Chapter 271 My family is the best (19)

Wen Hai has been cowardly and cowardly for half his life. For the first time in his life, he became hardened and tore apart the true colors of Wen's father, Wen's mother, Wen Tan and others.

He fishes for three days and spends two days drying the net, stealing, rape, playing tricks, and not farming well. Even if his harvest is not good, but because of him, the land at home has never been deserted.

But what did he get?

Nothing at all.

It's okay for the second elder brother to be arrogant and look down on him, he has that ability.

But the boss can't carry his shoulders, can't lift his hands, why should he be looked down upon by a waste who can only read a few acid words?
He also said that he will plant all the land allocated to Dafang, and that brothers in a family will not be distracted when they are separated, and they will watch and help each other in the future, all bullshit!
Wen Hai scolded heartily, and when he stopped, Wen Tan was so angry that he fell down on the table, while Father Wen pointed at him and scolded heartbrokenly.

"What are you scolding me for? Could it be that the eldest brother is your son, and the second brother and I both picked it up? Or did my mother steal my life?"

This is purely word-of-mouth.

But after saying it, Wen Hai felt a lot more comfortable, and he continued to scold, "I have always wondered if my second brother and I are not your own, otherwise why would you treat your eldest brother as a treasure and us as grass? Is it because he is Is the chancellor's order?"

Father Wen was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, and was about to speak, when he cursed again: "Fuck, the chancellor's order. After more than 30 years of examinations, he didn't even pass the exam for a scholar. Returning the prime minister's order, I think, is the order to collect debts!"

Wen Tan's face was red from being scolded, and Father Wen was so angry that he almost pouted.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wen Hai was frightened again.

He subconsciously looked at Wen Lan.

Wen Lan called "Father", and Father Wen returned to normal immediately.

Seeing this miraculous scene, Wen Hai's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that there was such an operation.

Father Wen: "Second brother, you..."

Wen Lan got up, and said slowly: "You guys are not as calculating as you are about the separation of the family. Next time, don't make it so ugly. No one will look good if it spreads."

After all, he is leaving.

Father Wen stopped him, "Where are you going?"

Wen Lan said casually: "The county, didn't I tell you before? I bought a five-entry house in the county. After the thorough cleaning and repairs are completed, our family will move to the county."

other people:"……"

Wujin's house?
How grand is that?

But everyone knew in their hearts that Wen Lan's "our family" refers to their family of four, and has nothing to do with anyone else.

Wen Tan looked at Wen Lan's handsome back in dismay, and the joy that his daughter had met a nobleman was instantly washed away.

Wen Hai was full of envy.

When Wen Lan's figure disappeared, he immediately started to roll around again. If he wants to separate the family, he must be given the same amount of money as the second brother, otherwise he will never let it go.

Not to mention Wujin's house, even if he put his life to the test, he might not be able to afford a house in the county.

If he can't afford it, he accepts his fate.

But this family property, he still wants to fight for it.


With Wen Hai disrupting the situation, the separation of the family did not go smoothly.

Wen Lan didn't care about the division of the family, and he didn't care about the division of any family property. He just took his wife and daughter to the county to buy everything needed for the new home.

Everything is done according to the preferences of the wife and children.

On this day, Jin Yan and his parents had just left the jewelry store when they were killed in the middle of the road.

The leader was a man who was as round as a lantern but looked very greasy. When he saw Jin Yan, he shouted to his servant, "It's her, take that little lady back to the young master and wait for you for several days. Let me find you again, this time you can't go anywhere!"

Mei Huiniang immediately protected Jin Yan behind her, and Wen Lan's face sank even more. Without saying a word, he raised his foot and kicked the fat young man's chest.

With this kick, the fat boy vomited blood on the spot.

When the servants saw that the young master was injured, they panicked. After leaving a fat young man to take care of him, they rushed towards Wen Lan.

At this moment, a cold voice came from the window of the restaurant on the side of the road, "A group of mobs are dirty for no reason."

Jin Yan looked over subconsciously, and only caught a glimpse of a blurred side face.

But she recognized him immediately.

The boy in white in her dream.

Her Xie Yan.

Another voice then said: "Then go down and kill them?"

As soon as the words fell, the boy was kicked out of the window by the boy.

On the street downstairs, Wen Lan was teaching the servants a lesson. Before he could vent his anger, the young man with a sword who flew down from upstairs rushed in front of him and beat the servants all over without mercy.

When the family members were crying for their father and mother, the young man seemed to have just recognized Wen Lan, and said unexpectedly: "Master Wen, is it really you?"

Wen Lan looked indifferent, "It's Wen, why is Shaoxia Yun here?"

The young man named Yunjian said: "To be honest, my master has been wanting to come to see it after listening to Master Wen's talk about the local conditions and customs of his hometown last time. This time he came here after traveling to Ningzhou."

Wen Lan, who had already guessed this point, said cooperatively, "Young Master Si is here at this moment?"

A snow-white sleeve protruded from the window upstairs, holding a wine glass with slender fingers whiter than the clothes, and raised the glass in Wen Lan's direction.

Yun Jian stood aside and said respectfully, "Master Wen, my master is here to invite you."

Just finished speaking, another wine glass flew out of the window.

Yun Jian grabbed the wine glass with quick eyes and hands, which saved a bloody disaster.

"Didn't you see that Mrs. Wen's wife and daughter are also there, so you don't use your brain?" The people above scolded.

Yun Jian: "Yes, this subordinate made a mistake. I apologize to Mrs. Wen and Miss Wen, please forgive me!"

Mei Huiniang went in without knowing, and looked at Wen Lan nervously.

She had little experience, but she could tell at a glance that the young man in front of her was not a simple person, and his master was even more so.

Jin Yan grasped the key point, "Daddy, is your friend also surnamed Si?"

Hearing the word "also", Yun Jian frowned, "Miss, have you ever seen someone with the surname 'Si'?"

Jin Yan nodded, "I've seen one before. Coincidentally, the clothes worn by that person's entourage are the same as yours."

Yun Jian: "Then this person..."

"Yun Jian, stop my distinguished guest on the street for questioning, is this your way of hospitality?"

The voice of the person upstairs came.

The corner of Jin Yan's mouth twitched, how to treat guests?

Who is the "guest"?
And Yun Jian bowed his head again to admit his mistake, "This subordinate is wrong again, I was rude just now, please forgive me, Miss."

The upstairs said: "Go and dispose of these offal, you don't need to serve here."

Yun Jian: "Yes, this subordinate obeys."

As soon as the words fell, Yun Jian just moved, and there were four teenagers who looked exactly the same behind him.

Like ghosts, they followed Yunjian to roughly clean up the battlefield, and then suddenly disappeared in place like ghosts.

When Jin Yan was startled by this scene, a gentle voice came from next to his ear, "This subordinate is ignorant, did it scare you?"

 It's the end of the month, please support with a wave of votes, let's smash the recommended tickets and monthly tickets, and vote and feed our Jinyan baby ^-^ [kneeling thanks] [bow]

  good night
(End of this chapter)

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