?"

Wen Lan spoke suddenly, his expression was cold and stern, which startled Wang.

Wang hesitated and wanted to explain, but was slapped by Wen Hai in public. Wen Hai scolded: "Shut up if you can't speak, it's not your turn to care about the second brother's family!"

He apologized to Wen Lan again, "Second brother, look at her, she is just a village woman with no brains, don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Wen Lan glanced at Wen Hai and said, "I don't have the time to watch monkey shows, but my endurance is limited."

"There won't be a next time, second brother, don't worry, I guarantee that he will walk around when he sees his second sister-in-law and niece in the future." Wen Hai swore.

Wen Lan ignored him, but when he got into the carriage, he suddenly asked, "What is Big Brother going to do?"


Wen Tan didn't speak, Wen Lan's eyes sized him up, "Brother is going to the county to attend the literary fair again?"

"Yes." Yang said.

She thought that the second child's family was going to the county anyway, so she might ask her to take Wentan for a while.

Wen Tan shook his head, "No, instead of going to Wenhui, I'm going to the next village to find Zhu Xiucai."

The inconsistency between the husband and wife made Wen Lan show a clear look.

He said nonchalantly: "If you don't go there, forget it. I haven't heard Yang'er say that there is any literature meeting recently, and I'm afraid that my elder brother will make a wasteful trip."

When the carriage drove away, Wen Tan breathed a sigh of relief, but Yang Shi beside him showed a serious and ugly expression.

 Today is still Yanyan, a soft-spoken mother and a villainous father who keeps digging holes
(End of this chapter)

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