Chapter 276 My family is the best (24)

Just as Wen Jinyang was about to go in, Jinyan came out of the room.

Seeing that Jin Yan's eyes were red, Wen Jinyang was very worried, "What happened? Did Dad scold you?"

Jin Yan nodded intentionally, "Well, the scolding is so fierce."

Wen Jinyang pursed his thin lips slightly, and stroked Jinyan's hair, "Don't be sad, if there's anything, I'll go and tell Dad."

Jin Yan: "Yes."

As soon as Wen Jinyang entered, Wen Lan asked, "I haven't assessed your studies recently", but he replied, "Father, you can just follow me if you need anything, Yanyan is young and ignorant, so don't scold her in the future. "

Wen Lan: "..."

Wen Lan: "..."

Who scolds whom?
Why can't he understand what his son said?

"Although I don't know what happened when you went out today, if it's related to Yan Yan, then we can figure out a way to deal with the matter together, and don't talk about her anymore." Wen Jinyang repeated.

Wen Lan: "..."

Seeing the serious look on his son's face, he couldn't help but get angry, "It's your sister who said I scolded her just now?"

"Then why is she crying?" Wen Jinyang asked.

Wen Lan: "..."

The son's questioning tone made Wen Lan feel very funny, "Why are you crying? Of course I was moved by your father's fatherly love."

Wen Jinyang's expression was filled with the words "impossible".

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Wen Lan laughed angrily, "You only know that Yanyan is your baby sister, isn't she daddy's baby girl? Dad doesn't have nothing to beat your uncle, why make your sister cry?"

Wen Jinyang: "..."

It is!

The father and son in the room reached a consensus on "beating Wentan", and then Wen Lan talked to him about what happened in the county.

Jinyan helped Mei Huiniang dry some clothes, then stood at the door and looked outside.

Mei Huiniang went out to pour water, and seeing her staring at the direction to the county, she also sighed helplessly.

"It's windy at night, don't stand in the wind." Mei Huiniang said.

Jin Yan nodded, "Mother, I don't know what's wrong with grandma's foot injury. Daddy just came back. Shall we go see grandma tomorrow morning?"

Mei Huiniang's eyes changed slightly, and she suddenly remembered that going to her mother's house was the same way as going to the county.

She suddenly became happy again.

It turned out that she was wrong.

She thought that Yan Yan was thinking about the prince she met in the county.

Wen Lan and his son talked for a long time in the room. I don't know what they said, but after dinner, Wen Jinyang, who always strictly abides by the daily schedule, read another hour of books.

The next day, before the sky turned pale, Mei Huiniang and her husband got up and packed the gifts they were going to bring.

After Jinyan brothers and sisters finished washing, the family drove away in the carriage, and mother Wen's scolding spread in the yard.

"Something without conscience, the parents who gave birth to him don't know how to be filial, so they rush to be someone else's son and honor others!"

After Wen's mother finished scolding, Yang said, "Mother, don't be angry, the second child is angry with you..."

"Damn! My mother gave birth to him and raised him. The kindness of giving birth to him is greater than the sky. He is good. He is threatening and intimidating all the time without asking his own parents. It is very good to treat other people's parents!" Wen's mother scolded.

Over there, Mrs. Wang also joined in, "Mother, I can't blame her second uncle for this, anyone who has been ignored for decades will be disappointed, right?"

When Mother Wen heard that even Mrs. Wang dared to arrange for the old couple to be eccentric, she immediately lost face.

She spat at Sanfang, and cursed fiercely: "You have the right to speak here? Shut your dog mouth, and honestly give birth to a son for the third son, it is serious!"

This is undoubtedly stabbing Wang's heart again.

Mrs. Wang was not happy anymore, "What is the purpose of having a son? Like his father, he is digging in the fields bitterly, and continues to be a cow and a horse for the whole family?"

Mother Wen was so angry that she searched around but couldn't find a suitable tool, so she took off her cloth shoes and threw them at the window of the third room.

She just cursed, "They're all white-eyed wolves", and Wen Hai walked out with a black face and cloth shoes.

He said coldly: "Mother, I know that both you and Dad look down on me and think I'm useless, I can't have a son, and I can't even grow the land well, but is it because of me? You only gave birth to me , but never thought that I would be able to read and write like my elder brother, and you would stop me from learning a craft, worrying that I would not listen to you when I got my mind, and would no longer be able to farm with peace of mind. What should I do? If you want to stop me, then you are the ones who caused me to become such a useless waste!"

Mother Wen was so annoyed by the words, she pointed at Wen Hai's nose and scolded "you" for a long time, but she still couldn't say a complete sentence.

Seeing her like this, Wen Hai didn't want to continue talking.

He threw the cloth shoes to Mother Wen, "Since you think we are an eyesore, then we should separate the family as soon as possible, and separate my second brother and me, so that no one will say that you are partial to the eldest brother in the future."

"Bastard, why did I give birth to such an unfilial son like you!" Mother Wen scolded.

Wen Hai smiled, "Yes, I am not filial, elder brother is filial, from now on elder brother will take care of you until the end of the day, anyway, I am useless, I am useless, I am not filial, I will not be in front of you and obstruct your eyes !"

Now Father Wen, who was listening to the corner of the room, couldn't sit still anymore, but before he could speak, Wen Ziran walked out first.

She scolded: "Third Uncle, as a son, it is your responsibility to support your parents. Why do you want to give up the responsibility of supporting your parents just because you are a waste? If you are weak, incompetent, and useless, it is justified, right?"

Wen Hai was already angry, but when he heard that his niece dared to call him incompetent, his anger and resentment reached its peak.

He has been useless for half his life, so naturally he dare not fight with his parents, but he still dares to hit a niece who opens her mouth and doesn't speak human words.

Before Wen Ziran could react, he was hammered by the furious Wen Hai.

He slapped Wen Ziran a few times first, and then slapped her round and fat buttocks hard.

After some slapping and flowing movements, Wen Hai withdrew his hands, and Wen Ziran, who came back to his senses, cursed "My grass/Eighteen generations of your ancestors" and burst into tears.

In the past and present, it was the first time someone dared to spank her, especially in front of the whole family.

Wen Hai is a person who is used to working as a coolie. He has a lot of strength in his hands, and he used all his strength when he hit.

After Wen Ziran cursed a few words, he was so stimulated by the intense pain from his buttocks that he couldn't speak.

Seeing her daughter's pained expression, Yang also cursed Wen Hai a few words, and then quickly helped Wen Ziran back to the house.

Both Wen's father and Wen's mother scolded Wen Hai for being able to do it, and Wen Tan also came out at the right time to scold Wen Hai for being an uncle for beating his niece, and for beating her niece in such a place, it is shameless and shameless!
When Wen Zimo heard this, he immediately stopped Wen Tan with a dark face.

First, the younger sister doubted the brother-sister friendship between the two brothers and sisters, and then the father scolded the third uncle with such imaginative words.

He didn't understand why a younger sister and a father like to think about problems in the wrong direction.

(End of this chapter)

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